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March 24, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-24

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ltl* Illy

VoT,. III.- Y 12)7.

Vom. Ill -No 1~~7UIVU S'Y OF ]1l IIHICAN, lIIDAY, AzRll 2 h 9.1. ti;,TtEIEN.

PimcE, Tmn3 i,, CENTS.

THEI PEOPLE AND THEI STATE. Sec~ond Chamber Concert.
Dean Knowlton's cond Leoture Ibast n ihtlteIetci 'i]I-
on "Civil institutions in the 111
Time of Christ.
ii ne rt t elierry Jill.
i Fh larger audience thanthtito0 last jrr o
Thiursday tiearil I Ji Il .1101ton 's I iuiofietR mntic c ona
lctulre last lii.ti liist o u
The speaker enimerat d 11e dif-
pheicisml oif anCilifi CIr111811

That is What the Indoor Sleet Nex s
h-. sdav Will be.-Tile Slete '
inTrainingg.Ey '
athlic Association i )t (s fail 7o
excel alli meets cif tile i lill eVCJithtld
lee IseetiesIare aireatdy
numerous015ill lmost of tile evenlts, andt

enlt~s bilidtat thlere . le b tI lollbtlesstmany otherswill 1hand1( 11
0cining ll'of the Chisti-la era? ~l
Jiarig thil eading11"traits 'hiltspieak-iijione. T1here Isas li'l 110'Sbeol lit al rareC lt
11111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "ocols 01 tCIlof ts0wItt ccit'I ICiCI l ieet I llsll1-encingil'lii epcill1il
'1 1lllllitli e So il tIi Ill 1i01seeurfieticheat ili'lcI Cofithee le oft'i t fetureofl th'i s 1 "elet'
gad tue e o ther, p.ltassi thnit 1 o llt iOinei ios a h- ' ola f111e uots ansi rep td
thO ricipatl hr at 11s li a11 he eillliocifiII l I th1e1 t studsie, Wiitniy-11l5 IICIOd1115 ia gfs
soresletoswh s ii; h olavel ofutat sna tildusf hl e- I 1 i.II511fle l 11 CI
--tth iew. tI 'heeellog , cai. Liss li ls israc-To d 111t ille 1C f tithe 551maorri vetit ist
auiinnerswllfootiorafolotot alitheltili tl iii a tI asotoltzftl llt
colrdinge to hb caits ohe dsribtif ae as I CCII$2il ,) til of1$iSho .it "Ociii 1it Ass.c -
dic Snc111hatli mletnth atti r otme 96 tier11 snliel ii Co ittsIa'i 'I atirieed____or__________________ L___ e____
-a_-°n- anbtr irpAe ica, 11 and11 has11beenli f'amiliar af I 'I I O l ..~ h
cult Caonlaa sllie ableOi usiol s LakeiotisC.1T
101 eiclser 7llO ltllSht5ao atlaeiiwii oi it the 1us Illftieisword l allhise.i
Itnneas, fieces a enor e ndteiro Ieti iesa ni .r (l t ii itii rall'fr 51~
111 a rah ' 1111 11ll'i 111) sa New ics 1 was rec Ie tiived S} t I I ii tofii tIroohdc-Pt tass ite luleree- oAf ET ES
lpusiness abits. Ile descrtbed ttolu1831101111I il )Ms)a 011
Ch rui ist as we sh ul iso a tsy havt1 hhe con1111sllilh' featheI-weilh
sen hm1aelie1t h ttme G ltersiary setrbidentIl e eni hititi Ie b ~ 11 tli ltl iaSC cl
1111h1C til 1C1 i o e 111111iatonya.11 tiliCwilbe tIl~lal S2o~{ ?t
ill' tiela t Itltilit 11 hlt ii ti alil i s Inl odt0 i 7 ll a -
-ios- whi ch e e e nn ahir ons.r d ys agl l I Ottin (liodfols m e I . 1 1 51 I i.
aghnili 'll eelOl e alth.p Ie was-ltakentil idt tooy ley hai'iis-en'ii ICt thenaing ii
Isaswas0111e11111ar-htti11 oheiert 1Jew 1tos tcill i 111.1(1
shC1Ys etl 111tl il~laingqikywos. iMaculyse- ckEtero hmwllfn t. tS tilt rt=I~ y
1100a nt1atra n mr .{ll illabodrl. twI1asiIIh tl ita ft fI is ltttliteet elh pobt h ____to________________________
illI. thrards toiti-atb itw111paints tintown o'nstoIlelubtI1f1CittCE-trir~
tile SI I Cvlthonoiteet.11'Fiteafartibxills hohada nI \ il l
of(£ taitellstate1I1ssillrbtl7 w olte heItthetefoasllItfw5'.r
tsde-unansemorittsti nctlyea h an l arth( aT11it o+ItstSutpSerior lanutto
n i py 1.ii no e~a~t i th Se s i e atvi lbenhr ttt dii t i tlltehighl catmptii u ions; aronthboe .i ct csti. +
I~~~~~~~~~~~.~~IIt 0'51 h tat Illt1 itetltt SlIltht'll hah ll. h h
l~l tttth.nillebe tbe salettI ofiIe workiof
schooitl.for t-lirl et'Car.s -- Ittt0111 1411slIl111
a so D~r<- <t lillrrt-I tie slil iIott
it Ii ith seteriha e o w itt1 ra1 ua i ig i IttW oi-Idwocrutt ioantitnar tt e It I i iE'+ r [%tl£ II, S 'f i1C
Hi lsi ) o- reheirdec-tar wthith clas 'E Tic - iisfoCs
se ll~t t1 1 tl tl 1- 1"51ti~i 11 il 11~CIhtii h 1 a
hClnC 11 1 ie I b t i t1 r 1. eici C his . -tJCA'it{ _e
!11)0111id nt of th.1:",ttSho l ni0lIleisghsft OheIna tal, ai Wtt) ; tofl tetilt k-'
mhriage tcusi tto s and -r' ' atfech tltC 111 Ti y b i d o,,mwI-4AI\I 'IE
Chriiiiti A110c1atioi..11.tallotd'ina~tc , Is ill,1.C iC ticin 5 h11 d BrllF11 >,n ry icl£r
M~Secs. lbtest, ahlndat M rii awaaha s alleothtetusills itit tiat tllth3 bars. ti
ihal sert alhailtth o boe ater sta eelf h toall aeho the lteritof" The-mostletse11111il probally -
tioneraanaetatsfo mhe h 10111 tts tnt l Ilhs ti tetl e n1tr a tt 1 h e t islrha s ih ir
nicn tha juges nd tte his agc u i nftate. Csnallllme tre eei oittofteteAaca ~ '~ O ~ ~
Thlce tur'e o sena i h an p r in ef I poite n dbiati t toxngXprih i, 1 th ndoerahitne.ar
'ohparrsan ft h eJappinshn'i ns tCeptI.,E ntchrcahnlheilta nthe 10 of lo ptitshhsigsoato
ooksh e asta andih Oe ttseas i th fxn-t whhbesessdedbit lpopuar, sg s a doingItheir ~ ~
cgatt to ntelihu iscosin en ioere om 0 hrisrcanss151lliatenito IatdAitenan 'ar erfohnit onk. tt
aodsi effet pemanet Lrganrheain.drd fnyeah"Dtot ih~

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