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October 19, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-19

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c I eI. of 3. fll.

VOL. III.-No. 1(.



The Museum of Art Now
Systemiatically Catalogued.
A Long Felt Want Supplied-Our
Art Collection no Longer an Un-
solved Puzzlis-The New Gata- I
Logue a Book Well Worthy ot
Possession.-More Interest Shouldi
he Taken in Our Art Museumn
In sl7lforlt hirst tile a smaill
catalogue of about eighty piges win
paublished by the Univrssityrootaioo
in" as list of the statees ind paint-
ings in the library. Its autlior wais
Prof. Henry S. Frizie, thin cra-torl
of the moseuni.
The catalogue was divided into
four parts. Part first contained an'
acrount of the engravings, photo-
graphs, clironmo-lithographs aod
paintings. Part two was devoted to
scripture. Part ttiree to models anti
engravings of niiscellaneotss antd an-
tiquse objects, and part four to gemss
anti medallions.
Siec e the publication of tisc-it-
loguie it was foussd necessary to addi
a supptlenient,svhiuchishotilc ivise.-
list of list works of Randolph Rogers
and of the otlier saleable wvorks suit
paintisigs that haditheed addcec.
Since this supplienment li-s beein
pieblishedcu, several wosrks of -srti-isve
been added, and a revisiosi of liie
ottt catalogue wvas thought snecessary.s
This has bieen acconmpishediii a
very satisfactory us-as-ier by Prof.
Martin L.- D'Ooge, fnowtI catsriof
she nmusessm.
list ness catalogue is smalier saitd
niuchs noreconivessientstIaIts-is-il iit
one. IBotninibIlise ansilsistrateii
it msakes a book svell worthsy of i--n-
sessiosi. It is dlisiiiedi into paeits
after list manner of ltst oldca-
logue.-lT fronstis-piece is a repre-
sesnlation of Soplsddes, the Creek
tragic poet. Ibis is froms the osigi

This is also fromstise original in
smarbie i- is teVaticans, anisiwas
found ini Antrims itear the endi of the
fifteesithicentisry. WhtsR the left
hsanidiasndiwrist were goin-, but have
sisce beess restoresi )jy Iositorsoli.
The psictusre of B Mobe ansi tier
M ousngest slaughter represents Moist
claspinig lies-youngest clild ithihter
riglhandssi, aiusitrying to pIrotect
tier writis ter mansstle iii ter left froms
list iivisibie arros;ns of iuana aisd
Apollo. Tbis is probably the work
of Scopas or of Praxitiles, wvho
Nouisrishsed i is tefoisrthicesntury, 13).
The next, anti by far list most
valuable isiece of art is-ilit gallery
is .blind Mydia,lite'"flosver girl'' of
Pompeii. Alydia is represented as
leaning iupon hser staff, eagerly listen-
ing for a sousic of the friesics from
wshomnshse has jest b~een separated.
'This copy in Cararra msarble was
natte by Randolphs Rogers ie siflo,
asid presessleci to liteUssiversity by
list public spirited citizenis of Ann
Ti-itLost PleiaciMe~opt, assothser
of Rogers' wvorkcs, separated frous
tier sisters as a penalty iifsmarryin-g
Sisyphius, is representeid -s gazing~
jearnestly for tier sisters.
Lewvis Cans, frossiliteironze statist
by Daniel C. Frcih-, in the rotundta
of lte apital at Washuintgoni, anici
isJnocosmpletes list list iif illusstra-
tions. As yet list gallery is nol re-
nunmberecd to coniforms wst-ilit
cataltsgue, bist it is expected thast
this stiltlibestore as soois as pos-
I Icr first season uder the regimue
of list Northwssestersn Insier-csollegiate
Athletic Asso-ciatiosn was opensed
hsere last Satuirday ibylit football
gamet betwveessthit elevenis of the
University of 'liicisigass asithlis
Unisersity of Wkisconsssin. 'lis
Michigan boys carried off liteihosors

Arrangements Completed for a-
Three Days' Tournament., ,
What proisestoie a very' set- v nPORT'~'
cisslul tessnistbusrnamsent has bees- - j-'ss NdU [ Rjrtkt s a
arsanged fti-ictiobe- 2l, a2, anti28. DETOIT, MICH. "'
it wsilltie heist ciiithe associt ioin
courts at 3p. m.i -oiite l ayt-s ansi
noeunceii. 'Thteves il i licde
first and isecondi class snl.,es assi
first class doubles. A snuber of
priestwill be glees-i ts the w insi-t
of listsbore es-ti-ts. EItissarc
opens toiall, os-ilte aymntof lte
entrance fee Of c2 cents. Aule he n 'tyssstnt thebLatest metrspoitsaniMyles
tries n-ist be msadle before Oct. 24- AnnssArboi prines, send flistaloinigue ts
The comsmittee to receive entries in-
cissdes: Tremsble, lit '94, hBelden, ReH FYF
lit '93, Wentworths, lit '9J, as-d Mc- &C
101, 183-185 soissti,,eAvgu.,
Mullen, dent '93' DETROIT, - - MICIG~AN.
An Interesting Literary Program
ToihAnnounced. MERCHANT
Mutisic, 0guitar ani mandolis solo,
RI. A. Siipp, R. T. Harris; tresi-
dents adidress, Ai. F. iBickley'; essay', TAI LOR.
choice of the legal tirofession, F. (G.

Jonite-s; issic, tiasno soio, iss
:MinnicelDsvis Debsate, Resolved,'
That assalit-irs-iy is j utillable is
dtefesdinsg'a mass wvhoms te thinks
gushty. Affrm-ative, J '. V. i-tur-
docck, S.J. Carlock; Negative, ..
I. AlbersGCA.lDesitler. All are
cosrchatty'sinitedito -attendc.
'Tse iimbers of list ChoralUiaons
wvere seateti in their iiermnsaen-t
places last night.- 'rise sumber of
singers has been increaseii to aboust
ao, to smake allowranre for thsise
whso still drop out diurisiglist year.
Dr. 'T'hosmas still lecture in list
Unity' Club series, on ''Doisbt,''
Mos-isay night. 'lis sisgle admnis-
sissa for lis lecture hs bees- fixed '
sit 25 cessts. A season ticket, in-
cltsdiisg tenty-six enitertaicnmentis,
costs os-i dollar.
'The D~emocratic Club has elected
officers for the ensuing year as fol-
lows: President, A. C.'T'urnipseed;
vice-presidents, D. J. Lyons and
Fred Negley; cor.-sec., J. A. Bor-
deaux; recording see., G. A. Groes-
back; treasurer, J. McCabe. Execu-
tive committee, S. WV. Curtiss, A.G.
Hegner, P. M. Troy, J. A. Bor-

l ER W. FORI 70 T S'JA
Detroit, M~ichigan.
c r i in g htt n ura isu-,
tradelCigarettses ill fisd
'Y'n-les is cAisisiiperior 5to
c--i, TetisRichmndiStraight
Ct N . IsCigarettes sre insesf5romsithss bright-
es, anst dciissteitlyflavoredlansthigisest cost
oild tins grouinisrsgsna.Tissistelcd
ad OigiailirndS ofStrsaighit Cust Cigrettes,
anss sins brsnughstnut by s-n tiseSlirnt55.
BlewareetfsisiiationasasiCose-rve tint slit
firms cate as belowr ss a es-err package.
ThseAL.LEN & GINTjsE Branc
O5fthe AmerisnTosbaccos Co.e
Massutactuers, - tschsmsnd.IVirgsna.
11 W. Washington St.
PH~ONE Nm.o.
R. E. JOLLY & CO.,

nai of Greek nmarble is-il te Lateran of ls th ay by a score of so to 6, but
Musetums in Ron-i, audi by critics is it ivansosnly after a hsarti foughut hat-
cosasitlered list finest drapeti statuetlit. 'rie gamse wsneich playediby
of a male figure ever discovered, both sides ansd was as closely con-
'Ths second of the eighst illisstrations tested as any game that hsas ibeen
in Laocoon group, presented to the seen here for some lime. Mlichi-
University by the class of '59. This ganu's victory was due principally to
is from a group in marble in the the fine playing of Jewett, their right
Vatican and found among the ruins half, and to the support they ren-
of Titus on the Esqusiline. dered by their excellent blocking
Thethid llutrtio i that of and tackling. The latter point was
The tird ilustationis the one in which the U. W. boys
Apollo Belvedere in the act of watch- showed a lack of training-The
ing- an arrow recently discharged. Daily Cardinal.

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