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October 01, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-01

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-y~ ~ world. The question comes to him,
of C' V how to get in touchi with university
life. With some this is only the
the Sne Daly(Fr(R er ear d)(lurng estioni of the moment, for involun-
more backwvarti ones ate still ott-
vohbsrtwtim ppice V.i50 per year-, invariablr acqinarted anti inactive.
iudacae Olaglectriet' Itcents-. Sutierip- Th lleIst t INsolves the lproblem.Itt
tints Ma'tie teft tt he ottier rt the DscITA'
ti 'tt'r -t s tterltn keep~s a coiii lere record of all t'ni-
auaririitresricitor. versity proceedings in literary.
(vsimasaieationsshouiltdreach throe tip
triclock ,. m. it they aire tri appear the treat social, musircal, aod athletic litnes.
'Say. Adrdests all matter intendted tot publica- It presents dially to its readers all
tioa to the Managitng Ertitoe. All tmstrteratenwan l h ha-stkn
conrticatioaa shimuitt te teat tri tireitiRi- tenslsbnIal iechne a i
nes, Mnaper.place. It is indlispensabile to the
THE U. of X. DAILY, all-countdil university man. No
Ann Atbar. Kick.
___ freshtman shoultd begin his year
EDITORS. swithtoutt placing his sttbscriptioni and
. E. toss-rep. lt.t. C, tatragitto Eiltor. keeping his ccc on university doings.
Itt. tritr v c' tic tii. '1tt. Aitoirort._____________
K'.J. lye trAW, iii. '14, rsistant, 'liti; h'oriiei ISiun issues tir foloac-
L. WIT. t' ttctrsI i t. 't:t'Butiitrir ariarrt r. irg pr t iuei-to:
cc. NV. \\_KDrieip R, t .t'it hoirrtott. Ip o u ca
A. 5PmJr tri W),i iAs.s~i 'i~twtIe first three inutmbers of tir
J1. ti. ArisrS i 4Suitcciire setfree of cihrcgi cto
Wt. iUCKErs a ii '14,ecery studienst In tire U1-I.Ii vie rs .;Iv
15 ~~~itrise nti ~hllig inoSubsrpIire siil
C. N. riroito, 5citrcreturn one nirmrber miarkedi ''Reins-
C,, A:. srsUt.r'93.ci,' tby fthe Srins carriers. All otlii r)
Li riit cc t i 'ii ccil beliteiri as botta 1tinetitlstci-
it Eht ers.

z 'vf1
Newx Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
There is ntitit like a SLIM FIGURE to ptf it ittnimotiotn.
We iris- laid Itt a vei Large Stock cf Seasonable Goods. We
Bocighit(iheaip. We Sell Chleaip.
Elegarlt Fall skltziqius, ~
(11t1(l Newt~ Thiirgs 1i Neckweear.
21 South Main Street. Tailors and Furnishers.
~~JRY Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
CJVZ55 I t ucrn i iti ietitit ciigust 1.I tr c i
Dit rti urei oftttt Traitri t A r bor.tii
Si ri LADIG I~tO L O tO~~trS.Sdg.No. I1. Franr- t IT il t aun tdipes )ti Il
Ices orr th LAIN tHOnL.' OFt US NE SS.trittrurn. Nit. It. 'err-to andOvsoSIIi
Piie tbll~;Titt ,tt tao a r 8oatttdt mrtiitd ac, 011) ............ .. itt) 1 .
()PCI te enireyear Co mercal rad atesin reat No.t1.tole o tMi xries.. it... ir.o.
li e' o mc hsAT T,(U.-iid is ti o (.O wosso atndtt T olediiii
take litit i s fou iwek tot---dr 5 , I.~tttatc, 150 toycr
P. R. CLEU K S A RY, Prali'es. only) ...........s.......tat-s

I.NK.SrisiARr t t1011('0r.,,'. 1.
WErI woiuilrerunest ecrbarid every
studiente inlthoschose tranitscthis tcrpy1
Of the DI siraulis, -teostirly cur ad-
vertisinrg co trill ti. ILet oil students
notrice the business fiils tiiat Coll-
tie to p~atrontize their paper, andio
the several tray ones shchttins
issue of thre pap~er trill initroducte to
yorr. Iport olti stuidenits it oug ht
not to be necessary to urge the wis-
tonm of patronizing those firmis whlich
support Lhinrs'ersrty enterprises. Ou r
nubscriptioni price is lowr, aridtritht-
orit tire efficient 5suppiorlt iiehAni
Arbor and other business omen give
the D l ra' tue papCecourldIrot exist.
With. near students, any surety of
good faitih front those aith icairoi
they trill hrase to do ogheso be
mnure than accepitable. YioIsave
arrLahsitrety in tue advertising sup-
port that has been given tire stud~ent's
paper. Yson wiil soon come to re-
gard your dhaily utniversity nearspa-
per as an indispetisable avant. It is
no niore titan rigiit titat yen shoulid
recognize tue assistance rh ich
enables us to fitrntishi yoau that papier.
P1.atronize our advertisers.
To every freshnian in every die-
partmnent, tire IALY extends its
hearty welcome to tire University.
To the average tewconier university
iife presents a vast numbier uof near
institutions organizations, anti
societies, wich in itis totaily near
environment, make him seem isolated
and out of line twitirte rest of thbe

We irate Irto lthkof wavirt mirgit
harpirnrtto irs iftwt-c t-cre t lItait stit
to blufitf- as thilsriptiti the 1(rg(,stilt cc-
ig studienrt rbody Itere. i crsiub-
st-rilrlioti agentrratce rifler situ.
Siusc-ribe early rndtrmtke sure cof t
comliete fire.

-oJ',;INstrat c please do tot nii
yourrletter-s it'itire DI) ci aboors,
W~e tmailedi thiose foiund vreslt ry $0" 4 U
buot awe -aninoatuniderake to careyfor
your correslionidence. -Al' '1'IlE
II issue -ooo copie's tins risorti- T T
irig. fall at thre office for extra ISTLJ DENT' BOOKS7[ORE,ST E ST.
coieis free.
____ Gct--k. Lart itr, iF'renh, Geintillimidtill College Text-Etoks, Nevs-
Grand Opera House, 'oigrht, "Our rti rnidIati
lrish Neighboss"in eod1a .
'Tue patronsc if tite Grandi OteratJ,. -i~.fJ~~~], fC V
Hnotse iWill ita te ia are ttreat tontighatLA A NJD YE I L BO K
Satutrday eveninrg) itawitnaessitng tire AT W II OIESALE IICES.
celebratedl f at-e torety inth ree att,
enititledl"Our Irish Neigtrha-s." awhrieht
iris citrae direct froma Newr Yohrk, toi~~
give thet citieasotatAttn Arbor Waat is
tered a New Yorkc lt'iihtCtirtt. T'le________________________________________________
piece is Ironiratireitsnitt Mr. Otis Shat' UIES OAS
titek, twite Ias fur sevetrai neasso natst NS LCL.R.ENTSCHLER,
heeti itnider crntrac't aWithr suelth aseli I1Ntttv-en tini#-rtdittthis crii ttata tile"rate
krnonfirms as iHoyt & Titamsanis, ti. nit t, ptelitre . n-ntealten trunge r inr~
Msark Murphy, tad Saitt J. ltaerr, atar ilnturn 'mintt tetintes Firretm runt by attcltig tit ~ ~ t~.J~
otitersin eqitally aseli knotin ittire tit trrynniReSAel J etity oJ3i
threatrical profesont.Of tire eetnprttrtN7 'Got' teasoniiit 05 ttet"-VtttNDt111C110NrSi'
tre press adsubl~rhic of tire t'nited int. i it i itinititot.Grtresoi CitttttNANititasr.
Statesn ara atiahreein at varius fnr rel ig. Apptil tI". 1). Greenre. 21 'I'T ~ I Jn~'
times r"Our Irish Neigihbors" Irankeent S. i2th tttrent. 1i-7 JUP ND FES.U 'J
presented tire inieheave beent su1h01 At-;N'rv trAN'TE.-Libe'rl salarcy I ~ .O
tirat wvoulrdguarantee ai pac'ked'ri rime I arriii inn ve, at uire-ararte ytitittirert, j One Night Only.
itt arty of the large cities. 'lree cirrri- 'studetrsItrefe'rredh; eiemlyrirert tilers
atly, wvhichr istill stairs, tntumbet-rig artnit no'prmrarrernItitok ipetddlinsg. Saturday, Ot. 1, '92
eighttretinigIpeeople airiottg sshrttreOtTAdritess, INurt ionn1 inur latuAssoticiatn-I THE Ct.E1tATttEi
tire wsell knoiawnt Irish einreeirars, Mitr. L243XX tiititrih As-erne, Chrierigni. Ill. - uia ac o ey
(layand Mirear-cka, ass nDorrothryHlclidluay'-rodillt i
in-ir last seaasonrrscoredl a hit nA. Mr. Byyu ok twoFsl rc ntrearcentioe dy
Plamers News'Yortk Ctitttiititty ig rc r ltnsitainleuh Ith
'mu at I ire Narnrrrrurh Jihrat Asisciatition ' u rsh'N ih os
Mrs. Agtrn eittirs hurt ii ire asunwold243'i bsiavnue Cihaugo, Ill. A rdI
retn-tned "Ahuthratta", alst Miss tr
Leritte ILissrete, atwIo aiotriitsix aseekjs dress thire.AssciatinfoPr paurticunlarsr Prices - 3550ad7c
35, 0 an ,rn
urge tarade fire]rit itt Katie Emmtiet'seil Struts on, sule at tire PnrtOteewseandu.
trew pihece "K1illartney.awicih Wastro-nt
duredt at tire Star Thetrte, Ness' Yoirk 'The ia' lt meetning of the Asthletic
('ity, rise Miss Estella Von Ljeer, tire Botardi will ire hrelditnight.
etnlarmirig Spatnishincarer', ate if
1,ester aird Biahn.-
Ge to lrewr's fdring stotre unilndr'gis- OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! *~ A ~~ A AJ
ter. ,. 4 . uFOui nt atnNO. 12 WIV.IURON ST.

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