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October 17, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-17

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NI Al(

E IT ofes to g ooud bail platyer, htieh WOMEN'S LEAGUE.
isLmydenite to nemain twith its. l
TI~ L~1 aisg)iverthlinin tocntsidertio President Angell Addresses the J '
I lme'ik~ isework cit thebx a Le -lans for the Coinings A
Refers te Saturdays Game p good,, scgan h oold cranly akeYear Discussed.r
tihe Athletic Field a saluabie acq~uisition to the t em.iypS'rfi
'Thec panic opens wt U fT -I1 t i ttnmcts,0 aWoa' ssllnl 0 irsc
bat. Spuracn clads poffrwith atsaf.
tsr Teamin Poor Form for the Con- IiuiLtetagpouOesi l ast at cI )r. ie I ,,_______ _______
test-TernD. A.C's Showedl op Le aindsemn,1ng,1nDTROTtICH
Well After their PastenB x-en '1 rita Cult tle 1I r 1 01cU i'titlhttlti catS, 1i gy i
P reefer's Work in tnBo 1cOlirhif h 11c )1 ,of the Circ ll anies
:Ftay Attend the U. of 1,1aniPlay 151111)tO Ol.C. Cod([ 01 n001010
ttlOrTenihs ilIn c L SllsC ill iiii' at.al.r a
ii s ~Sof Mit is torgottc'S1thow to DI0 i ad siballnoi
i~lr t thc Atiiletic;i I i ii011 i ad iieforethc gy ftil' 'hOS is 1roiling ,cii"nity of ciondut whichi nasicit
-a'IlStI lalliticitIniS eo I ell uoni 0corbs5a.tieT lat Itap'I aure fitot 11111 toainswecr thei
il be the list 111balliameof tte ea-I aisilisillomIcloverthe wol'iconto
suit of the game is practicaits set-111isi liiioc h ottn
s015 It wa s i onniisii y ridnmos ciin thsll s cniil" tue success of a nocdci . liii, 5511 ti~iihis iuiiirtilnliioiolitan Styles
iedi ti' nn . '1,$4o-)aSloat0cn t l 51 iuTiir irsiithan
'.sraed tha t thte national ga c cts I Ininig"nunmbei'two ieis anotherr lionali sysitem aliditilesortiiioflwomenAnniiArboiiircrs,sendilfoiriCataloge toi
becom 0 un.interesting, wheliciaye d rnifor\tinhigais Shiueids opens seho atteindedtihti U. of IM.FkM
iut of its piiopecr snasoni and in its withi a tseo-bagerian is divisenli
n( si Hecalso spokecif the growth of
imtiropier wiy. A game for revensue acro~ss the plate tby aii opportunie the ILcague aniitenmintled the youn
Cdlt osiiiYl e by Snmeltzeir.evreio 101, 183-185 iwioss'inO Arc..
ny, n o for blood, provedt h D . Cita ii islmakedwmenthat they wee iot iee DETtloti', - - MICHIGtAN.
ie the histois of Saturdaly's cnisest. Mathken's tseo ba""er, snd a beasiti- siniply as iniviiditals, but as repre-
it was CSlistless, uinlteresting, Coil fat thiiotwby Mirogtoan from iigt etaiitives iif their sex:. At the close P. J.KINN~UCAN,
"reptete weith errors on the part of fielid to the platrsehicht bold Galla- of Dr. Augell's rentarkcs the tonsti
\lli"cils. Its prenmature departure 'iter tillthird.ILatnirCGailateetand ito esrat
of itm iei h eethmm I \larkcr scorn on Cli error by Sptzr s M R H N
thi lfe n he evnthi '\ntMclii aciads Cnotiher rutistotier 'Mrs. Browen talked seith the girts 4 E aCl A.N'T
was certainsly'not benmoanedl by tim sting in tie thsirudCail Spurmney's a fete moments, tellimig thecm of
naiority' if the lonig-sufferitng spec-iibtie cii baits and I earson's single.Ikinidly feelings the tattles of the fa-inato s
aoi~~~~~~~~~~~~ s tIcmsli ieisi s1 osioltn i itttity held for titem nttd in tre namte T I O
itthcoimfiartinig thought that thc sees Miiian stationarys shiletheo toelaiticvn te cr
prvdneare pecutliaCitnd cnd hmpliiorns gsatbcerin isswiiruiisiC ofd hsetctc gvngten nr
was ,os fitfprovlidece C(d itCrersnttu ei i iis ic dtil e to to visit t'eeitontes 0ID'agu1'
'i ounitgitt, and that pirctnice idouble n h xii ti c inttiue oe o his. Te et
tr best thait it happened tihts.titim'kestier fitml snotre. Shiteirs fids ip cosed weitih a fete rensarks by'
hosever, our criticisnms shoulil not ' scratch hit, antI is follosediliy' Miss .Sessionss, the president. ( 17-T= O Z= S
be too ca umic seheni see inke I fiedteen, into lines a beauty deep li.
lnocnieainalteetna-into center, Shields taking thsird ottn
litocosdeatot llth etisia-the play, and snores a nmomneit later SENIOR LAW ELECTIONS =_
tgand anmeliorating circumstancesI on a sacrifice by Rich. Nothing of 55__ W_'T. OR ' S'=',

seiicis surround this omega of the merit is accomiplishied frotm this Pandemonium Reigned Supreme,
biasehall season. We iutst adtmit piont tilt the end of the seeisth, and no Business was Done. i
thattisy cintther ssi.lb wjeneisarker, Ditniarnieaisd Gui--
tyat(tey consistedofesno.gthescr ney chase each other across the iplate, 'rie annals of thse late departnsent'
siy(? o'mteutt oglmra n the aigony' is finisheid.rio not futnishlianiequial to the scenes
tiots of suibs aisdiregulars shositrDci
foroect it lst ear' nitsition cs.un a enactedl Saturdayutornintg at the
tenii. lis cas usjorty o ths a. ~o 'I. a~.meeting held to elect the officers of
gtea.Theervasufmaering f tis a;- "1" R -- - - A.E.the senior class. 'Tesenior lairs
terhet viitotis1stso1)nt---i-_iI-tmore thansussstaiindthte sutiposedt
tubdvso ,adn ncn i io t I<If ' t, t " :. tiolitical prorbsvities of theirasloipteil
muscular cnisractioiss, iipitc, sto I lkI Perso,1.-----u ? a E
iif practice. Moreover,ts they Sey i ioesitisthr''irptig
Snnel a~~~Ci~ind eletiiionerinig previousi to the te,1t-------=
swere msost seriotusstlh sidicap edby;ctilse---------l-4iiio utfete ireantedi if weiat
a biattery tif hreat repunttsion, cots "mmmci I ' rf ----- ( t! it a s s to fiisss s-ie(s)eslso
exchanegedt sigisals befiire this cveiii 4 i'2 '1 them"finse smirk'stssitsgts
fuae ath te ad te1.a .the setote class assemtbled. Aboiut
'. Az.tashaootrtundfos 1s 0sensiors were ipresenst wentthe
D. L tea hadjustretrnedfrom, A.. x 1.1, 110. A E.meeting seas called to order. Mr. _02:aphnmalyscefuestrC(. --------ou1cuhywscaianfte
triti, and were in no mood to suffer Miller, M:>aug--y--------sai4mts of0th
falals' rt-----.s us1 o eeting, asdi t'tr. Fitzer seas elected
defeat at the hands of their former Mackrac ----- 34: emoaysceay
rivals. 'Without doubt, the chief iCrwey,,c 1-temporarysecretary.
interest of the name concentrated in Peca -At--meetng,-ednesay, otis
the weork of Palmeter in the box. Wtalsh,c-------4oueou
KelseyP------- o1 . S. Petis, '94, and E. C. Brown,
Tihere is some possibility that he 31 '1. 4 '3 were elected S. C. A. vice-
may be so forcibly impressed withm U. f1ta----111u - president's for the homooepathic
the advantages that the U. of M. DA aC5-----1-1-department

]D etroit, M~ichigan.
q9IQhmonGI Straight Quit.
No. 1
dmf Cgarette Smockersith
<s' aerwiilliangtoit alitismtle.
;'YtO'oire thaisthe pric'e
M 'iiiargerr t h e iiIrlimtuitr
Iolf , uui iguirttrcI-istnndus
i a1' .Te'Sel tsinsRNDsiuccriac to
'li ohrliiis ii iri
Cuit Nou. t diiiicttr te sadeirom iithebight-
cut, umm'It trllitlul'fslavo'iired asu ilm"lrt coust
olud Lrmif' gro ini i rg ini a. ii Ihis is the' uld
anditOrig'inasliBrano trightmCutigaets
silt weaslbrughct mou iti s ini theuer ,b
Bewauiire if imuitaultin itandtobervei'thaiotthe
firmuiinamer, is Dilonits a till r'urr ckage.i
'niure ALLE~iN &.t 1' 1FR Bnhris
in the .AmuericnToba'ccout't'o.ti
11 W. Washington St.

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