zC~i. of -m( F~n~
P8015511 clDaily (Silmaoiexcepted) faring
~a llege yea',l(~
a a 0.scr l aaloaa 11r'. 111pr '<r, AlrI airly
i n .a do r s r 'r t ,, aa , e ' t O l e ff c e of, eI ) -' Il
THE U. of Xf. DAILY,
An AcrorMiach,
1.I a , . 1~I.fl',5 .
J..t,11 l la .I a, I I. .'lJ, Il a .
CA . )l Ns , iS,55 0 .
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Al10 1511111 N , rcciI
refiilll Ican best foe
by51 s ofal intrcoursieL
(ui all ndte e
PeI ibtol1ntbI nC 01c. 'Our IcIon11
11SUf C h tr ifi
II 11ff-te dto ~
nbers of t(((
New Firm, New {Goods, and Low Prices.
Thei o llthliIIIIlikeoaiS .111 IGU IE t i it its mftf o nI~~f(I.
Iltc oufl toI-lllllf('feap. e Srr ;flo ie ILT hvea I'tcZEFI. l Ioc
a~ 1 of: 'I IaS( fl'1IAIN STliCEif, 'NN AI CBOR. i(i
;' f1' 1 1 Iffy t oledo, Ann Arbor and orU
ll. Leseae J~i Michigan Railway.
. f sou l IIsoufs.: WI t if".' 9 . ' ieE d n lt tI.a11111.- %ll t'. :
11r111hIl L I' , i "_..I 11!1J 1 1,11 lr b 1 , 1,1 1 1t(1III 1 F,0 1'.
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I Ih1, L'.AOIIIG SITOOL. 1 OFIUI,151'S. alp0 No. I II 1 '11Id1110-0, 111111111y
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11111111,5of nLIf
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We11, 1111. I 1 111spac1f11 1011
aj a I " of.StIIll1'Il.Wh
1P . CIAL T, f' pr .
i V ' I WeAlla se Student 'la La
11 1
il of TE NNIS - SHOES - IN - STOCK.)
ll 11'.old ', 1. ~ I, Il '
1,1,11 lb ' af 01 ,111,' . II I
{'c II S l II, I .111 e sl .
(;OING -,)L' 1. if.
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a n.i 'll'aI u0ing la l la ,, irr
Shouldret1011110ff10books toI heA IV f C E5'ii$%
THE ROU"PUBISHIGf1OS1.sles from 5w1h 1 i lL)hey oLa~linled
--11_ them fen ftlroughlreadinlg. B AIT>E
As Friday is a1,1nationa111holiday, dingis a11f gIreatf ieal of timeo a0101
the 1)aily will niot be issu ed on ifflfl mor swil l be savese lofibrarian10,~Cr
that da._______ TUDENTS bUUIXS1UKL, STATE ST.
-IX'- Vrlhae receivedl fie first 0(111-
AN ASSURED SUCCESS. lher of file University Nesss, file new1 Greek, Lrttilll'renchI, Gern'all dall(111 College Text-Iioolea, Nes'
Tile 'omplfetitionl systeml of selectI- faily ofthfle 1Univ1ersify of ChII go"I. 1111 Ser'old-I1flnrl.
ing 1)111i.0 edlitorsis 101n o lnfer anIifis a o'ery'neal isheel, a110011 fie
exfperimlent, 11u11 111assulredlls(1c1ess, sio(fflohe )m .0 . Slucceso ftfie TA . N ~ E IO' A. BO TK
cofpefitio11.n1. 1 ff:l1101111T ef0flafA WhOLESALE ;PUNCES.
sclectlf 11ff 11 irst llfsclsc d e al, 110) 111110tff01 wifflfoe 01111 (l under ifs ~~
Oisfililnfo sere a lgeslell wich aupicolestlis i' nt fler. fle li l course
loave 1101 bere e rielnlelf 11 ilte Iin~ S.c llllydes 111, ff0rctiv eIntertalinl
fpracticl llorkaing 1111t(Iffilhe system.oI.-A
fI fhis wax', as ill0no olier, tfloe s1t1 Oulr footbafll 100111 lre riolfosi-- - -
joulrnlistoic ablility ill 1110 1 Ill2r- 1111'tic verftie hosfitaloe freatmeniofBen Franklin said :"-Keep your expenditures
sity is lifLougill 1111. WX hft is111110 fury receivedl troni 101ffluii Bu~iir-icm ."~i
sary for tfie 0s1ccess of a college lag ltoeir recentltifo, fle mlanlae- below yourino e Simple enough11
daily, is an active, hustlinlg, looard rentl refports a very plfeasanot trff. theory, but difficult in practice.
of edtiors, swhooare w5illinglIt10 devote -----. "----
floe requiredl lime to thoeir Vdliies
and swho enjoy the swork. Withi suchl
a board of ediforsithe success of our
college daily is assured.
Th'le action osffloe facultly ladies
in opening their hoomes to floe "co-
eds,'' cans not lie too highly coni-
nmended. 'l'his is a iiove io the righot
dlirectionl, anid fends to prodauce a
friendlier feeling betsween floe sfiident
body and tfie faculfy. 'hoe besf
wvork can he donse only whlen ftie
studlent anid teacher ssork in liar-
moony. The student nhould feet
that the professor is bin bent friend
and not a tyrant set up to rule over
him with an iron hand. This friendly
'To lPENTi-Very desisrible roomls.
F'urinished, heat,Iexcellentllllocationl.
$2.50 per sweek. 21 S. 12th St.
WIANTsED.-A secondi-halsd copy of
Blaekstone's (eminelltlsE, C'otley's
eitioi.o. Must fie the latest edition.
1F. T. Fl-1100
14-6t '53 S. ivfision street.
Monday, October 24th.
THE '10 " IG? 5.51TOFTHlE',SEASO..
The phesamenal sulccess, Elmeir E. d'ance's
original ad greaest, of all railroad
comeady dramas,
The Limited Mail
Prices, - - - 35c, 50c, and T5c.
Seals an sate as P. 0. Nesws Stand.
Latest Styles fCents' Finse inen Collars, 'ssortho on at 2 for 25c.
l{ ine horen Cliffs ait o5c, wvorfil 25e, and at 25c, sworth 35c.
V'ery ILatest 'reck 'lies at 23c anod 47c, wvorth 35~c and 75c.
'Iery Neswest tour-in-Handil Ties at 23c and 4i7c, swortho 5oc anlf 75c.
-Brllrington"''-East iflack IHose at 25c,;ssorthi 35c.
WhI'ifte Shirts at 5oc, 69c anid So.oo, wo'Irth 20 poer cent. miore.
Night Shirts at 5oc anod goc, sworthi 75c and $1.oo.
Spfecialies in U'nderswear at 5oc, $s.oo anod $1.5o a garmoent.
Gents' Kid Gloves at $-1.oo, {'Decided Bfargalin.
Dry Goo1ds, Cuaoe, En's', Gents' M i'sirhiiiar iopets, Ciof's, Kitt isrre',
Ladies',M'usliis Clofcl'ar.