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October 25, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-25

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Vol- III.-No. li. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAiN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER , 182. P~snoo~ Ttt1,,:1; nern.
1 in1fIHflT~ ated tie in-it ehtfore at the nl SENIOR LAW CLASS ELECTION.
A iILr -F iii U ~TiRi caucus.iihe nou ''acod'''99tn.n4 s-
TIhe Class Finally Succeeds' in Elect-
l.pesenit beinOto smiell0aitrt. hig'Iga President. - A&
Tie Freshma nElection Last ee ol "aie on sninr laneclatss nscinlleil at i' sl ii 03
Friday was a Genuine O acsel'i7tt:30iriii l-hisitit to fiishtithe eectiona 0<4.rI:
wiorkudi 'aeli. Ihrfor neofoltheatwhchthy a hdOneho tia
Steal. oitsiteira imov'edto adjourln fone1 itDtoEtTti toiIT, MiICinHril.9 ,F~ LF~
_____ Iast Storii ii The wvallarrerbzer- DETROIT, MICH
A Boarding House Clique Pan the cTek. ot (f1110 t acd theirausul echioesatihat aeiftein
Whole Atair-Great Indignation croewdlienotld'rnot llaatot''to '
Among Other Memhers of the suchl a motion as tit. Not iirh! vnlethgracasof 93
class-The Election will be Ig 1 1. * a,, 'r assemblled. lie nciaionis
noredl and Ne~w Officers Chosen. aObjertionis awee aisedhonsarr
_____ for lreaidnt lhaviiiglbcian01ade at
Iapoaa ----\hout a six thiof thne rclas is o s- hyoetll h I c i1,
Itap after inveiatiothtis t. There hailbheron rll doubt th m'lia of d or.-it, n
tile freshmoans rlrctionls t 1 riilay bout the lmeting. tlaiii a96imen fligt 0ofortoy we r iaged i.
seeroo as one oftrelmost ba r-had gonselhooe to lorenthelrlil J.E. Biard, o1Ohio; A. W. Jef-
aftelallla irrl n th das. lnt 'he coardclirn t ai fells, of tPennl.,andor. 1.C (ampbell, I'
faceil steals ever lperperatof inCthe 010 But rttheccod"sdidn'alcare
offtMllsiganietictereeade candid'atoryW~en yea aestb etest Merejaitns .trs
history o ti Uivrit. ed lTats that to us? "sadlthy. ofV,> or$,iSasot tile tell3a pir less thii
andil tonrder, '96 mien!l 'Tie excairmian of ther r nn 115 t that had hrena nomnlatrrd and pt All Ariiu prices. seidfola ilalgac i
last'thursday evening a'96hinder theleadler of''tihe01rowd" 1i1 11011 lefor e the aclass.(Grra nhsampnet"acs a edi ot nto o rsdn.Ii namo egrdaotledoihnirtbloloslcacniaelortevr-aoreseaeohtlritd°ide hc toda olws ar,7z AY EC
0ils offces. This is nravs to nearily plenrdent Ticket.'' Sonmr of the 11011 Jeffeirs, ;C anmpbell, Sq. econul DETROIT, - - MCHIGOAN.
'veryhodly, for just twenty-nine ''crowd" m nen git togetlher andi trie dlo ar 3 efrs t ai
freshmnrwsere there-not a co-ed, to prevent "the croacdl' fronm getting ell, 87. Thirdl ballot, Baled, 78; P. T. KINNUCAN,
'Then the combaine began to showo its everything, bt fie ot of seven Jefferis, 49; Canmpell, SS. Fourth
hand. Thlat handi was full of aces, nominated 010 the printetd ticket ballot Bar, So; Jeffers, 47; Camp'
tawo or tlree of a kind all arounal, sent throuigh.'The only real ciffi- ell So. Fifth ballot, Baird, 85;M R H N
These studlents hadn lot marie a pob- clty sas ill regardl to tile vice'pres- Jefferls, 51; Campboell, 70. Sixth
lie announcemoent of the "caccus." irency, ht the slate nomnilaton ballot Bard, 91; Jefferis, 52; Canmp-op
Oh, non Their onrncrowcdl sas won1. 'len the omeeting adjourned, blrl,65C.mfi hell witdrlew, leas- T I
there, anni just enaoutgh others to and the successful scheners weit off111ntie ghltetwseeno J. IT.Bairrd
formoathe senobance of opposoition. andci)luagg edthenselves. "'Whata and A. i. Jefferis. The iclolan rt 0 'n~rnto
"T''le crosd'" aere nearly all board snaap it is to carry 1. uf t. elec 111en and one year iac'netth
era at a certaino large boardingaouslaaae, ' ai'tit"supplort oflefferisoniatle sv'nth
anid had conceived thae idea of rain- Thlose of the non-"croawd'" who ballot, the vote being Jefferis, 115; F NE Z O ,E S
aing the election. A clhairmoano sas ere lpresent are indignant. ll who B~aicd, 3, lotiono ias nose nade
selected fronm "tloe crosd."' 't'hieno aere not at thae meeing are indig- by Mr Canmpbell aiod seconded by
tlt tike agee oionbefrelaasd nt. 'lThe nunmerous IDetroiters Mi. airdl to nake tie election of 55 'WiFORT ST,
sas hit through the forniality of' claino that "thse croad'' selected Mr. Jeffers unanimiouas. Carried.
being sanctionedl, and "the croacdh' Columibiano day simply far the rea resident McCaughey aplpoited' Detroit, Xieciigan.
foltdeditil cloak aroundaa itself andI sono that tiey knseaw1o10t of the De- Mrliair and yMr. Canalbell to______________________
aeparted thiroiuglhtle coldl night air, troiters aould be hiomen, as also escort the nealy elected presidct 9.Iffhfll01f S traIght Qo.
trepareci to bush thoe slate throiughi others whoivhed awithin a raniius of to theac ir.u trcsidnut i'dcCaughey aN. 1
tvitrontemro. forty nmlcs.umade a ine reiring speech. Prti- f'~' CIGARETTES.
'aotof'6uoeohal"n'' 1lucIargce portions airther class adent Jeffeuus said he flt thanira litte 11thr
tocrn '110loefa hca. utunumoberinuo" the rodo"Indoalitfor thec touoousa testowsedl 110010hinu .'11la ii leie 11111a
nchu~tI-uiiayacioa ak uol hi henuichmnab'iout Itenaoulonhsae- anto his loyal asupplorters for ilthc ./ ha te Ii bii rulinud
lou~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~i cihn itaua ia10rou la niiuruhually , act ou iuuui"to aay. 110iavwhchithuey' lanistooniby himuo 'ut'a ' ''00bbe 1 lRigiu
105n15s madehby y a rsu 01 rel ntul in10this fight andiikinly to thooeC lu~tlt N a la re b ai trCI 'lfii t a i baakr
Thlis tjust sitrd thucscheurs.ra woi ea-ilaud i iru tea ivori nri'b ul'"li' ,,t1
r'~~e ietol obsilute)}yno r hindgr asianwh lau oposed lhimuuin1their iou)holy °i t obrnil a5ieuib i'u t eia
ii ejlrolleduloung, a thsayasl o- , klidn9,g1Cu r "o h ls f'6hed1'ia wy oinws hnmd n n r ' yu ir'ill oa r 'ue
habshit of cnd o i " o ecasoftp;.InThi 1'o'ipiy'aa y ' neovueiars tueatssaleuuai aii ,ij1 ac' re
rola iohouo'aha Ocai.ihonottndniittnelt in a ucitimi' Icrried thit the iseetng adjournnu r ,us th' at' 'i 1' r< ,
ruolledi longalsnonaund aea iat lar'uoestieoearst t'" 'c iaINTn''Etisnaecen fr ohihc
tauduieotoutn p ne~u o be Ild next1)1 uita miion Satuilaycuita tilonSaurday>ech.' en olhce ra. in. -~ T ~L
cisogn ielni. 'ie. crothau ha1 40 11tricslucnun n- c if thinun1 unx' him" I
liuu cnrtuehtofac s f hiass1anous entpsrastnaicrow clfhstdn s c lu adseiaal oleroffaice s. ag
ahout f6o. 'bie ''crowdni'wee )they' soy thut ineuitr caucunor fill clutamnmbrs. iso ouble 11I W. Washigton St.
there, the ienchmunseusor there thoe useetiagwaasplroherl}a nuouucenl, ashite satius rbboan trimmedurcin gold I annb' - o'~n
annd afearothers to vary thur usoiot- htitsa 11f0l r uun infuuge sithu raiseni Has 010thetu~per
ony'.tA printeni slip sas also very tdbu ae sellrr lportonbwhlie onsthur laer hart ha R...E. JOLLY a C.,
menta are anxiously lookeal for annh
promoinent. It sas teaden:l Ine ueqeto u obdcarn slhetha nsbocpionoiUnCivuesity bDemio--sEll--
pendent ticket, Class 'p6.l"It bore or rnot waaad-hneleus'oethoda are to catc Clob. Old Principles and a T A T S 0Oi'd"E R WY !
tihe unames of tlhe levels officeus 100100 he ntuoaucenl in U.of M. nlectiona. 011ng Blood .-ANDI Al . sT'DEN''cs i'i'nius.

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