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October 20, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-20

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~ij itof Al. Walip.
1 1 season.07 Lhigh wiii e at Toledo Sol Fa and Plink Plunk
THELEA~THERN OVAL ixwating for u, on Nv __I~fy
___etteCollege xwi leetlllchgan in Micin's Giileo eo ano lubs.' A
an Ann Arbor game onixvov1 ANeiq;eto-Roganf1
Prospects f Our Team for the aton-The Annual Trip.WRan giiemtCoelNv.2
Remainder of the Season. an againg xve me et rloWil IPOT R
__Thnsiigdinxlni X Tbli avsitlyGlee and Ianjo , fnArJuELRS
xe eat turkey or roxx' 1heieis nlo iiCxb c apretdocaxelo, DETROIT, MICH
The Games We xwiii play-What WeClbarapefcdognito,,
Have Dne-The Condition of need of asking thai quesxion. (lir adaeaou oetrupnaya'
Our Men-Class Teams-Inter-i1 [tell1willtolyenter,,ponefor xleiih'x
class Schedulem.xi xxriitplayptoeisesixtx leiiuciifilix
I s xllit, and Xi iciigarai sxinxxbeter xxxto lexxi'ofteit
[P i iithte retuxn xi x hel i chian 'ire eei are alliinxgo'oxd iconlih iiihese ocietlxsx
teamixi n (cx itsxix xhxxxt weter trp, . ii ariliig xxaiout or lxractice ( n the (lx Clxxix txeeer ie nxine
iximeuxthe op)portiixy t il axpxiyexxerxdax, bltxithdexaferxju- aciestox filledxvxz:thre
iexv f the 1ahext out for tiacfxilirx his iplace axiiexvrix fo r texvfxixii fle ,,xx xx i ot 1a arlesl
1game. The other mixixo vlixiaf irstaxxxx, aixithriee ecoid base. 9
(,x lto date our eleven iax playexd rceivedt slight injuriex, ae arixuiaxl1 1)1 these postions there xere forty ivies ois esttie Latet Mnop asite tves
Ii 6', 4 lra-, shosat Soto$l apirle sta
four ganaexsixaddiition to the prax- as lively as ever, anxd vry one has caididates The examination (An Arois prices, sed foCatstlgse ts
ice ganies xithi the second elevei. been fortunate ix not meectingaiy showvex excellent maerial, bxt thre }f
Thevxvwere ax follxiws:I lt.8,M.erioumxxnishap. i xii or xedoffis atixcox
A. A., of D~etroit, o, U. of il.,74.i ix'xiiixx clxx I xxx ix tl oene ffrtadscn r-~s eors and second basses For teR .11 83-85 55'oxxxeussAVE.
Oet.> a , lM. A. A., o, U. of AM.61. So much attention lhix beix lay- purpose of secring nmen for these DETOIT - MICHIGAN
Oct. r 1, University of Wsconsix,6, shed tpon the 'Varsity teau that place, a second examination will be
IT. of M. i. (ct. T7, University of the class teams are very late iii oriI P. J. KINNUCAN,
tiinxhai f hsganizing. The nen have hld then-hldoaonaicoer2,atS
Minesoa, 6,l1.of ., . T usseves in readiess to take a place on is. in., in roons 24.
ix tie fist for ganmex, Iof Mhe secoixd eleven at aiav tme and \-edbry,'94 lax, has beenx choen MIER .HA.NT
has xon three aindiloxt one; anti has thixihas preveitedcl caxx teaniprat-Lc. Br ooergesi. Cs'assatbsns aaeadi
maaxe a tosl otr58 pointx to hr lcebin oenerrfecitCas si raixennge aisrltis
opponent'sx22-nota bats lrecordl teaxni interest must alaseslxxcond I peretigara ninsfobh
to 'Varsity deixmadsxclb's aninal trip,xhich iill coxr I JU\JLORP,
Txe gamexsxxecc playedxioxAn Xi- perhaps the lest teamxxisllixfall !,rounaxabout the same as lastyea.oDtiMasnW.,ndrybexpcdfom'..hspo.Salywhhsaditina
Minnieapoi , l ixnxn., repectively. caxs xwas tie firs to paxe iiewe Po. SanexiiiliJxltoix
'Txe last ixwo ;amacs xvre ixtecaiptain anxd maxnlagerinxxthxe fild. duiiie, fins it in iossile to rtaixAN rNt o rl'lOx
i~exeri tixci xiilx ax Xxox amxx Xxonithe cxxndiatex axex odxcl xxiany active conection xithx theclb
i~strnItecoleiteAsocai siNa, Ixic,leiilxrdi Iiiupxi lixa ixan iProf. Silas Mllof the Uiaxxei
xcrexexei ran, PaikesI dx RexHolxid xys, ixo fixxxcFiaIxei~ TNE Z TCTOO =-TS,
Tlie Iexixiarx iive onicTuesdixNl artXiiinaX lxix, Loxe ll 1 rii ixandl cuiredt xxs iiexto for the exsixx
evening Vxtxil y afteinoonx at Bat'ava aixd Captai n Ioll sys
four oxilock, thxe nen came null on uCetaiLoxig '9aie it o n nthyear aj lubtorSvcani,
xlhe caniixisxax xixual. A.big mi a eapaiual u b4in xno lioveixiercxxxfoihixs xcx
1 1r waexii y li sx ixx xi vr filledi ater examxnixgtenxty Detroit Michiigan.
ce etwsntcdinterwr.otoo. C panxhthta,'3iBig againsxt txo reguilai college lixisdoixg a large amonixxtof q i iecm eios h lb r
teamsxx hax hadxitx god xeifexit xixndcanvaxxinxandxiteIamxiPxraticexxxii conidxevn a trill to be miaxextbort R igh111ti'son Staigt Qo.
Captaxi I' ixxin G rtad Conhxax xI xhxur m y sxiirxx'asenxatxxx.xx )xxi a hutl rx(listxx txx xli, but xvheter it xxiiT. o
ar shr twr sc r haixxe'xii xxxlixluasiiiux xxitwxaxii orv xetxxardxisi noi ~jsxxoy'CIGARETTES
lxog ixh m xxxxxb xeixol eduxi knxowxnxx Both xc lixs iaxe e dix e x lxixre x uiSuxoer xciii
xxix xixtxxxxxxal.. 1-1 xxan ire iid xi 1xx11xx. x xnx 1y1 xii, ii uxlxiii , ; uu'ii toxx
lr tii i oo g o rix cei xcxt xxxiiAsherix xlix xx ~lxxx ixu uxixixxxi 'x xx jx i ,
r ixil ur isuxxx>ix he i ec- x' and hart,'and De axgeilust'lxxx jsxxIre in ixux.e.ia xi bixxxxxxexxl ixxte xx xni,,x
rlx ix cixi ix" xxii lxxx. X Txxx .xxiiii
"xxx' xx'e l xxxnin alivutex xxfixra l xxtoi. 1 ix ia liBico , i 1 llx Ilxis xx Cuxxxiixxixar Ix lxx xxiihiIi ' 1 xii
oa xd ax xxxxfx xxi u xi xholx hx xi thixsxx andxxixi xxex Ina ,xexnxano xl ixltou ui,
-e no c mm nt ooaf1slvxxvxs t a arile hux r oknxxlx iiiix i lx xt~l ioarx' arrxixcixxeit 1 L t S'Z .nil Z.e ,r'.~
(lxxlalxxxtxu', itiMangaxxviinnxerstonacanxdenix SxHxxxiaycaflruxoux.
Cei'axv Unierts ianiana pois. I Perixil '4iav ixi'w ithte1pi.ua e Cor rh LE V(r aRFtl
orals .1,Ot.2, me vigtgtxe ttae th he. tx xiD iietris Ivr~gras~ lrn tae S.o I..n,,anmt o
gol n luon fasyni n int e -class edLokng o ie i ms l e- . lcuec~rexiib etitd 1 ' i g o t
hueiopoagainstteeroraeyCoareangtaentsent co of the quxes ion. It sixoul
f aytrtd-yOc.i29, wellmeet th aeifbeen ardaatwxeekno oneeso.heUlvriyan aox oc
Nortixwesnieriat IhicaolbionPehtsnothingwcanbdo'9ieutilenogh igt choluti exWdesa
8nMndy Ot2,or men will tisecertthat 'twill nthve ice sthe nmeroo ao tickets -SELL--. L
Nov. t~ (In Nov. the samerwlawasche haiast ms eliieporheetigcp--'..~Q-~ 7
licy concluins withueConll, a- t ya.out manyto hesienIshudto mlcrbrsore are on 7
Iatac, In-Y. r9te irsetmeetisthe b'Vartyeven, we cityaofth erhall,2,482.AND=AL:STUDNT'SSULES

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