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March 13, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-13

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tespace of fansrxweeks-Nrhetn
' C. of ~. T'Dadv. mst put forth all lies forst scr LIKE FINDING MONEY.
___the pennant. By Going to Wahr & Mliller's and save from 25c, 5oc and 75c 0n every
Published Daily (Sundays exceptsed) during -- par of Shoes as we most reduce- our stock to
she Cllege yesa, by The Inlansder, the literary expon- make room for Spring Goods.
THE U,. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ent of the great wvestern university, 7 - -5 T =
ubcitoprc$.5peyerinaibyransswxith the strongest puhlications Fine Footwear Dealers,
iadvance dingle copies 3i sentse. Subsserip- of our college wvorld. Yet the Jan-48 OTH ANSRE .
ssan my h ietntheiss stsheOassuary nsumner is hsst another illastra-
as Stofflet'n, with ansyoftthe editors or
autshorizedi soiicitors. tiosn of the fact that the farce cannot
Conmnicionss haould reasci she osler hy he successfully teaedbystudents. mDCOTQ RS O O DE ocok .M i he r tDppaQhenx11 -aGDSCUT
jay. Addren allatt ner intended tsr pablica- -MNount Holyoke.
Lien en she Managinge'Editor. Aslsnss___________________OR 'THIRTY DAYS.
cormnunicationnshshouid he sent to she Busni-
nse Manages.-.AGN 55M cz CO- -2'=O S
Ann Arbor, Rich._______________________________
EDITORS.R Toledo, Ann Arbor and Nortih
Mihi anlalway.
C. . A 05.5 N is', it. ' , s ssainldtr r
A_ . OSPITZs, Lii. 'M,.Asssitins.
W . H, EsaNS. Lis.'3, AsistantsilI
S. W. iisa, 5'G0.Lit., SBssiness Mnasge ,' I:1 iA ..AN (eavl
w.sairt ss s.a.di.'5 essas., 1. .~ 1i
lv W w1)r:%nl~k Li.'9, Asisant Jsay OfLE fins a i nx effectSunday, iassisary f2. 5i.
5dis~r Os siDet. '950,Assi'stants. m a' ' ADdpa rure of 'rains at Ansn Arbosr.
siorsacrds AidPhosphate. ___
dsas:L1tYs's'i,5. i. i 1si,A. .a
E. . nowl,5:. u.1s'.niis1a.. "I lhave'useidit for sexveral ya niot
I1. B. G'ammonsss 4. C. 5NhiSs's'r, '935.y a s
t4 '.Ble 5. i.. it. il1,' 4. issly 1iii y s asy cystice, u 11 m iss"111 ste E DN C O LO B SN S.Mg '. . Daln : ..
555"' siisis Flowsasrs,' shivilissil '5aisil htii iy 0 LAExpooronnnean ie Ni5 xsssiii ss-* ' . . in
11's *,OP_, 'so.,andcisssider it isider sill 'ificesssbsi insg;siaseitahers; largeas ttendancs; Na' 35 bassos AnnisArbuorsAs sass. 25550sssoon
xatis.sss c Miriiiisssd. C. iK. iSew'arti. '555. c s'esas es oile of the heat snerx' good discipl;suipeiarewrk;aehsu~~i ppliedresadiag NiS 5ii oiahessa3
rooasidais'sslers; Saurany eveing reseptianis; N .5 alnd4?p.m
^^ ^^ toicis thisxve possess. lor msenstsal ex- openi thssentireyeas; coa riase lsigrnduatsin greatsISOUTH'i's.
biis stisussor overx'orikit gixes resewxd'di mand isaorthandad atens als ec u araposiions;
sts's'ssg'tls sissi xiguor tio th'esintiri'sy a- es. For N ws CTALGUEand Lii t fSaudents whio xs 1issss 'seir'"..... 1t.i
tens" ihcakepsiaios ia week toweek,naddrs es . No.d4. Maiil andsiExipress-............... ha4it; p. n;.
rts RUJPBL6I~ HU9. tnt . iR. CLEARYe. No. ii. 'oloAcsmd tion.. a in.
A r mast exeellenst said a$300 tonc'sniralStanidaid Time.
AT1 t).$2,v0Sat$3igie9ah4.tossie5 $2ailyiexceptstSunday.
'thse DI ~oard meetingS t d sippetizer. Itsaouirishsand isvia.g H ,u sas iniiii sissi 5A-si
urday evening, the resignation of orates the tired brssinsasnd body, isis- First Casndarslel Toledo sonly, daily jeassss Sundsay-.
AV. . Btolles, as assistant mnanagisng psarts reisewsed enesgy anit vitailityasid N Every 'Way. OhrsasdsyrsnSsisy
editor, was accepted and W. H, esslivesathe faunctions. E &Weie . H EN I .S GENC
(Ecans xvas elected to fill the vacancy. Descriptive pnmpshlet tressan appicatioss to S Doytn.Pi.As. ieaAri
?Mis ~ lrgrete ha tndre hrumfo erdChemical Works, Provi- SHEEHAN & CO. SHEEHAN , & CO. SHEEHAN & CO).
resignatiosn, whicha xas ascepted. Bewarnssot Ssbstiiasies amd isiatisis. ~ C N 1 A.D ~ l''' iC~~L
AE wisha to call special attention FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER
tseseodcaercsctof HENRY HA'LG 7 At tise Stusdeints' Boolkstore. Stuidents, save haslf' yoaursssosev
tomorrowv evening, given by Edwvard Te'res aniissol aoist, Gsitas,Bisoanosd Mass-0and byhis s Veae aireeving cosignmenssslof
Baxter IPerry, the ilind pianist, of doli. StuioLssat E' UI osecony-htifanus. op'we rn(d;ll eeTxco oslo h
ilostou.'The press criticiassiof the Romiss 3Id at e St. East xs'licls xvewill suffer at lowe prics.'We Ikeep(lie1"roeschs
smetropolitan paipers ipeake of dll. Zansd Germiani Dictionatries rt'commssensded by' the Fasculty' We
f'erry isa ternis of highest praise,(I '~FI~S2OS~ hays'ltho st sisdcisesipestte le ooks intshesocity'.-
vaislicis those xvho have heard bins. RU Rw S H E EH AN & C O MPA NY,
play o p isiatcflatc pmnist. L!RU EUniversity Booksellers, - State Street.
stateenit o i b lty as a pissS8 S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor.
Newvberry (loll should be conspletely SHEEHAN & CO. SHEEHAN & CO. SH1EEIIAN t- CO.

fislied on the occasion ot these clii-
her concerts, wchich. are sit the
highest order of merit.
Ii ass BAI, ispractice liegan last
Monday at Evanstona. Twenty-seven
msen casne out, among thenm Hen-
dricks, last year of one of the city
league teams. Trainsing' is given
slime tinses a xveek, under direction
of the professrs. The Northwvest-
ern says:
'With the eletioni of McI. Eransk W.
(-irisitliasxcasptaiss if the bsI(sall tessin.
ours' proispects liii'tlesbseba'isll Sessons
hasie briglilessei considailby', -smid
every rnanis x'ho aspires to r lace il'Oi
the teamis sssst iiiiugetsdoiito sard
practice. Ths'e ll iusisedilst xvee'k
foir the mnissstio reporst iisMonsslay
Issoiisht out ai lsrgi' numsber. Thede-
tsay ii ioh 'oinsg 5a 'aptaiins, ciin ige't-
tisig dois to sitive prasctice, lsst lie
miade opl by hard ansd earneist xcork isi
tse hart of essch imani.Our flust le igise
gamne occurs on April 29.,sssdd our lst
leaigue gsiame Mssy 29, so thast swithsiss

'N ThTe qusality of otir as- RNS LR
VV sortisiesit ssf 11u( Thi- ANN ARBORRNT HLB
A peecan us be judged 71n P=a 0 hoto ra he r
fromshs atwecryly thin hest high 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. CORN A>,5 'MA IN AND 555550N S.TS.
The I class Jt Iti... if E. S. SERVISS, - MANAGER,.
KossN C you want a first- NOTICE.-Po S'rs1)'ENTS GRA1\TD OPERA E0flSE
'Watch e.J lass aiticle sit aid Citiaes. nan'tsaed ous t oitoii fia ONE NIGHT ONLY.
to-day stands a reasonable Candywhnyoai~u can getjuita5 siodat MNDYRVEIGMACH1
Hjolly &-,Coi.'s. We don'itcharge torsyle, btMhissV NNG ARH 1
ait the pinsit- prsice be sure 5giisoyons, aissdsta is one-halt. liii aiss
do ofsilt tsascisir V's auG give colds assehses a5 al houso t5hebdasy asndinigiht.
ceo111taar adgieR. L. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 sonth UE0" Sui
timiepieces asuetassEi s .L.j~ a State street. be eevdeey 1.DE T"TCM D
boes HOB' ohLUn' cl. I("T~ NCH ES
wvler'e 'siththsUe hisisest ',N 'H '---''rA~ r
AindSthe'very5choSicest \andies
sissies's, use sale i inat I sited As osycoos CaiieA n
"My 1 Sally.'
A'--Staises alsose binse con isi Il liij'use' ' ---
astisec "-tu~rn STA1I lisa. PRICES, - 35, 50, ai'd 75c.
Woodlwarsd F. G.
Ave. atnd SMKITrI, SOS 04j
State Sireet. & rCO0. 11 W. Washington St OG 4jA Ejr
z R~z IMczT. w _1o7 No_ a. NO.12 W. IIUIION 5[ST.

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