Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, by
iiubscrrptioatprice $2.5t per year, invariably
iu advanen ingle capital3 rens. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the ottier of the DottY,
at Stottets, swtth any ot the editors or
a uthorezed solicitors.
Commounications shotuld reach tbe office by
7 ocloch P. . it they ore to appear the next
lay. Address all mtotler intended tar publica-
tito the Managing Editor. All bustttess
communoications shtould be seat to tihe Dusl-
nrss Manager.
Ann Arbor, bMich.
5.E. JANucTTE, Lit. '9l, Mtaaging bdirtor.
E. J. OTTarray, Lit. '9i, Assistat.
A. D raSor, Lit. '93, Assistartt.
Wt. E, tl rt~i, Lt '957, Assistanot,
L. ti. Ntr TErrrErrD,Lit. '93,lBuiorteoo trogsee.
It.W v.arrtrrvraa ,liit.'aid, Araistarrt.
.. VJttrrrs, Lrawr ttAsistairt.
J1. it.Alt N rori, it C r 'lii.
fI tt. 11ICKlT S, it. ,'94.
V"..?I. i taoN, ira 'tat.
.ANNa it.I'l.}:).
V.l.ltri,it Ii
C. 'N.baoraMedic 'Wi.
MatRs tiTTEC1. SJi ar, Lit. '1-t.
C. 11.oSoTWAT, tdrrtriotr.,.3.
NONrtFsLOWRS r, lit'SG
It. IW. 1 itt. irrr, liar'9Id.
Mist MCltARLAruortSpecialt
The names of all persons whose
subscriptions are not paid on or be-
f ore November 5th will be stricken
from our list.
departments would like ID see ima- 7 _1_ R 6 l/7 7 = .
provenicats an thecir respective build-
ings as well as the fits, of whom tee New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
hov mae soreitaticlarnotce. There is tiothitng like a SLIM FIGURE to put it its motion.
AVE hope tihat the claso of '96 will We loa-e ltid in a very Largo Stock of Seasonoble Goods. We
organize glee and hanjo cluhs, as IBotogist Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes.
did tire class of '95 io its freshman -W &,, E R e MIIJFBE
year, andtihus contribute toward 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET, - ANN ARBOR, MICH.
establishinig thris as a U6. of Ml. Los-JToeAn ArradNrt
tor. 'iheseclubs xiii hc useful on stjkE j oedAnAbo n ot
occasions siuch as class socials, aod % iji'At Mich igan Railway.
are productive of mnuch solid en- L1I1 A) Ttme Carddia effect Sunday, Aogust 21, t18't.
Departure at TransoatAnn Arbora
joynment. Opportunities to appear f L' l
on more insportantocainwil ,GONNRT.
-~Na. 1.PFankftort Marl and Extpress.720 a.m
oftena be offered, as, for example, 'U.No.5,3t.i arl ottagerbr A d itta 00 orn
thre weil-received apipearances of thceENo. tot.'roledo anOsol i (raSunodaytatr
'95 glee Cilub at thc baseball enter-tas the LEADtNG SCOOOF B USNESSa. Slag- No. t0t. Toledo anrd Owiotso tStnday
tigotod abuilading; ntineatote es; latgeasttenance; tarly). .....".. . 6 50 a. irI
tainment anal oratorical contest last gooal as'iiaaa",supceiorework; wetl suppliedreading GIGSUH
rom Carlislecsurtes;Sauturday eening reepos;t , 1
year. Best of all, these clubs aitwrillontheta'crier re ar c elceial auast ingreton No. 2. 'ToeattaMail txrees . . .11itt . iat
demrandorl athxatd grattaates all stcureo psitios; Nao. 'Toled al il Expess ........847) n
IeI . fi o r \ ' tei rg t2lt5cpeweekbin raivarte fait- Noi.Tlerdo Accomrmoationrr... 7
betraining scor olothaet aroray ,s, For FaiC saaa'uoasITEadLit of Studentsnlwh o l>.Il tsi ti''tlaiSrat
Glee andI lanajor (lubs, atariwill ,itP.lioftr yili oc aata,a' rest ( iny)rit. . . ..92a. III.
P. o. CLARY.Pran Nra. Itt. Oltosanoirl'rdo (iaSuaralay
iavse the effect of greatly aiproviog WenAyv-s-Stu--n-to-See-la'-at-ar-t;tiabritaatrie
threse atter ttrganationisalreatly T'~'ra~insa lat i6eaura (tr roastAnnt Acarrand
anironagtire Ifnest,.lava)of last yeaor's 110i F nLX.'Crams 101 102,'103,yandb104jrun etril 1 l
Led antdilOwosoSuniaytsli 'onaaly. ttt'tlatera 'ire.
'95 btanijoclurbandtifour iii the '95 UFOB 'psi - 3 s_ otlier traitis aiO certt Sunaiytio.
glee slob have beentaedvancedlto TENI.1SHES- I -STCK a' TToa , It.d bENWOOD.
miemtbershaipaira the 'Va' rsity organai-
IT is utanecessary to say anything
particularly dlenurnciatory abouat tire
actions of six or eighat students at
thre Adli Stevenson meeting yes-
terdlay. W~e symnpathaize with and
encourage genuine college fun, but
when it deteriorates into ungenatle-
manly conduct whirls brings des-
THAT BULLETIN NUISANCE. credit tuion the entire student body
'The provisionas for postinagtrotices tve twill taut countenance it. Thaere
in the Drain hail of the lit building are certaina debts tvhich tie aowe our
are decidedly inatleaiuate. A new Alina Mater out of taure, gratiturde,
board bearing one row of holders atnriotae of thaem is to avoid giving
solud be placed along tire wsall be- hor a bad nanae.
tot-ecu thachcapel doors, arad shsouldl at risT 'he camapus itema in
be tire nly board trion wvhichr tireyesterdays 1) alrLY wvicihlaread,"ottr
large prirnted posters slaouldl le per-tenplyPrdetaa fetaoa
rititteel. Eacha lit class should have5 should nosy be read, "Perdue plays
reserved for its use a portion of tie itha our tea tis afternoon.''
oaic board opposite tiae presiadent's
iafdic.'Tbe remainder sof thrat sace. Japanese Studlents'Asociatiton.
-AT T1E-
Greelk,Ltins, Froeh, Ger'tntattttd ail College Text-Books, New
as 'weil as liar smaller boards at thre
other end of the hall, sould be for
generlal use. Each general '\tarsity
society slaould have its owvn private
board, as the Alphas No, Adelphi,
Mechanical, and Engineering socie-
ties and tlhe S. C. A. have at pre-
sent. These, with thae faculty board
as it is, wvould naske order out of
chaos. The imlprovement would be
great, and the expetase small,'There
is often a tendency manifested by
outsiders to use the bulletin boards
for advertising purposes. W(\e do
not hesitate to assert the opinion
thaot no student should be in doubt
about removing such. notices when
hae wishes to find roonm for one per-
taining more closely to student in-
terests. We assume that the stu-
dents in the five professional
Thae U. oif Iit. Japanese Student
Association consists of thirteen
menabers, all studerats from thae
Insular Empire. The society which
is of a literary nature, nmeels tae
second Friday of ecd montla in
McMillan Hall and laos a progranm
of two papers and a general debate,
Meetings were helal throughout the
summer, for only one of the mem-
bers, Taka Kawada, went home.
Thea netw officers of the society
area President, K. Sugita; secretary,
T. Kikuchi. At the November
meeting the debate wvill be on the
following resolution: Resolved, That
codification of the Japanese laws is
Albion's new gymnasium is com-
pleted and will be opened this week.
And the Team Lost the GustoWit
Perdue, 24 to 0.
Isia''r, m Id., O ct. 24, (Special
Telegramr).-'Michigan lost it 24 to
o. 'otir of Michligan's mreta tere
slightly hurrt. I larding iaurt itt the
first rurshrarad had to retire. Thonmas
tooka bra place. Jetvett, i'tcAllister,
and D~ygert twere the others. Tire
game had to be coiled after Dygert's
ankle foiled hint because Michigan
had nobody to take his plasm.
Wtisco.xstx RntrootLtCisn.-Trans-
portation for all Republican students
is assured. All Republicans front
that state who hsave fulfilled the re-
quirements of registration laws and
wishing to go honte to vote, please
sends their nanres to the president
of thae club, at 22 N. Ingalls street.
Harvard has made application for
7,000 square feet for its intended
exhibit at the World's Fair.
Eiery stridenrt shrosulid see tire snag-
tiitetrt litre itf swoolens d(isplityediatc
tire Cooke Ilosrse crn'1Tuesdtay, tire25tth
itrst., try thre (Goldent Eagle, of Dletroit.
Ala tlegant sut or tttereoat maade tar
yorrmeasuore far$25, to gutarantteedi
savisngof at least $11). See Mr. loan.
it will play 3-011.
Stusdenits ttill fitrd a fine litre uf catn-
'dies, espeeially chrocolastes, at I'. A.
tMaynrard's, tire State street grocer.
tiny yourr Books at whsolesale prices
from the N atiolsal Librtary Associatiosa,
241 Wabtasht avensue, Chiciago, 111. Act-
dress tire Association for prirtiectlars.
AcaENTS atANTED-LiberallMarr
paid to activte, wide-awake young mess,
studenits preferred; employmoenit pleas-
att asndl permansent; no book peddling.
Address, Nationsal Library Assoeiatiotn,
241 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
Miss Blertina B. Btiss. teaichter of tire
Guitar andftBanjoi. 597 Souths Mails
street. t-t-s-13l-1tt
Mrs. Assie 'Ward Foster's assemably,
Saturday, Oct. 29th, front 4 to 6 p. in..
at Nicikels Hall. Adnmission, 25 ets.
Mro. Foster still feint classes, Satur-
day, Oct. 29th, 1111o 11:30 a. m.,t1 to 3
p. in., at 44 Sousth State street. Claso
at Niekels Htall, Saturday evening 8 to
10. Mrs. Fosters reputation as a
teacher is too well established to need
comment. 19-5t