A1ssortina'of NEIGE~EL Si IRTSn in the City.
1 i-ie, -is -, O Iss- (100
if~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~C AV jIJTEl4OU E sRNia£TOk~
Dc-ut Olo i''-i, I ')ress Bicvs,
Drs 10001I -i1{t1 >tii- S t 0(,I
All flit-c t- at
It I.s Si~nift Shcit nilof intSandlOvcoats. ir. iS-s t . Ptces
W adhamS 4. Ryan 4.& . eule. ps© ~ J o
An Arbor Savings Bank OWEN' BARBER SHOP!c- n ro ii .CtptlStc,$ 0,WRLD'SF HJIT 'E L;
0Aftis i t tiiii- i ud htheei £, nIiip l.ii tck n , i sOit iaS i i .- Secure Roems throuigh (, .{~
tts-inthitn niit e tti lpi t icils of theAW. UN. E. TWATEL, 9'94.1
L iliel States. Dritsh ca~ielt pnpo [ O R 2 . (All-NW n .M111,11gS ,Al 4. ----~
sanit ni~ttt. Oitirs:
(, </oi,'un."t, > Make Preparations Early! i -
W..Sit . Da. 55k1I . I, 0 Man.CnaC'], " D7 iof I'Velnt thnAo.
~~ ~, WHlI ORE LAKE. ji } }
\ F 1ti ttit'itiatti 1 lii Teii.liojt
4 A DANCE HALL. with PI Ai Ci I
L~ ~ -~
_ nt ii tsil 1 :t o - ii - ii ii Save n iscinfi m ad Datitg.
r ( 1 ' 'II, [itiifttii* WAUKENHOISE CiMPAY 711 Chatitty Si.,tBt, Miii tien (nbia wo Ct(,~y Cltn r
ilhiutni titiii 50iWgyicall lila hiini"\nhia Gilreeppt C'
}_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f} TT iiiii{ 7 il,
^ rl tti OF1. Cit A1,ENyD ASI. otth S so-s to DAC t in ietn, 11Mi o %o1\,cfo tll
R N A L I?1"i. ?ti-t- I -il-;tt ,i an t ii 511 tiie1-15 icyliii iCit itl to tct
2 >'.J t 1.\. I) at-, iI i c icn i i. os of te ). N.IC St I iii tiui ,n a fo
out ontthe___________etti_1
FINE P OTOGRAPS,3Sotilaisam Enxonnect. cYc te n
MILLINERY AND ART GOODS 1 attittl . ilSn l frtt.iiatl i tlei
! :o lrn } th ;e} n tt2 ,} ie_ t s I : ilith if t ty }il 1
iilt he la with t tic
it 00(Mall srll Sclit 11 istt :i if It -tlf -i
sItIl d isitat fois1tW ueeti sntilf C
an e-oi-uti E T-O K . l tic iiCcisa () ~li wticl - i
\V -fata -iivc EalarE .=sup ly cafttofso cil itsil tnderfat i lfc ticS,
ii- (Si-.ials I~u Gii Couir tii . ititiia -til f
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DIf it a
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C}t it.:- l.a-li I srIi(l I i t i aftil ,
CadStity. ori -ihflciret-ito Ci Mlfitix Clii
Woodtward irS VteItiei, I ltr it, Mict-I
Miootieto ruIreltti sill-i. ttollSits-l
fo alts. I., WttiittrtittiiAvei.
Freiefi fftssici. 'uns ~ ftwageisysittm ts slavery tald sfoldlseirve Ma~nllory'si e-creatut. f-flu
Frenc Clasics NEW AND te aisctishfedl, sifichsocitlifnsiff "'-
SECND-1 N. acomlis, b cotrolin laes fDr. Sill is Funny, *
sEO DIA D rutsfufiand fdymand."Iroffisg" f-urneedoof fthfim
We offer the farges t and b s tf.fiy0 _il ifeittuttf.'ecef ofil - teuseasof. I it tbfelonitt
To Aft Conoerned. to the aimtiie clatsesasti-nfalce is of
Note Booka in the city for 25c. "__Janie"',"Aff tfie Comiiforti lfIt hone'"
_____ - tndt"Mr. NWillainotinWidotws." Its
Bring ii yor secod-han 1-icthe -Ntiaitl (Convts-ionluutf l iteitny mierit i isllswer thaitih leirs, hut
Pii~ ca leigie (f thn t Ettunsifetie sftafitsii-n, patrticilairfy tfhose ofitthle
Kvy.,tiay l9tfi ti 1th, i.the rTlldoAtii snd atci t, tire itigeiiilndlery huh-
Text-Books. Arlbori-tilNorth ichefiganti fy.stiff croon. Tfruigfhthe greater fitrt it
miaile iis-te o ibe and otnetti-tfiirdhftri- telperformfanuceit SheActademiy latn
ftille1 r oiitripf. i iift thleauienf-ce iatintafkenti -thi
a1_ rs o kstore It 5. G(EEi OODt), ALent*l. ftgftei, fouiiifiditith;mu. For wkn
- . .- -in tiiirtli'fDs. fl isitll outt a ival.
P1 ILAIL S, juist tiirthi of the fPont- -hiifiifii otiorier.
20 si. Stole Street. oiice, hiai the liest hatcks, cairriagen, See he tuufrertiisiatit inianthliller
Maln St', Op.Court Houie. aundlhorses ini theciffy. Try im ~t. t colunt.
1 TO its. SAM1'P If