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October 22, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-22

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'W. of Wit~f. Trtg
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College year, by
Subscriptionoprice 92.50 per year, invariably
in advance Single copies 3 rents. Subscrip-
tions may be left at the office of the Dte,
at Stofflet's, withay of the editors or
authorized solicitors.
Commnunications should reach the ofier by
7 o'clock P. M. if they are to appear the next
day. Address all matter intended for publica-
tion to the Managing Editor. All business
communications should be sent to the Busi-
ness Manager.
Ann Arbor, Mich.
F. E. JANETTE, Lit. '93, Managing Editor.
. J. OTTAWAy, Lit. '9, Assistant.
C, A. DENisoN, Lit. '93, Assistanst.
W. E. BoLLos, Lit '"5, Assistant.
L. G". wITEHEA, Lit. '93, Business Manager.
W. W. wc EitEra, Lit.'9, Assistant.
A. w. J:''cts, Law e3, Assistant.
J. . .. ARNE11hLL, \1f '9.
C. w. lticasTT, Lit. '94.
-. H.Ev t NS Li ow'3
Ht. B. GAMNu.,, Lit '9.
'. K. Tot r Lit '.
C. N. SoWERs, Medic '93.
MIAGA'ETTE C. StAw,Lit. '!4.
C. K. STcwAttc, 5,meop., '93.
NoRuasAN FLowrs0e, Lit'I;.
H.W. Wctlotfo,uLawus v'.
Miss McFA. LAN, Special
It seems pertinent at this time to
inquire what arrangements are to be
made for reserving tickets for the S.
L. A. course. Almost any system
would be preferable to the old method
of lining up half of the night in
order to secure a desirable seat. We
are well aware that the problem is
not easy to solve, but at the same
time we do not hesitate in saying
that the go-as-you-please system of
the Choral Union would be vastly
more desirable to the students than
the old S. L. A. method. The
Choral Union has followed this plan
for years with eminent satisfaction
to all concerned. Itis raised as an
objection by many that this necessi-
tates going to an entertainment an
hour or more before time in order
to get seats. All very true, but
there is certainly less inconvenience
in occupying a moderately comfort-
able seat in University Hall for an
hour, than in keeping in line for
several hours during some of the
most frigid winter mornings in order
to accomplish the same end in no
more satisfactory manner. While
we are aware that our proposition is
open to objection from more than
one side, still we champion it as the
best method feasible.
It is indeed a sad commentary on
our athletic enthusiasm that class
teams are unable to organize for the

only reason that a second eleven
must be provided for the 'Varsity
team to work against. Surely there
ought to be enough men in every
class, desirous of positions on their
class teams, to make at least two
elevens, while the 'Varsities are giv-
ing employment to two or three
second teams. Our athletic supre-
macy seems a long way in the dis-
tance when we read of other institu-
tions with half our attendance whose
classes have from twenty to thirty
men trying for positions, while we
can scarcely keep a second eleven in
the field. Our criticism is hard but
just. Our athletic spirit, as regards
football, at least, is sadly at low
Co_lssUs s sywasn ot celebratei
with the glare of trumpets and noise
of cannoi, nor with the character-
istic Fourth of July enthusiasm, ex-
cept, perhaps, in a few private in-
stances. At the same time the U.
of M. showed her appreciation of
the day in a sensible, matter of fact
and appropriate manner that speaks
iiore patriotism than all the noise
and flash of artillery from aine to
TH URSDAY was College Day among
the Methodists. The occasion was
made the event of a special write-
up of Albion College by the letho-
dist Christian Advocate. A fine
cut of all members of the faculty
ornamented the first page.
F33o13 present indications there is
every reason to believe that the
junior law class election will be
promises an interesting event.
Combinations are in order.
A PiEss C 1W is the latest on the
tapis in the law department. It is
not generally known that there is a
University press club already in ex-
Some sensible comments on the
Rugby Situation.
To the Managing Editor of the U. of .DAILY:
"Student" miht have carried his criticism
of the attitude of our students towards ath.
letics a step farther, and contrasted their
actions after the team has sustained dfeat,
with thse of the students in eastern coleges.
Here in Michigan we expect the nine or
eleven to win aways, and underaall cream-
stanees, it often takes bt one defeat to
change cheering enthusiasts to the most carp-
ingeritics, while all good plays and faithful
work on the part of players or managementt
are lost sight of and forgotten. After the
faithful work that has been done by the eleven
thus far, it deserves the cordial support of the
entire student body in victory or defeat. We
ought to feel that, defeated or victorious, the
team is doing its best, and playing better foot-
bal than Michigan hashad for years.
It would be of interestito learn whether easte
erncollege faculties deal more liberally with
the members of athletic teams than does our
own. within the past two years two of the
best players on the Cornell nine were kept
from an eastern trip because of the same re-
strictions as prevail here. W.
There were twenty-five patients in
Dr. Carrow's clinic, Thursday.

New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
Tsere is nothittg like a SLIM FIGURE to put it in motion.
We have laid in a very large Stock of Seasonable Goods. We
Bought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fine Footwear, Boots and Shoes.
gr Y-T 3; -MILL-ER,
'$RY Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Card in erect Sunday, August 21, 1893.
Departure of Trains at A.nn Arbor.
No. 1. Fraulort Mail and Express 7 20 a. lu.
No 3. Passgr Ann Arbor Accot...2 50 tos n
N G. 5 .lare Mail Passenger ........ 4 9a p. t.
No.101. Toledoand wosso iSudnday
only)..... .. .. . . . . .... 9 ;:: a. .
7s the LEADING SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Mag- No. 103. Toledo and Owosso (Sunday
nii'ent ttilding; nine teachert; large attedance; only).. ... . .. ... .. ..... 50 p. I .
go dii ie ior work; well spp itd recding Goro soIHt.
rom;dil loedra;Stu(ay eveig recepions;
opo theettee year; coemmercial graduates in great No. 2. Toledo Maill E.mpress. .. ii. m.
lemand; shorthand graduates all secure poitons; N.4. ' oldo MailtExpress ........... H471,.in .
li-g epescs ts2. to $2.75 perweecti private fami- No.o roedo Accomm,,odation ... 00 . m.
. For Nw CeAtL.orUand Lis, of tudnts wo No. 102. Ososso and Toledo (Sunday
take poitios from wee to w , drs
Pto o . sLE It s, Pres. onlyy).......l9 ................ a. in.
P 5 CEART.mis.No. 10. Owcoss otndToledo ( Snday
ontl'. . .. 2 .m
We Advise Students to See centralStandardTime.
T' itssid l'st' run b 'oen At Adro,'or and
&pF etilter edtonly, dailyexcvt -soall.
D o' Triis 1t1t5l~, 1, so03 d 1 '04 run ltw'ten '1'-
I doand Owos so n t s 0 1only. tR dulctl Fa 're.
rOT Z 'F=Nr = OEj. Olthetainsdailyexceptsnndy.
TENNIS-SHOES- IN - STOCK. Ge. PEsI.Agent. Loca.G geN(
Greek, Latin, French, German and all College Text-Books, New
and Second-Hand.
SS Ez-Oo,
STUDENT VOLUNTEERS. A. C. McKenzie, president of '2
law class, and G. C. Johnson, law
The Missionary Conference Today '92 save formed a partnershi, and
and Tomorrow at the S. C. A. g'hit
-- have located at Cleveland.
One of the leading student move-
nments of late years has been the BUSINESS LOCALS.
student volunteer work in the col- To RENT-Very desirable roomss.
leges of this country. Starting a Furnished, heat, excellent location.
$2.50 per week. 21 S. 12th St.
few years ago at Mt. Hermon with WANTED.-A second-hand copy of
about one hundred, it has now Blackstone's Commentaries, Cooley's
ditien. Must be the latest edtot.
reached several thousand who have F. d. FtLA t,
pledged themselves for foreign mis- 14-6t 53 S. Division street.
sionarv work. Buy your Books at wholesale prices
from the National Library Assoiation,
The. of M. has an active band 243 Waash avente, Chicago, Ill. Ad-
of these volunteers who have ar- dress theAssociation for particulars.
ranged a missionary conference for AGENTS WANTED-Liberal salary
today and tomorrow. The first paid to active, wide-awake young men,
session will be held this evening at students preferred; employment pleas-
ant and permanent; no book peddling.
7:00, and others tomorrow at 9:15 a. Address, National LibraryAssoeiation,
m., and 3. p. m. The meetings will 243 Wabash Avenue, Chicago, Ill.
be addressed by J. Campbell White, GERMA.-Students who wish to join
who last year made a tour of the classes in German conversation and
.i te i reading (scientific Germana specialty)
American colleges in the interest of apply to
this movement. KARL E. GUTHE, Ph. D.,
e.o.s.-7-3t 72 South State'street.
W. H. Butter, 'i lit, '87 law, is Miss Bertina B. Bliss. teachierite
Guitar and Banjo. 97 South Main
in the office of Chas. R. Whitman. street. t-t-s-13-10t

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