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June 02, 1893 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1893-06-02

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___Alga2 S. Sten St., lecrtflionr.
Tlie ini terop ll put al aicr
edge oa t qckertnnthan any other. If I tbiitars, JBanjo's
you are not satttfhed after using the Ma' colins, lioliis,, Etc.
Strop we will gladly reaurn your
money. Evrybody to setisfied so far All Elegantly Finished attd Ricic in
nut of mornettn ino purchasers. Toane.
Calkin's Pharmacy. WILSEY, - The Music Dealer.'

0 A B Jl - t I $T iA"N W il NT

WVill ice tilIling for Suatner w-ear. Yate wanti one.


0 Oh -Aul be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest.


'n E E E H T O ACBY,>all on Wi. Fuc~ldo, the
!EMEM ER C N BT 2'a ll posite tte Law ileildeetg, ate
! W illiatta t.,tirot cleor ateat ofStetle-ut
Oher.itClippcer iltd solid omet Tcetoes Icflt,10spr drot.. Clrtnhtc,retctirittnnctyrroingdone neatly.
U11), S oiphite cc '461 15 " s ISuits to ordern olteccatty. All cc arl irt-claso.
>1 1 tt - '~~~Riverside - ___________________
p t i e y Pumnpkin, ht
/ 5/1'Sltst- - - -lity c F YOU WANT T
Lt y -Winslow Corte, - - - 1.13 ya A~r~ lc
hl A - GLake Slere," - - - GL 1.00 LL ' nor ante tomeEReatring dater goeto
Attd all otiher Catnned Goaoia at proportioatet price atfW'iif Arjok,0)Mc i tre
BICYCLES. ~~ 44 Main Street., South. DEAN & COMPANY.
'fI Yo Lo UNIVERSITY NOTES. Tnorc oenoaeeCe aeIX Q -IIHOlJ$E
! sTmoro toenontheCh-PitLA GE - w l cIuc0c-I cldl~t' nod Sigman P1-i fraertieswilleltoet iVI ITH SIX LOTS
1 I 1 ce ciclc-ac ly eta1d in: otthlen campl-us inee a cttt c atm-e of 1
At cii '-1"'.10-va- W i c~tS It lci jb ota ctc i< oi n - cc-cc 1cr, iall. -
C 1 n i .cc l-cc U5r 1 c c 0 o ti -,, N I c, e a ct,, t It l cc I c r'
S ciatcc ci 1,1 -. OQ«ei to a l c.c into ef.l ic c olcf c-. Cccc
1 leo c cie-ra-v -worb ice Shtekes- arrinvtilte evenn g'lt ailte lctre- lslce o t[cc (o tccit-nwn c 1 v -t lirc
CU - 'IA R S 1hr4 I I ty cice \c. c-11c icc. 1 1-cc 11et on1l irc
I care ite e s o edso nextets-ek, ailer no1 be really I-Irinrb lcts Icccc e c lec ie or do c-cc- ty ccc ci,
tint at the ic3ap lnl cit-erie parlors Tite S. L. A. elci~ontoorrow W %1est Libe rty Street,
THES ANN E.tlliltita oteigiel.tmotteing trill be called at 9:30 ine- S. K IZAUSE, ANN Aitteot, Miclt.
51Sta a trec rct. Tier limti of titme for lice paymntlstead of 9too o'ciorc, as previously
of thee gradeuation fee lens been fixes~ annoutaced.
IC lGAN GE AN at Jane 6. The Ptrohibition Club will htoldIa u z7SxzZ == z xt
1'ieTbl Rvse}Nvmicer 15 891 Dr. Gibbetstrill give litdenal ex- meetinag in lice lasw quiz roomtac1-
E-r .a.Cit uitr<iiain. Santination itt patheology ai 9:30 to- unight, at 7:130t to arrange for atted-CALO -
Ial xce It -c -- .- t a0 D arss-_..8 .27 a
NO- S cctL cin . -_ uiicta iiSteel -__ scs7-o rrosy morning. ing lice conventionatlCicago.
N. Y. -_cccc!). c15 N. S ceced. c9 s59 'The anoal S. L. A. electiotn till Ticere trill be akaleidoscopeso
Niatgarai taels pLIIto m aHuo- N
itI.nnc~o t to. Cisc iccot ves ;ci-.cbeIheld tomorrowr forenoon tselnine cial in lthe \. E. ciuchb tis ese-
G.lecccctir lne ..--o1cc1Ie. Nic E tess ica o'clock in roomt..ilg. An adtmission fee of lte cents
o. . Rte cIr.r:_, I tWlRAY LS, (
uG.iP.. Aacc.ticttcPe.AtnAta rof. Hinsdale trill nest Tuesday trwill be clharged. Ref retehmcentstrill Th Ledn Til,
examoine heis elates in tbe comparative be nerved.Ledn Talr
F IRST NATIONAL BANK study of educationtel systetms. A neat little panmphiet containing utttr1sasoeterStc.fccc,
OP ANN AP.ItOE.It is probable ti-at recitations ith aerl drseo rf rfi tee rtclreut.tcecrscie
Oapital, Slit.. C. Sceepie: atnd Profts, soc) h a eladdeso.ro.G ifn ic'Ic. c trut erc atl.te c e tset
Transacts a gneca. bantitngbcuiness, far- miost of thce courterstrill be con - to the senior law clans, together with ct
elcan euctenna sold, letters ot eredit penotred
for iravrsaboahud. tnned op to the 23rd of June. a fine engraving, is oow on sale. It
P. BACH. Prenn. Po..Wsigo-tNa an
SW. CLARNistaCshier. TI-ern will he an important omeet- maybhe obtained of the law librarian. iE.Whigo-tNaMan
DANCING and DEPORTMENT. lug of the '96 class tomorrow n-orn- The cop presented by the S. I.A ....
sng at nine o'clock, in room A. to he competed for at the field-day,
ThANoGfElf'C1The uniform of our team of ath- has heen engraved with the name ________________
Thebuldng peia l bultbyMr.Grngr etes at Chicago will he a neat hlue the winning class, the freshman lit., tk,, quil , ad1611
Includes htscfmely home, and contatns the, jersey suit, with monogram in yellow.anisow n exhihition at Shee-
finest and test arrang-ed rotems fr instructions TePlaimwl eo aehns aitl 5,0.SrladPot,$70b
tu be fotendilathe State. TePlaimwl eo aenn~Cpll S~tt.Srtu it e~~,$7ttn
Offie. entr Etrace,6 MYNAD S, Tesdy mrnig. reiewof he osna genral Rankineg huahnessi.Pays in-
Office.Cse nrne ANR T uedymrig eiwo h h Regenti are meeting in their Iceseteon Saving Deposits. Haa safety
C . Sn 55 5,o 1 0fu a.phiato ilh ivntmroregular monthly meeting this morn- Ii. KEMPF, Pres. F. H. jBlLiER, Cashier.
- ed$2,2,o S5 frSm ank open Saturdav evening.
.1.pieRentail Hox by express of Teln aedrwl eotlt h e ________________
Tfl7 theBEST CANDIES in Americai. Te.uC alna wlaeou n' h eting is one of more_______________
£MV Put yup 10 elegant boxes andtoorwatron Itiisudhnuulitestote
trtlpoeSutbetomo watron ti sud hnuulitrs otestudents, 0 KRSNS~pescre .. K. BARBER SHOP.
prpi.feett l CEhiTSEcago. earlier than usual this month on ac- as it i s prohahle that action will he I ONETIN
Trymli iF. GnTe-.ddesnsne, count of the approacigean- taken for tne immediate cmltoFieSwrBT hNewPoeed
',n~, C. chFg xamna copleio FicSowrfBthstNonereer,
212uj Il State Streetthe 55E. Washington St. J. iR. TROIIANOWSET
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. tionis. I Ofth gymnasium .30Btsfr$.0


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