THilE U0 F M AL 1A FINE DI8PLA K( ___Alga2 S. Sten St., lecrtflionr. Tlie ini terop ll put al aicr edge oa t qckertnnthan any other. If I tbiitars, JBanjo's you are not satttfhed after using the Ma' colins, lioliis,, Etc. Strop we will gladly reaurn your money. Evrybody to setisfied so far All Elegantly Finished attd Ricic in nut of mornettn ino purchasers. Toane. Calkin's Pharmacy. WILSEY, - The Music Dealer.' 0 A B Jl - t I $T iA"N W il NT WVill ice tilIling for Suatner w-ear. Yate wanti one. .-TOBLLEP, E.-IArEr EBJJIA MOORE &WETMOREBO0K STORES NO- 6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ANDt CORONER OF STATE AND WILLIAM STREEuTS. ANTT7] DBrPPEFO7TLfD SOUYLzF TI01' LT A LOlul 127' IITJTI §E SSIIJisioCy EIYL TENNIS GOODS A-ND 11'hAMOCRS. 0 Oh -Aul be found Complete and Our Prices as Low as the Lowest. a 'n E E E H T O ACBY,>all on Wi. Fuc~ldo, the !EMEM ER C N BT 2'a ll posite tte Law ileildeetg, ate ! W illiatta t.,tirot cleor ateat ofStetle-ut Oher.itClippcer iltd solid omet Tcetoes Icflt,10spr drot.. Clrtnhtc,retctirittnnctyrroingdone neatly. U11), S oiphite cc '461 15 " s ISuits to ordern olteccatty. All cc arl irt-claso. >1 1 tt - '~~~Riverside - ___________________ p t i e y Pumnpkin, ht / 5/1'Sltst- - - -lity c F YOU WANT T Lt y -Winslow Corte, - - - 1.13 ya A~r~ lc hl A - GLake Slere," - - - GL 1.00 LL ' nor ante tomeEReatring dater goeto Attd all otiher Catnned Goaoia at proportioatet price atfW'iif Arjok,0)Mc i tre BICYCLES. ~~ 44 Main Street., South. DEAN & COMPANY. 'fI Yo Lo UNIVERSITY NOTES. Tnorc oenoaeeCe aeIX Q -IIHOlJ$E ! sTmoro toenontheCh-PitLA GE - w l cIuc0c-I cldl~t' nod Sigman P1-i fraertieswilleltoet iVI ITH SIX LOTS 1 I 1 ce ciclc-ac ly eta1d in: otthlen campl-us inee a cttt c atm-e of 1 At cii '-1"'.10-va- W i c~tS It lci jb ota ctc i< oi n - cc-cc 1cr, iall. - C 1 n i .cc l-cc U5r 1 c c 0 o ti -,, N I c, e a ct,, t It l cc I c r' S ciatcc ci 1,1 -. OQ«ei to a l c.c into ef.l ic c olcf c-. Cccc 1 leo c cie-ra-v -worb ice Shtekes- arrinvtilte evenn g'lt ailte lctre- lslce o t[cc (o tccit-nwn c 1 v -t lirc CU - 'IA R S 1hr4 I I ty cice \c. c-11c icc. 1 1-cc 11et on1l irc I care ite e s o edso nextets-ek, ailer no1 be really I-Irinrb lcts Icccc e c lec ie or do c-cc- ty ccc ci, tint at the ic3ap lnl cit-erie parlors Tite S. L. A. elci~ontoorrow W %1est Libe rty Street, THES ANN E.tlliltita oteigiel.tmotteing trill be called at 9:30 ine- S. K IZAUSE, ANN Aitteot, Miclt. 51Sta a trec rct. Tier limti of titme for lice paymntlstead of 9too o'ciorc, as previously of thee gradeuation fee lens been fixes~ annoutaced. IC lGAN GE AN at Jane 6. The Ptrohibition Club will htoldIa u z7SxzZ == z xt 1'ieTbl Rvse}Nvmicer 15 891 Dr. Gibbetstrill give litdenal ex- meetinag in lice lasw quiz roomtac1- E-r .a.Cit uitr