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October 17, 1892 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-10-17

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______________WE ARZE AGENTS FOZ
GENTLEMEN:- Yohiais' $s, I(Io3C $ats,
We wish to call --our particular attention to the fact that our I Sit eriptaiq's 4ats5
Stocik, as usual, includes a general and complete linc of high class
clothing. Young Men's ANts HODGEMAN'S M\ACINTOSHIES.
T = = S A N T O S Z R C A = S W e wish to announce that we are going out ot the Ready M ade
made up with all the detail, care and skill which characterizes the Clothing Biusiness and substitute Merchant Tailoring and Fine
best mserchant tailoring work. Shies. On account of this change e shall sell all or FINE BOX
WadhmsKenedy Rele. examine.
WadhmsKenedy Rele.AT THE TWO SAMS.
Ann Arbor Savings Bank PATRONIZE
Ann Arbor Mic. capital Sic, $i6,snX, OWEN'S BARBER SHOP! I1- - ye
Organizes undr ihe eeneralteseiashin Saw Na.enEm' Hidiii Onsts'
Of iis stai. Reaeives IDeposits, bays asd_________$P CI ,
tells excehange an the pinipl ies o alit
united States,1Drats cashed psis poper -THE ARGUSS- ON SATUIRDiAY, OCTOIhEl 15.
idIetlain.Oieess ~TOUPr L11
CmnseaN MAC, Pes., 1lll~vT111
Aw. lis D.00IAVcePe. i A N R&C ., - Tailors and Furnishers.
M. usS. FlsttoACashier.ATier. -ยข-~
hot Q ' er Fine Shower Ba th, New Porcelain
((ii '1 1 MAIN -iND IlIJRllI's i. No. 1 W HUJRON S. ( 'i issi, 4As sos..'rpl si rfts 5ibO.
Wrren P Lombard. ANiNOUNCEIMIENTS. Doess a gnrariillsanklg bssings. Paysin
in estSasvitng oss.to at
(1I'lsi ' Warren P. Lonsbard is0theotran lsTheIllinois Republican club wilt taesi tBoestorsias. Hsst
t. KMP',Pes. F. H. IELSEER, Cashier.
sor of TDr.WVm. H-owsell, as professor met in te lassquizis room, tonight Bank onon Sairda eening.
Bf.hyiA.g i Ne Aivr siyof(inday), g iait'/30. soc tiosui,,i 1s=1
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, hicer r caltie tnest . Lonsbarsi ook Iis A. IIdegree ss ryi~, as a list must e orwarded
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS! at iHarvard University to 1878, and to headuarters imnmediately. 7g
30__ EastHuron__ street,__threeyears__latergraduatedsfom leit .A.DNSN Vc-rs. G osed& Sn.
m5uerdical separtmeint of that sciool. IL. C. C to; Iv Secretary
S+ HAEANsED NLik manliy iasambitio000 andshzealous Teruilse eetingoth
streAmoN isesdisal stsidet, hit wesntarioad for Oi esbias nrums avT IO S
esisi Ft ass siss"bu 5iing, oesday ieight a17:30.
YORTAEamoexeddandhscicitific cosrse AulIOhio repsblicas arc rquestedhIN 1 IER
s0Lriiti itss ilhIis Choscin fitd o physiology, to1bc Ireent as hbussess 1ofipot.
hl1~& ll'iree years of assiuousoapplications asseilol le considsslred.l 14-21FINE
s' i ere spent at ILeipzig iniginatisl is-o NeFoirk rpisoticain sil eet 'NVtOLENS.
p, cor os sCe.. v stigaotison aiid scitifircsiscprisoel o nigssssht (M\ondlay), a 73o i rof.
ttlrois. Sonic swork of excptinlat(rif m's rooomolasw builing.
vs~si sassisio sils roosor usi, Ir los ssCoi on n 0:. 19 S.Main.
U\lo lisivaloeswasldoneswhthlPrifesssril I bir
'IA./' ahr's of 'Iurin, 010 'Klshscuar Fatigue."' i0losnianatoroissmsitonight, (eetosu G d &
I aIstrero oigt Ro- odpe isisreturn to this crontry hlielay) 't 70o'coik. o&pe Sons.,
BOO S hysioloy, of Cotuiibia. After a Tic tesnni rhscubwl eot 01st SHOES.
years service us this noteid collesse cots -Mondsayroni 3:30 ts 6 p. SEE sla:in ShW (hRAZE
he sas calledl to the ciair of phssio-m., to goe 'ciinis hbages to the TA a. i~i i
logy at Clark University. lD. Ion- players R sisia oes i ~m i i
bardi servetd to this capacity at Clarks Berrien ourssnty .Mich., wishiiig o I-'
seilDsononLwB ,till thest present year,swhenhe sas '0oioime to svse 551witlmuniate NistRMAN &U asNEa stis
Maeial enal aind A llsveritsy clledi to the chair of physioogy in withs Chas. . .Strattos, 70 Sosth SPiit SHOEisSii'.
laO hek li 1igettheU ives rsity of Siciiga. 'lThe State street. iz7-3tMin
nane of lD. honshardh is conoin "Siberia.'
Sion I ,ntoert iVtefhyioogialwold Iecusie of his contribustions to the tsh lly, Siteria, oisesisy ese-u G.ooseed &NISons
S. Ll ils 1VU DV I\ lteiatture of thissdetartmnst, anil tou, Oct.l b stbl vn.1fr A T R
Sisorigninaihlisestigatios ini tisisdrama stibe iat tetley ael11ist'itHA T R
repilte sithi startlig adsil tirrisng AN
in (lie clty ton 2s cents Agentitfoe field. iD. Lombard has sone setes. 'Thia perseritiontiof a air ott FIJRNISHERS.
aufl & Loots MathiemisaticaiilIstuisiesial woiktpon Voluntary Nfhis- sdevotesd yuntg lvss'bsOy a vicioss
uociits. slit hl~~~~~~sisiantibisia othe thimtiof nif (lassy, Sl'5sltt srht 'ilt
net.I'ntler hrics o verythintg. clr Ctontractons and th'eanuss, amtsh(le fforts of (le cosuple tiIo tle Sl gnsfrte Mle
antI hissmate contributiotns of merit thedsesigs f the is'islicote il Iis hiat.'' litoe Lue of
tise Jooinah ofmihsiolgetel niisits, gie rise to manity stirting -Mhakitoshe~s.
~to teJunlo hsooy dtdscnues.
STOES : by (roster, the emitet physiologist Neow sceeypailteltdhea'pressy fist
South State street and mlain StreetI tioe sramtia, ait a gossicioiaty of15 S. Main.
Opolisit Curl House)t. of Engand. i 5 Oi iiiis'

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