'Z . i ; j1 we hope we will bc at hand with our &
~'""'"'~ reportorial camera and note-hook 1/ETT
when that speech comes off. New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
ublihed ail (Sudaysexcpted duing_ h ol~ er y1.Re( oss, senior oresident of There is uotliisa lke a SLIM FIGURE to lost it its inotion.
Sabscriptioa:ps'ic i'e tessper year, las-aihi
i advncs- Single copides rests. Sabscrip- "I will forwvard my suhscription.j
tisas may be left at thr ottiee si the DAILY,'e - I u's/od sl
at Stoftttet's, with anayat the editors or1ccn d 2rtlttte
autthsrized solicitors. Is v . S uccess to you all.'' The
Commnaotions should teacis the ottie hy italics are \Ir. Ross' underlined
7sociock r.:nt. it they are to appsear she nest
easy. Addessnllmattr intendedtfor pahlica- wvords. It seenms from our hooks
'ion en the Managing Eiditor. All tbasiness that maniy .'. of M(. alumni are in
communationss should he stat tio the Buian
rest tManager. the same p~redlicament.
THE U. aof M. DAILY,
Ann Arbor. HisS. 'Fij . .a . c esss is hoi
'We leav'e laid its a very Large Stoclk of Seasonable Goods. We'
Bought Cheap. We Sell Chseaps. Flne Footwear, Boots and S hoes.
Toledo, *Ann Arbor and North
~JNE 5 meMichigan Railway.
i Tie Cad inetteet Slay, Augtist 21, 189;.
- Y ....,, Stepasture of'rains sit Anti Arbor.
Nso. 1.1Frankfort Mail sanl d press 7 20 ai. in.
. ILNo.I I issuer Attn Arbsor Aecom...12 011 toon
N/'' Io. 5. iset MaillPssoieer....p. i.
snly).. . ..9'a.Il
is tlie LEADINtG ~g No. 103. Tledolianod ltisso (Suniiday
sifileetlsbuildingo;inieiteaciers;slargtenidne; onsly)............. 6 50 p. tn
goodl discili;s u', aieri~loelorkwell Sspplied reading ;IN SUH
room5; dilylyssees;S 'ardy eeingssreeptions;
oeni-thelientireeye ar;scommecinl gradu1tesilgeast No. 2. 'Iolsdo Masil ETiss'. .1I3' .m
dmnsho thiandradasallolsesee rpoiios;No. d. 'loleidoi Mail pEs s.....11). p.u.
L i '.esees 2.s tsol.75)ipc'rwe kiaslpriate fisssi. Null . Tledo'lsAccommoattion ... ; tilairs
I .I or s'eCATseciosnsd Leilst; tdentsltwho NoSsi.s)go~ssssssssdssled (Sundayiol 2
issu-psios fowes epss toss eek, address onyt! .
C P. R. CLAt1R, Pman. -- . . iiTat.
F FE. J_ xi.e'Te, l.ii. '98,, ManisgitighEitors.
1I . loreitsA,, il. '91, Assistanst-
C, A. DEN ISOi , Lii. ':I, Assistants.
W. . 5:tlisies, Ill '415, asasiait.
I.. G. 55' tliil 51, 'li,iissiyses.Mana~g'er.
W.W s. 1;11: 1 sss Ii.', 1 , nt
C . . s,'It sili' 'SI.i 91
!v 11i . F I l' 1555,li' 5
II. 1as . sclloNlit
tineslva1ly s Meillc o ) sae t
th THlEticGhEl, BSin ('OUSt. l,
cAiiriais tiletraeioalihlidee,i
thust i wln elr ill e If pres.o
'Ihiathda say. i t ol
Tev os eoftasefot10suclcesseul
ineIn ogn atte2areugverilylayrift
the Wtericlteoeiate At .Hlts
caiation toheeldckomintteiiais
inusthli th ec.uiesites of pizs.n
Tisfildlsda, aiidlNortlavgoter
dev epro tato represented (i uh
teMillnathe ping fiorthaesort
th A'etarcnsantly tic ecllegt tlofi
Acraatiosstandehee ingCletters
in reference tonthe irsieslisiakn-
sip, ofionrsotarand'N'ethnksor
ataat thl e oland.otwetr
atao srmc ithaatsudigce. en
everatantosaheingguccr lltea
which fewv professors ohject.. \et
rig ht along,. There are now nearly
2,00ionmes on the list, and accord-
lug tol the statistics, :Mtethodist
Illisi laianlarae mosst iniuerous at
MI is ilsal, 0withl tshe Presbyterianis a
'lose second.t
'1 1 1511 c i Ieit illt_-. ofi Vi's Advise Studetits to See I
A1. cirycle' s vls stcillaaihy o(Ic o ts' sF ~ e'jfle''
ai 11111 l it i 5cc 't 55-sttl y a 1Straid' . t J
h. \\e thou. hi thlricIait icioldi WOTETT ,STOR
ill onai fuirloul 511 ii tieleav ies TENNIS - SHOES - IN -- STOCK.
No.iss101. 11 VO I do and i 'Toliesol('ls'cs i
Is'ledoiis ol~ iiilyxes pt ss I i ii Is'iis'lsisl'ii
W5 i.1555 lN I',1"{ i. S. 1, llENWl 515.
iisst2. i[a u iriii. Local A Ca nt
be an11to fill, 1.1ut appar~ieitly it ST D TS A1 I.IFFOR M N Y - )BU
sallt renuain lubrok~enl 11t1111tue SIS(N S A E l l"' 11 :INE 5
= :
''ll I tpolitical soietiesrmusat notI
"aa--J -v-" 'v'im --ate s...i .,."v'_ -v- 4 - ..,.+ -"r-'+ ../. ~j !
rp r I, IT
he too gay with their oifers tii pay
the railroail faces of studeints wtho
wishtonreturni house to sote. Mauy STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST.
nieenadtuventy yeald fellowvs
are tonly too glatd to jumpui at tie Greolk, Lhsiti, Irt'elih, Germisan andtl tll Csolege '1ext-Iiooes, iNeĀ«
oppiortunity. itiuiSecosis-lltoid.
WSc hope -\r. 'Several Subscri- LA W.X AND IIEIDIOA..IJ "BOOI(S
liers" 'wiill nottleafli 11)0nour edt-T IO iS ., RCS
toril nrecke too tiarsd hecasiseive A hLSL RCS
have publiishesd anotther TRighby
article. WSe couldnli't help it. sitr'Q ..'5.A7,I~K&"~
"ranlk SI utin, lasw '92. lysoise
C'ity, Idatlo, ioriierly on the I) :icv
staff, sas dtefeatedl re esitly by a
mlajority of six for the office of sec-
retary lot state on the D~emocratic
ticket. He has acceipteil the lucra-
tive lawv practice of the candidate for
attorney general.
'The membsers of the ilellillan
gymnasium who swish instructions in
regard to exercise, still he Diet hy
D~r. Heednian on Friday afternoon,
from5 to 6 instead of Saturday.
Ahoult 25 setilors are taking the
Latina senilnary swork this semester.
Each miemher of the class wvill read
a 45 minute essay or make a 1
nilnute oral criticism during the
semester. 'Thie first essay, on the
Ilistory of Gaul up to its Conquest
hy Caesor wvill he read (Oet . ;.
A Coreaspondant Bewails Too Mucs
IAttenstiont FromUpper-Classmen.
OClT. 20, '92.
It is pretty generally understood
that the notice for a '96 meceting is a
fake, hosing heen put up hy a'9
mlan. (Signed,)
Yea, Str. 'reshman, ice ktnew it,
and intendeh to direct the attentionl
of your class niates to~ this little joke.
The facts of the case are as followvs:
A '96 lit class useetisgivas announced
on the hulletin hoardts, main hall,
for Friday morning at nine o'clock
ill roomi A. Later, all of the notices
swere labelled "postponed.'' Yes-
tehrday afternoon wce ascertalined that
stand, is trusatwssorth', ansd 'sc tiope
'96 wvill Ise gisven a slios.
"The Limited Mail."
Elmser Is. 'i'ace, maiagei' of - ''i
Limsited Mlail,'' is a livinug testimsosiy
to thit truth ouf thle assertion~ so often
nmadte, thist ''hbloodswill tell," anti thast
Ilplickta1nthenetrgy still pushl itself tos
(lie frost. Jtuly U.l,1890, Manlager
V(atte sas a telegraphulloperator stif
Strails dishpatchser at Columbius, Ohio,
tit iisalary sit $21) a uoustli. IDurinsg
flit ilterils of htusiness slid the cliche et
heis iusstruimellt lie srote swhat hsas
provedhthe 01usdtIphiieenl, artistic,
1anh fisanial success of tlieentusry,
1"The Liniited Mail." whsiecs nettedt
hini a ceear protid of $6iO,000llins one sua-
stun. Tisa play will appea'ir ad tile'
tiraud OperasStosuse uon Mtuonday siext.
Monday, October 24th.
j.ki1ve lsasoaszooms-5the notices swere hunt up by'9 sten T epeoea ucsEmrE ae
wve heard a co-ed say yesterday that Furnishedh, heat, exeenlt locatioll. Tepeoea sses.Eie,.5ae'
she swould get op and address her "50 per week. 2t1S.12thlsit in order to hoax '96. 'The Blsst~v originalad greatest at all railroad
WANTED.-A seeosnd-hasnd copy of is ahle to announce, however, that The tledy fdramas,
class if it ever chaps its hiands or Blacekstosne's Commentaries, Cooley's the first '96 meeting and election ofTh Lim td M t
stamps its feel at her again. Some edition. Must he the latest edition, officers will he held (Oet. 29 atlit nelft-
F. J. ]Fn.AeO,Prcs - -35,Soan7c.
students are super-sensitive. Yet 14-6t .53 5. Division street. a. m. in room A. This, swe under. Priea ns, a le tcO.NeStand7.