Z C. W. Te*t spring for the equipment of the LIKE FINDING MONEY.
of hbaseball team, and this is the prin- .
cipal reason why the present suh- By Going to W'ahr & Miller's and save from 25c, 5oc and 75c on every
Published Daily (Sundays exeepted) during scription papers are being circutated. tpair of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to
she ceilegeerar, by When it is remcmbered that nearly make room for Spring Goods.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION every member of last year's strong T7 7C = R - -I
Subetriptittuicee SiSpeer year, invsriably nine is in practice this year, that Fine Footwear Dealers,
in advane isge iees ctvests. Subserip- the outlook for pitcliers is excep-48S U H AI ST E .
ites may be ieft at the oficee of the DAILY,
at Seofflet's, witb sny of the editoes er tionally promising, and that an ________________________________________
authoirizedi stliciters. attractive southern trip is heing ar- A
Comimusications ebtuld reach he oetice by ranTedand an od hme (VtTYTYG 1TTY "i
7 o'citck '. sr. ir they sre te appear the nestrtxati manyrgodhoegaeliA (I IliA- S d
fay. Aditressitl matter, intended foepuiblica- have been scheduled, the students J tLAL AIJJL .L A ,\ A.'
tion tc ihe 5Managing Editor. Alltiseiness
communications should be seat is the Bani- should need btt little iirging to in-
tees Manager.- o DIL duct them to subscribe liandsomiel y 21 S. Main Street. WAGNER & CO.
Ann ArhofX e DAIeY to the baseball fund._____________________________________
EDITORS. ~ Toledo, Ann Arbor and North,
E.5 J. cctt tx l i,it iisnaingies tor.iii tiMicigan Railway
C,5A55 ii ies it ' A sisi t.N N U1 / L tsc sissici'tds Jiiiji
D. S ,5iiii i u i i.rforIsAcd P oshae i'9e3, Asssciostoanitc~.0 55 Ne. ta misp c .
S.tW tsuiIMSS . (x Lit., sttineiaeMtnager.TT g yesi,,~
kf W L t.'9 , ss st nt ri ic C a d n ff ct S u da , an ar ? , i ii iiiit.cycsibseesi tyDset.t1ss4ecAinigtantatDtparture o .rai s t Ann. rb r
iiityiiiic pactce tiit iivi i ar sttbcud eaenit.itE.teeNStotticu i aec4. J. i;O at
g-a.CLAR . No. i1. iciite e<1]ceiss .iiiiec ... ?(J a . Iit,
ii i ins.i tioit Iiotiii o a iit e (miliidttic t ioomtsiaielyIlecturussutStturday siseliniurecepdtiois;
Ii aui vers it k ' is' sralra. iiewcn7t pit ierreyar o mrilgrdae n ratC GS U H
^^i^^ ^i^o^ in ionly'ticoiiilft 1iit ti a ti eirbiitli to i r F $2,00,s $3r00,and..graduaieilali cseiuie5pisitions;
the Av ieR ii m u i b o a . ie. exenitoiLO .5p r se ml on t I i ni 0 cmi .......1Ace a.Il
ti-i lem nt l ee t~lnes n((v h eil trailke psittbodyfrom-weekDt o .R.wek ddesLARFe er .(. rove c. ACi't. cr ti 4a. Iii
ileen the q ieitiono as l e tis vtutt es pese.t Foergy nit tlxntalStniiitiie
nostic int{tiv iii teil of nenfir usionviis overf okietli ivises.we Diy xcptslnd
thoe griver numterof iiitisnt hefa l n- Tolvedytoeiiiniyiiev dsaiiyi ieu ii xE E eN - CtP. i
serioes oatco e, ofthe intei res d eAmos B. I. ______ I s leahl toli- vr a. " i si i N' i
slii uiiii fl e c i h te ni s ri os.p l t ~i e r . I tS i n uri shsiiiiii >-I N . 1 E N 1 ° , P .( F N I ( ).bt e n t e t o e e m n s m y m a , f o a e h e t r d l r l n r n o l i - ED t e n r e . a s g e t o a g n
iis beirtg ginewed areeigf ame greit]s I }"EI4R ' tu, 'ildi-qu ~D t
niitvrstsiml ie tumplily fioietri ciic e nli vn iiidheiucisiisr icj iSimiuo Ij'sc lss'io/ ' C
'Itit ie a r p l t re on ap l c t 0n o S e o i sthe ioos ilin i int he ,'vmf rd Ce mis c al- ttu W orks s, P o i
iostossthisoe oithent)odifeecescG 2 S'FI2E S I _ R KSC~l k;I~Sri-
fiold mdcosutett eatiiet t te~l pafl GooSbsittusix hiato
it o lietites of tDesnm nl tm.'o .Sn, laStet - AiqAbr
'nli ivepiato f the grStes t HtNRY Gui, liii (lsy Diso,
inhrst andXsseighlyoi strfuiitie ( , AN N ARBOanjNTSCdLEIR.,
d~lihototudio herI
ttse useti vs(,tui que Iy intheOi '\ P'T 18c ai ~iiii 0 1
'l'tsonutusouc ad Is. nss lson4sS. Sitatei St.
teitmentlabfi.judrisugreatiyngd ri PI2 SUHFORHAE q 5-TegiqiSI ~si ti i ae.
Toe nterph eip of the Students.' -"--ciiiihi I ' o--cn- io - iii -
Fine the pst fosir days subcscrip-
tioin isapers for thte benefit of base-
hall have beeiaqitietly circultating.
Thmeipaters read, "for the defraying
of tlhe exipenises of preliminary tpvac-
lice and of the southern triii of tie
spring of 1 893.'''IThius far the toll-
citations have been almiost en~ircty
confinedi tiomenibers of the faculty,
swho have alreaiiy subscribedl $ioo.
'ITuis interest aind geinerosity on the
hart of thme faculty is most comminen-
ilable, aindiwill uineouibtedlty inicite
the students getscratly to contribute
to the fusnd. The exipenses of the
football team swere so great that tbut
little nioney swas left in the treasury
of the athltetic Association this
( t! fi~~t~ 1
IL dwr Ii c wlSa
J'cvs-lrym. I uii Citizeuss. Don'iti sis otiCf toss foi ONE WEEK, COMMENCING
Fore Eost(,' Oilny wbscoi it scan getuistas geeduatiR.i1". MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 20.
joil' &c tu'o e dte eu huargecfr t yue ile, isuti
1 . /liuiul giv-e i it mi ubsa i ehat s e isait. tHct andi
,otrlri' 1 R. L"JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South It4lVICILLt~-P
State Street. 1I J O fU PERAI UU
mo'ciusli HOT LUNCHES 3
usisiju1r(lusll Andt the very choicest Candles I'l'i' l..............-. Ia .\tasvotte.
/5 oii, iii, """1.."I1"LE'..S, - *Sucrrc'tiui'iii's'..... Ira IDiasoto.
(i .17 9 Piv'' Gru- l:i.
__ LopUilarPrices, 10, 20 aid1c c.
buuuuuiii n huiu.iuu IBSON
7IIICIIIi7AN. Cycle Eumporium, 11 W. Washington Si. NO. 12 W. HURON ST.