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October 22, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-22

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Ussic [r, T > urx, 'i

" f ALUNfITHP TY e~ the tiantic ocean uas the THE HOOSIERS DOWNED,OFC"saodrke"an cpeG d-
:>;odrkesian~rpf~ol icignScore, 18 to 0. by-a
Prof, Hinsdale 's Commemorative Coluinilusseas born ini Genoa, in___
Address, 1 ur Jor0in1447. His fatliei was a TINuisAtiicuvIS, Oct. 2r. (Speciass Lz
_____burger of tlse losner class ot eitizens I laran )--Itichigan swon 18 to o.
A Large Audience Listens to a and weas aisways involveil in financial 1 ally 2,000 peoleiasitinesseid lis
'Thoughtful Discourse-The Spirit cldifficsulties. He wrote Iatits stuieidgame, whsich was well playeci. lie-
of the Times Leading to the Rev-
elation of the New World - its 1Ef- nmathseisiatics ansd becanii an expertI pause has a heavy teani, rentaer

foot on the Old World, and thef draftsnian. The Italiaiis at that
Heralding of a New Clviliization-
Time will Only Increase the Die- Ihtse sware at tlse head of nsavigation,
coverer's Fame.( andrlisa naturally became a navigator.
It seas evidenitly a oisappraiai- Qna of the uinfortunate Ithings is
sius o th hoe o metin Ilat x-that sea cannot tall whsen Colunsbsi
lformedfIsis tlan of miscoveryatint-it
plains thsa vacaiscy of so niany seals fre i lno icvrbti
must hsave bean before 1474. Ha
wchen theseaxersises sn conimemnora-
tioss of Colssnbus aisd the discovery was isslueancedl by three things,
of Anserica began last evening. For natsiral reasoning fronm science, by
sue speaker hsad only wall beaunn Iis ( ahutery of tse anciensts, sarf by
:ddress wehen the crowd surgead in-threisha sarwsiil1)0
toi lisa vacant benches, and in a few teshsore.
milnultes iiversity hsall contained Colunihus swent first to the king of
Portugal, from whlom h ih xs
a fine audience. President Angell Iaoillis
presiredand ss promptly at 7:30 snrely expeact aid. ihen lie betook
hmefteexercises by ann himself to Spain, when it seas in the
opened the Choanonngthroes of war. Ferdinasnd and Isa-
AlthougbhIlsat society made its first bella weare inclined to refuse, and as
appearance for the year, and after hismbs, dishseartened, seas setting
only one relsearsal, the chsorns out for Franca, lse was recalled and
'And tisa Glory of the :Lordfromsithes necessary papers sigsiad. Thsis
Handelntsy''Messiah," was rendered cuntry souild be callead Colsiniila
swith fine effect, and proved thsat lisa instead of America, thouigisIsdn
highlstsandard of chsoral riusic of ,olnf sggested tihis thosughst to Colussm-
the U. of 1I. is not to be lowered hnbuslie would isave repelleil it, as to
siiis year. Imumediately followiisganhiIda
ibis selectiois President Angell, i a an otanw ol. i-or lie says,
few wrords apropos to the occasion, "If anyone does not give ice credit
presented Prof. Hinsdale, whsose for haing discovered the rensainder
ifhdrdia ha substance was as follows: I aillis througha personal hos-
1Tue gre at event Ilsat sea have as- Itlt.
senshiad to comomenaorate came up.- I-I was a prophet and a crusader
osgafood-tide of events. In 147 rathser tsan a keen philosophear. lint
she airlstokCostn 3npa. for issexalted temperament iha would
1I7Iliaz discovered cape Goodl not hsave discovered Amserica. Ha
I-ope. isa 1-19-1s-22 MAacll-a svas no great statesman. liesvas not
Massed thistsrait thsat now bears~leisa first to suggest lisa iorthwsvst
nanse. Ipas~sibt lisa was liha first to spesnd
Thseisavnew oril wsnot ediscovered Iis life in tissensterprise. is
liy osse sana bist sadeapossible irigisality svas ais aclsievesssnst. If
1,iA dilt 1,hid -ll l , i l 11155411 1,a>1151 r

teiLhif si adtackles ieeraeeinc-


over 200. Dygert aisriJewetlt pla yed
,great fooiball.
Officers Elected and Routine Busi-
ness Transacted, I Whes youcatithle 5Ltest Mercpolitan Style,
- o R52 - or g, Slices a c to $51 a pair lass thass
Tise freshmsenssillsiseld their firstAnAropicssedfrCtlgeo f
meetinsg yesterday' afternoon. It
seas oise of lisa qietest freshsmanss H" *FLm&AtC
gathserings that hsas taken place for 101 183-185 We niciAsR~r.
years. Scarcely any fiterferenca eTRIMCt&
was made by lisa sophomores, who P. J. KINNUCAN,
ware excluded from the roons to-
gethser ewihall upper-classen. Ts
custonmary factional elemnit swas MVERCHANT
entirely absent.
The moetino ,eas relied to nrde

at 2:3o and on motiois of Mr. iBur-
dick, C. J. LeRoy was msade tens-
porary chairman. A comumittee
consistinsg of Meassrs. Edinburg,
Lansont, Burdick, Forrester, aisd
Woods was aispointed to draft a
constitution aind by-laws. 'rie
election of officers was thsei takeis
up and C. J. LeRoy, of Saginaw,
was elected president by acclama-
lion. The struggle for first vice-
president lay between Miss Rebekah
Finds, of Aisn Arbor, and J. Ms.
Eakins, of Illinois. The result of
lisa first ballot teas 72 to 36 in favor
of Misc Fischs. 'The reaniing
officers weare elected by acclansation
as follows: Seconsd vice-presidenit,
C. K. Carpenter, Illinois; secretary,
Mr. Clayton, Oio; assistant-secre-
lacy, Miss Eberly, Indiana; treas-
urer, C. D. Kennedy, Ioswa; toast-
msaster, Wms. MacHarg, Illinois;
sergeaist-at-arms, K. R. Stoner,
Missouri. It seas decided to choose
lisa class orator by competitioss at
souse future slate. Meeting adjourned
to (Oet. ag, at 2 p. iss.
A class in New Testanment Greek
has been organised at tisa Church of
Christ, and is now studying the
Acts. The class meets on Sundays
at 112 o'clock and those whso desire
to join in the study are cordially in-
vited to meet the class at that time.


ANDII lilfTi5E , (OF
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]Detroit, 3Michigan.
igaretteSmeirs etc
ars~~.f e twilling tos isyea little
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'aw a4> 9 echargred ioe the ordtinary-
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} .- l'iiis BRANisutit er52iorto
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Tie. liiiiciod Straight
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est, msst delleatelyisflseiore nd highest scost
tGosd Leacegronins tiVirgiia. This is the 01d
cud Origitnai l Btindss' Straight Cut digarettes,
sa was hrosughitssut by us in heer 1875.
Bleteeefatiwititissadoseivth at the
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Thle ALLisN & G0NTER Brnseh
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thuroughs geographsical science, whsichi
in past ages was advocated by Py-
thagoras. 'ro lisaancients liaheorld
seas quadrilateral, extending froms
the While sea to the equator, and
irons the pillars of Hercules to lisa
Indus. Seneca said. "In tardy
years lisa sea wiii disclose weorlds of
whicis Thurixviil not be the most
Thse silks tisat the Ronmans used
in the time of Virgil, were brought
from China, although the Romans
knew nothing of the Chinese. To

lisa deedi.
'Wie cuss place the discovery of
Auserica usnlisa first rank of secular
transactionsIlie led the way across
the "sea of darkness''"Ife swho
stood at lisa head by Isis own choice
nosy stands at the head by conmmons
consent, and wen four hundred
years have passed away hsa sill still
be paramount.
Prof. Ziwet reads a paper before
the Mathematical club this evening.

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