NOT I CE DAt 4 S.Stte S.1FitHOW'.
--I (s Special Sale at NOBLES
Supoies, 1.) liJSVeiI5,E~~I ts., Sx 01 .5Cs. 18 tS ,Thee fo 30 ctS
Chooatsad CgrsAl l E1 ,oly Fnished and001ch inThree Styles, Four foi 1.00.
__ ( TTone. o) etsTlie for $I.t). 50 ets. worth %73 ts
A I ovalue.1Imp rted t1rough Bosoton Comoot-oon iHose Ali Stades, lacTas,
W+ILSEY, - The M~usic Dealerlotis, t., Et.
Op "c' ucj.iI bT- fosm"d Com1plero amci Our £rices_ as Lour as fPxo Lowest.
u/ t E FEBER THAT YOU CAN BUY C81 al m r
1 um tt tlahot lov w ot ' t t t al -t.
I iippoo1,lacT ooi oid lttco l 'l, sf~ Ir do: Fudt. 1oOO.Ololto.At ~l~tOt
Iltit~t- - - - - - - -1,11 11.1'YOU AVANT TI)
tr "- - - - «.~
' 44 }§*p>v Corn, 3uy
Lake Shoe,' - - - l. -tt-eotetlttioP hs 0t
F t 9 ~~~Ando all other Caned Goodls at prootionattte pre ot WMfii, Ar oltck, r rl 36 Mi Street
BICYCLES. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY.
I UNIVERSTY NOTES. The pituoors of Judgoo Canpbll LA.~ I -I~ J1
Lo k fotlthingtha ttt mkon~tito0 trcreso, Oatol Wlkr oeonly secoed fothtito. WITH Six LOTS
C,,tem toios beyondouritiotnott's tange. lao huilding by the aumnio, wtllbe ~ ~ T
At ottr ShtowWiWndiow? It tlls tostothe oitoie tt qotets or little oct-ots,
Atond inns ottttl tthm Te no-do l toepreoented today.
itsownotistory abouo otooc"-Olotot. The 'Vriy an'g lw teamso oti~toto- tOtot1t~ ~y'lt
0000 d slO Iilo, ett ou t o n e t otohilt
tYrof. Scott willnet hist classes played a practice goome othie consiI~fi- 0lot lot iiot tie .eAocylaore hil
0UTRSas usoal today. pts yeterday, resulting 1 to 3 in a ootordl il o. otijoioi t oo ou~~l
Eoi . St. JohttoCro, '91 tiedic, is favor of the 'Varitics. 1 pt (iyto lll o. at
PRICES'.qio ic fk with parotitis. The tennsl cotrts will e ready to fit West Liberty Street,
THiEs ANN ARtBORl ORGANC., Thse list of senior lows lto pssedcl e played on fter te frt r n. S. RAUSE, ANN An~t o, Mct.
St South ploinStreet. its rel este wooshtlletined eser-Onhudedooritvhese-
day. petded on teir implroemnt~.
.IGHIGA N E~NTL Al enoon antd Chapnman bohliran 0 Ta ieil,~~sositoshl o
OTeTtobt le (oetosdNtovetmberti2o,1882. too-yds under toystecondis, yester-Ithe gmaimwsp x i-T gynnasitm was ot con-
I)0 tO0~~tO~ Te Choral Union meets tonight, sideredt yesterday, ht was nmade tie (ALO
Maio- -N7seiaoreoorti ftron
N . ~,LO N.s i~td . to attd action os the Chicago trip tili specia re o ii fenoo
itosora Choic01 o~, resP,,ie talket.Quite a number of the promntent j I \\ .--'
At.tNttExprelts s 0K G R -i-ltEs 40 The Aion teamntotste gane bicycle riders of he 'Varsity will a.VY 1--VI~
t.t Lottttos tO H: P wttt Eio)lOSo tfotMtotstyetmdy yanake a trip to Detroit Saturoay.
G. to. ST.nooo eao.At. Ann Aro.srofit05
OP.00 cti Co100 AO~taA~oto scre f t to5.They will nmeet at te ain uilding The Leading Tailor,
FIRST NATIONA L BANUK Four of tite pole votters went at 8 a. m. sarp. All wising to
over eght feet, six incies, yester- join the trils sonldaipear at tatPo olocoottwSoooo tot5ooo-.
OF ANN ARBOR.Fo:tinlnnorumrnr Loe,,
- pit t, $Ithl 055 0010 t attOPoots, $;10,000, ay, in practice. tinme. J tt n t i 0)t o roottt. So t t cori, l
eastcant geSotletsofthc0redt pocturetd Thte first of the inter-class alTh''le Canadiaticlub sol oet t-
0or r t lots0ood. P. BACH,t'os. goines is scheduled for M1'ay 16th, morrow evening at 8 o'clock, in
SiW, CLARKSON loasir. etween '93 and '94. room 14, law building. A full N-E.Wsigo-tNaMin
DANCING and DEPORTMENT. Ninetysix played the High Slool attendance of the club is requested,
(1TAlVERI~f'sIi A U ott the athletic field yesterday after- also of Canadians and 1nglishnen
1TIU1iIiN ~~AIDiIy 0000 9 to5 in favor of the former, attending tle University, whether
UTLI.LLJ Ths U of C. commenced this regiteredi front Canada or not.
teloidiso speiatly toilt ty Mr. Ocriec ° '
Colnes on ts tooeadoomnrrtaisto ek cthte publication of a teekly The following men Stve been ~
finet an bes arrnno roo s fo insructonapit, 50,0007.SrpussantSProits, $1,00.
to bfonintett.I blei ob eoe chiefly to an- posted by '94 lit for the class game Oe eea ahn sons.Pp s
OfleeOaneeEntane, MTNAD T. ouceneos.with '93 lit, subject to challenge by teroton saingDeosits.Hasety-
hodS Oo t5 s a- The floral offeringothmeiaDeoiBoefo01 7 rn$111,o111frs-thlatr snnSnltr, R. KEMIPF, Prs. F. H. ELSER, Cashier.
pi Rtal ogbyexrest te eof themedial teelateroRosecran, Smltee
t~9 he ESTCANDHEOOO noriOO- sinudents t mtemnory of the late rognan Ciickerin,Anes,
pt up in eiegant Soesand Airs. Andersons smehi
titey pure. Suitfo r n . .Frcotsmtig Freneh, Hart, Purdy, Cadwell, 0. K. BARBER SHOP.
P RESENTS.'Express carges like ' -r dollars.Tednaad
prepaidRetfer to alt Chicago. ttry .TedntladShields, MeClumpha, Hall, Went-IN a eOToioitN,
Cry iY UtIR OAsoetoe c, Sosoa tsas ae worth, Hamper, lFriednan, FineahowerTb.
212 tat Steet trce ontibuion 30E. tashhgtn St. J. . TRO.ANOwSVK
CHIC~AGO, ILLINOIS. nc1 .less, Tremble, Spain, Searing. 30SBatstortoe$5.00.