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May 11, 1893 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-05-11

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THE LATEST AND BEST HERE'S A SNAP.---Thursday, Friday and
Assortment of NEGLIGEE SHIRTS in ttte City.

It is a Splendid Showing of Suits and Overoats.Extr\Valoe at Lowar ice.

Lincoln Bennett & CO.'S Genuin e English Deiby tints, all colors
and thin season's shape, that are solil all aver the Unitedl states; at $5.00, for $3.00.
This is less thair cost. Imt youiidont k ick at that.

W CidhamS 4. Ryan. & 4. ReuleJ r'TIE EJrr-'7o 8MS.. =-

o I

An rorSvns ak PATRONIZE tR'c_; 0'SFAIiR CFN T E 1A'0 _Vre-
Ann Arbor S ainglstoBank 5,00,OWET N'S BARBER SHOP! ,t ,wn3,
An e rStrpsCaittl50,0,00 0,0. . o. t E rae IZ VSIr i ritv . . tI a 3i itl (' ( crc-p .
it ts stona teReisepO o nsbusondI It _
ssesioion i thepinipatiesofhre ~ fl r 11RTfI T* aa 1.rii
totted Sie inisis oa I_____
L~tdSsttss Dfscs he pon roteiinntifiatin.tffi ers: 'iE A RCH a
W. 1) 11R IMAN Vice1 re., ; rY3 < latrPitt title
l'. T TLJneFTOhir. - lc)Yiamaa/fditer
.en,,N, ne, n. nrn vann. s r anu
'7a / 3 I y
ITa . OF 141. CAI EN1)AEt. A Card.
__________________ fri., Sue i-.5. ttunre- Fresh man I firlil l~rry. To tire Students of tha eie artnient
IRA p 9~ L L ret.,tlay C'-FrvslitintrClul)sitt o eicnIurey
AFri.,'May .ti-Canrtdiari Ct i rn tin. loomiot ledcieandti gey
1t, lawrhuildinga, oa a. Ill. My sincerest thanks are laereby
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, ea.. MayIi.-Atfiletii Field. NorthwoeoterniSs. tendered for your thaougnhtfull kint-
Sot,., Slay 1:l-Altpha Na--Arteltia ccnrtest. neon in preenrting stacha beauiul5
30 East Saroe Street, Room 24, tip. I1
'ti.,Stae a-i~r a ii, n eisiery and bountiful evidence of sympaathy
Ru. a 491 .n.,a ebryhlAVE EARNED AN 'tiienriri.'Mnrthids Apprlied to (rritinrtr.' for thae great bereavement that has
ENVIABLE. sonf. J. W. If err iiii adndte yaso n
REPUTATON -_-f, _ saddeed thedeclining yaso n
H FOR Us FOR 23YRS.I Disbanded Till Next Year. honored with the responsibility of
ViORTRADE --gvn ntutonhr o hry
0 SOLICITED 'lie freshmanranrrdolirn club nmet gvn ntuto rr o hry
nine years.
A.DSdr&Sn last nighrt in Newberry H~all to con- p.or Me sdrteqeto f eraiain ~ay your friends be an nunreross
On.n~ Afs tre petono e .and devoted whien sorrosncome, ao
Atrsonme debate, it wan unani-
nmously decided to disband until come threy taust to all.
next year, swhen lire club will be re- iatet o,

]Excelsior Laundry,
0-PEAST ilrift S''ittr
(Coirt Work. 5 ant rt iii d C i iii rcalldr i
'3dtelvtvt-vd. AFI'COVE'RT.'Proi).

'_ ; ,


A Great
lq Prices!

organized,.lire reasons for tis de-
cision wecre thrat niost of the memr-
bern catn teet but once a sweek for
practice atnd rehearsal, and anslihere
are onaly six weeks omore thin senmestcr
it swas thoughrt that it swouidi hardily
piay to corntinure tire club actively
any more this year.

We are offerinigor entire stock of LAWiN lire U. of Mr. DArt ay announces
that tireirewsutstbfor their bastball
TENNIS roil'SPORTIN~rGOGtODS at teamr will be sworanforrthat first title
manfacures' holsal cot. tl ewat 'Ithaca otn tire rlta. lireteam
mroafetrees'ichinrtecat. Allrrsrhas beeir playing greattrballIava ir.
ERehets irrlolei. Dliac lis irteCitavc erently riefeateci thre C raversaly if
Illinois learn, andtihiat of tireIDe-
troit Athletic Club-Cornell Suar
-rAA.&N.MR. R.Bulletin.
GEORGE WAHR, W .T U I ifite V.C.. L'.
iravnio t ltei. MnAary 9ht
12th, tireIT . &N . trill tmate
University 20 S. State St . anate of sire atarioariatirrd fairt fir
Bookstore, tiroutndtr tip. Ifiche'4s stud n theli
eeriliate -i. l. S CraEr:NWtrtin,
: lile I.. .S Agent.

C. L. Forn.
POLR'2t1f C, just north of the [Pist-
offiee, tins tire best Irhackserirriages,
atnd horses in thre city. TIcy hint.. tf
Fi'tt'ALE11'or inr exchange fortphuh.
erty tin AtniiArbor, afist-clissavts
mill. Adrtess, M.1E1 lYt iii,
Cranger'o Acadfemy and Residlence.
ft wold-banu ngt iritgateful iii rarirana
oilriricprsariela inld tilarnktiar
cordial aprr prcitionr ofiour btsttelfir ts
iii prrootigtire inittiests iii thorse
plarcedrunrit ouecali raildiiioi miiill
oa r wa rmet andasirter e atfirars l-
clgiurirrflt fi t'e lbelatandfiit eniitrlyI
suippoirfttccoiteI.I'injroymerunt if
fire ptroarge itt trlyI airtitt oflth
hrigh est researcfaility; tirectorts rof
tri tr aess mnroy, its Icentrai lotafti
rand excellenttmusieic, irie p ilaceetiolit
schooinseeat d tifritoneipintthfitstate.
'itI'- ANtD 'RS. OStir' I vs R
toi.Maynrd rlstreet.


-:rc attn1,in t ia .. Suce r el t,y -t-'~ is.,
1 W~ ineV: ig j l t n I ite"oli t co-
J3road ? WEL, ES,
Stat r i hSAY Ttu~y
\VE Stt isv AN "Us-
17 S. MATINStri'.FR

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