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March 13, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-13

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tt. of,


VOL. Ill.--NO. 1117.



Alpha Nu-Adelphi Give a Public
Entertainment, Saturday
Thli joint program offered iby the
two literary sotieties, Saturday even-
iag, ivas a great success, about sixty
sersons were present. Mr. P. AV.
Dlykema, president of Alpba Nsi,
psresidtd. Tise stiections from
Julius Caesar seere wel deliverttl
and welh received. Thsey svere the
Instigation Sceue,'' by Messrs.
Klingler and Louisell, ainrithse
'Quarrel Scee," by Messrs. Brooks
and Reynolds. The music consisted
of vocal solos by Mr. AV. A. Price,
and was enceedingly enjoyed. An
extemporaneous speecb by M\r.
Padley on "Conipulsory Education"
carried willh it all tbe effect of a
prepared talk. Mr. Padley is op.
posed to compulsory education as
subversive of tbat individual liberty
for wehich our fatbers struggled.
Vise debate of the evesnisng was on
the question. of Haweaiian annexa-
tion, swhichs sas ably advocated by
Messrs. Lymni and ttickman, and
ospposced by M1essrs. Porter aisd
Landmrian. The discussion ws'c lively-
and interesting, as seh as instruc-
tite. Whiat natty it particularly
uiue stas the fact that thscre stas
,resent a geistlenman fronsthse

storm there teas a large part of the
class and graduate students present.
The roonss of Neswberry Hall twere
profusely bung with yellosw and
blue and list parlor in st-iletsice
cream was served was tastefully
diecorated swith carnations and smilax.
The program was as follows: Mu-
sic, '96 Mandolin Club; original
recitation, Mr. I. K. Friedmnan; solo,
"Little Bloy Bint,'' Miss Alice
Cranser; muisic, '96 Mandlolis Club;
reading, A letter fronm Clauide Hop-
ier, Mir. A. Ht. H-olnmes; Whiich?
Messrs. 1V. H-. McLauchslan and IV.
W. Taylor-;nmusic, '6 Manidoliis
The wvlole program swas excep-
tionally good. MXr. AMeILauchian
and Ihis funnygraph and listvsentril-
oquism and imitations of Mr. 'Tay-
lor broughst out muicih laughster and
The patrons fron thle faculty
pert Prof. and Mrs. McLaughlin,
Prof.anud Mrs. Rolfe, Prof. ansd Mrs.
Scott, Prof. and Mrs. MA. I:. Cooley,
Proif. aisilDMrs.Beemni.
SG. A. Work in China.
Tilt SLisday morning aidress at
tile S. C . Asswss delisveed by Mirs.
Marie Wiilias.iShe soke of list
missionary wrk it North Cinia,
whsere tile titeit 2o cars, enigaged

Indoor Practice Begins--The Rink ___
Presente an Attractive r
Tise interior of list rink presented -S ,, j
ar. attractive sight to list lover of - JtAHUffyELfv
baseball, Saturday afternoon, about DETROIT, MICH. °"
40 candidates hsaving made their ap-
pearance for practice. 'Tli manage-°
meat's most sangsuine hopes were
realized, both as to tse nunmher of
candidates and list general character
of list practice.
Captain Craseford called list men
together in thit latter part of lte,
afternoon and briefly outlinedlte Wheneouewant the Lbesve.itropsiitee Stytes
work. He said, in substance, that of sA uII, $$5sShees t a50c to$1 apaileses
vhnAnAbrpines, etnd wi Cataloguse ts
the indoor trainsing would contiue
for only tswo teeks; that besides
throseing and catcising, shsort out- "FY E& C
101. 183-1S5 WOODWsARD AvE.
door sprints would be taken every DETROIT, - - 14ICIIIGAN.
day; that there swould be no swritten_________________
pledges, but that it should be unfider- mnd SragT Qct
stood tisat list use of liquor and emn Sr~ ne. l
tobacco msust be dispensed switi; CIGARETTES.
that inasnmuch as see iave no coach cieteahese
th wol cttr f ranig ndar5e willisg te earsa little
lis seoicmater f tainn nmoe thsan the pic
cisooiss" he ''ar *.chasedefotr the setissa
cosnth Vassty teamss soulditais:tiCigarevttvs, v-ill ted
tieolve upionhims, seiiischillty ishe ,- TH-ISB Dsueirt
desired to perform fairlyand accord-cse vTheRchod taih
p y ut N, Cgarte aetmaefrssmisihe briests
leg to isis best judgnsent in order to , oldlicatseltssie asd Tiestecost
sadOrigsinalsBrasd '' Stight Osut Cigaesttes,
secure list strongest possible leans andwasatbrought sat ibv us insthever 185.
tiear al oflas eas 'ar il ewe oriiatsstionss,esnd sobsere thilat the
N'cy alo at yeas'Vr ity mtess es',-sehvh is an everpsaikege.
plasyesisow in ls theiscrsity tere fte A N. ierttt J I'obcsC.,
ptresn citndlpracticed. Pealrsoin tsis anufactures- -vi Ihiesln. Virgieia.
Spizer thsrossssls isthesante acr
acy wehichs has aliways characterizcd
Isis playinig, Jeffnris appears list
'same steady pliayer of last year;
Siesichissasaclieshimiself seith his E
ususal qisickesse ande accuracy;
Smlzrapassede n oeenergetic than last season. V:ise
ote addtswl eciee laesehsen see shahl Isvechad better !1 -
opportunities for judgisng thherseork.
'rie followeing snames among
others stere ihancde-din: Pitchers, P. J. INNUCAN
Cliche,XV. Halliday, Griffis, iI. I
IKeognian, C. C. McPhserran, C. IV.
Ellis, G. 13. White, C. Vandeventer, MERCHANT
it. C. Rics. Catclsers, Rich, Smselt-I
zer, P. 0.-* Bourland, McCourtie,
XV. IH. Rosecrans, Leonard, H.iL. TAILOR~P.
Guthrie, R. Apperson. First base,
HI. H. Shsarpless, A. IV. Jefferis, S. AND IMP5ORITER Oci
Kenworthy, D. C. True. Second
base, R. Russell, McKenzie, Vande- 'IS T z_7=00Z s
venter. Tlhird base, Pearson. Short
slop, K. Aleander, S. C. Spitzer. 55 VT :F0 T ST,
Field, Cadwell, Frank, Shields,
Halliday, Kenworth, MeClumpha,
Wentworths. Detroit Michigan.

1Haweaiian Isilads, Ms.Thsaursn, a insmissions sork.
studcent of Ih .o l At thie Sianesoke of then adsvantiagemscdi-
close of lteinestar cebatunhewat catlmissonaries had oter thsose seho
callecd on to speal, and stveust 1-wese not physicians, in list matter
lace amsounit of valsualeinssforma tion Iof rnacng"lbh eals sof the Chinsese.
is regarci tolteItsins.s Iassy It itposiblt tosdo swithsout
sceaetioswensen asked, sail answere d meical mssisonaisnd et1 vansgelis-
by- hins.Discpasrtiecularly strsiking ticasits esinscaltwosk usit go sansc
featuseesf ltec-a s ista t m ut inhsassd.Shinmnstisonenll th if-
torn edcssatsonsiss is forcn n t01 Ineent snipresnntativ ets ichthelstS.
.slandls, ass ettsy havse as ismill. C. A has isn Cina~, bMiss 'Murdocke
:sropsortiossate ihlierateitoplatil: -:rind Dr. XWagner ass et itgreat vworke
thsans tennssylvania or Nesw aore. Itsey are sdoing.
After list critic's report by Mrst. Shse told several inst.ances of list
meeits bohe up titl way l te iissionsaries reacs the
l.roczethemetnlisk wt hChsinamsan, .aied sowednthe ined of
aill feelinsg lisztit isadt 'beena good usoreseorkers.
for tisems to be there.'' Next Satusr- - _ -_
dauy evenine will be given another The Montana Alumni Association.
jointprogram,swhich will be furnished The iMsontana Alumni of the U.
nstly by Adelphi, as this prograns of M. recently organized an associ-
teas given mostly by Alphsa Nit. ation swills lis followissg officers:
____ President, Mis. A. Meyendorff, '70;
The Senior Sociable. vice-president, Daniel IV. Fancy,
- pa; secretary, A. I. Loth, '92.
Saturday evening the senior liter- The meeting teas well attended and
ary class revived the class sociable enthu~siastic. The next annual
whic wa suc animprtan fatormeeting will be hseld in September,
selichsea suh a imortnt actr shen there will be a banquet, linsited
in the social lift of the students last to the alumni and faculty of the U.
year. Notwithstanding the severe of M~.

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