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March 10, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-10

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Aff L
-11 L

Von,. III.--N o. 115.



WATERMAN GYMNASIUM~. tered frequently into0 deibate and de-
fended the ipresence of United States
Will Not Be Completed at Once u11-I
less Something Happens-The nsmarshals at the elections ill the
Way Things Stand. soultih.Iintile forty-seventh lie was
'lie 11111n 1111111illesthat have rsosbefrad1arnltlo~i
Lately beenl made concerningtieiehlldsrbin the Ceiv
av)Ioiaill ilylif secirliil; tile gylilsa- aswartd. Illtile followving conigresses
Manx fori baseball preactice anii for his leadeersilip hecanle marked iiitii
tla juitr ad snir h01s, haive the Oit1 it waS sermnenit lscued.-
0 ~onilited the Ius il"to a .t e nthe -5sst Conges ec C,18,)
lie trui tteo ffis jswscosnsekr c h
'S cectary t 'dis ve y i- s iru 511l)eiioc. aticiin , lilGi("ar
ii lii'lisle.
ti s-os 1"can lie'uled1 for tilese i 1)10111 this sessionitt
1)11ses b'~i5tut the iliiicaities ill tile i . Re 01is 011d upnnting" the
way appesl at pr esenit to he sinsur-rlpieseiie 01 menshers prlesenit whio
leotinrtable Ill all p1robability an- refbased to vote, andthuias dec larnhg
other miontih sililibe consunmedin a quoruisspresent.tHe also refused
enclosing tile building. Wh/len this to entertain any nmotions thsat were
slhall have been done, tlhe contract evidently dilatory. .In controlling
thvitusDeering &1L00s will Ihave been e Aose lr. Reed displayed cx-
fil~l~el hils entrat aount toecuItive ability of tse lhighest order.i
;7 ,000 Oftile 11 000 raised by is poweer has not been acquired
subseription, onily $ 1 000 will be by tile delivery of set speeches-
litft. abt thsree of wichl lastis"gtmore tihaia
Tile iinterior of tile bilingl yet twenty nintutes are on reicord--hat
,-lilis to be filsishied. ThIe run11ies rallier in his brief, clear shlow-
piing 11rackthe walls, the pintingin g 01 an argumlent 10ntdeb te, hoist-
of he i-o f~are~vrket., il Iedofteii sithi sit anidisaralesm1.
havle to lie complleted befoire the Siinie 1888 tiC has conatribuitedl ar-
liavdclinisii iflorcan I e laid.iIt ticlsto Ie otshAsselriatee-
vvi ot osiin ~~es edefordels ASi aziiie oudthan
Will Cos coet~an1; ikee2, s0lto i"

The Reception Last Evening-The
[-arty Visits the Musecin, Lib- k' VoU
rary, and Art Gallery. I " k gr
Manyor iDoty aned the Cfmon ol 7 IfhPp RZfR S& -r
Couiscii of AiluArbor met tile I eg is- 'IUEtRUFrMtcH. iiR .
alive party at J aeksonyiesterday,
anse escorteel I em toiAnn Abor.
'They arrived at 6 hp in.iiid at once I
sveii t to the Cook house.i lie party
conlsisteed ofGI oveelsol]deli, iIneat-
Ilv idvf cdingsihost of tile Ilieli-
b ees of thse toiise ansit:senate, andc
severali citizeesofLnsngadlie-
troit. A few of the gentlenmenl sere
acconmlanied by ltheiriv11s1 and 51csvie o a siattic Iatest Merlritatilhves
ofi$ ,dVioi,$iShessatl50eho $Ia pairless
dlaughters.- Guy.ticii sas the t hani AnisArbiir iicssenailfoiestalgte c"1 Iin
gulest of President Anseell, anti a fesw
of tile sembersaswho are ole L"h. of UI1.F F C i
l1. nsen, wvere taken to fraternity 101, 183-lan ownisiisAVE.,
houses. DETROtT, - - MtIttI1lAN-
After ais elaboirate dinn~ler the visi-
tors were takell lp to the main hlil, q.io hm1ond Straight Qttt.
swhere a general receptionls te- 17 Noea
iered in thse chapel by citieens n CIGARETTES.
Isselilers ICigarettesmioter swhy
mm rsof the facility. Therwa -c v are wiing to Yeayha lel
a lihort progani. 'The Varsity Ge'moe tlthisle piuel
Chit san"lilttle Vetlosv ansdlthe Gw .trd BAN iaes, ,iii l indi'l
]'Ie."IThey svere heartily aaded all therliisii. Sssgi
0115Ti- eichmondiiistrightii
anti responeded to sri encore- Ihlieat, i 11101d oviely fiaiied-ndnl1111highest cost
GoildLetfiironuin vIi lginia. This is thcecoii
onie song tisat tiook swithithelw-I and sai isui Brandsiof S traighn tiiutCigarettes,
nasilbroug~nlhlntlI slitsii llsycars13tt.
matkers svas this: liewinei iiimitinsi'aid srlnsive thiailthi
A weiuigv'l iiili''ii l~ ueilli'iliits :sh'N beowusa;ItiBrchy package.
11ho11visit Ann Arbor to hearIthbois her, o his Ameriican TliilissCo.i,
Bthey t c toruisso lawisyers osies oftiters~, Manufiictlrers. lt icndiii, Virgiinia.
They'll finit aml i in watil-te
In'hse Linlslicgislituitors, those sevusils latoia
]'resideiat Aisgell msatle a short act. O
dress, ansdt'Mr. Stone, sergeant-at-
arms of the House of Representa-
tives in answvering, presented Dr.
Angell with a mlagnificent boneiquet,-
thse cit of thse State Agriculitural -
coliege.. -
Under tihe guidlance of Profi.j
D'Ooge and other msenshers of the
facalty, tse visitors svere tiseis shown
through the museuns, the library,' P- . KINNUCAN,
and the art gallery. Thelc nuseuns i
was lighted by electricity, generated
in the mechanical laboratory, and lER H N
presented quite a brilliant appear-
ance.i At ten o'clock all cc -assn! TAILOR
beinthe chapel, and shortlyafe
dispersed. Awl) UNIPOl;<TElt Ih
'roday will be spent in visiting the
various departmental buildings and _ F 'O~r N .
temcaiaanchmcllbr-:==tories, and in meeting the stadents in
University Hall. S5 VC7W. t'OsRw sw,
Reed at Udniversity Hall tonight. Detroit, XiChia n.

iinug. roi do this before finlishl-
igthe track, painting, etc., swouldl

Last Evenings Concert.

lie imp~racticable. Last evenisgr, in Newberry hail,
itwheiere are the funidts to com~e occurred tise first faculty conacert of
frois sithl whiieh to conailete the in- thse Schsool of M1usic for this selles-
tenior ohfttse busdding? 'Thle$41,- te.Ago iedadecIa
00o aisd trouh 1I. Wteranpresent. Tise progranm sas varied,
thse aluminanasd thin publbic is aisout interesting, andl enjoyable.
exlsausted.Thtie ony recourseIlnowe Tie violin solo, "P~olishs Dance,''
left is the lierality isf tise Legisia by Mr. tredlerick Mills seas encoredl.
luaee. There are now Inearly $50,000 Mr. Fred 1L. Abel, of Detroit.
Ilsvesteeh ia the gymnasslmnbiliili playeed the 'cello us a most agree-
,vihich amnliltseas raisett entirely 1111able umaniner. lie is 11 thoroughs
dioinatioin aad subscrilptiolsn s sartist.
iiows stands. tise baildinglS is sless. Mr. Silas R. Mills' second song,
"Wanderer's Nachltied,'' sas ren-
Th _a rcetRe dered withs nuchs expression and
Tihonmas Birackett Reed, fifty- pleasing effect. He seas eiicored.
first speaker of the United States Thte conclading piano duet by
Houase of Representativesseas born Miss Povey and Mr. Scsnasal seas
'a P'ortland, Maine, Oct. iS, sS3 excellently given and geserously aip-
Ile seas graduated at B~owdoin col- plauded.
Te eRflA5T0.U 1111 101 1 OilS

engaged in teaching and the stu~dy
of lasw. toni86 he seas elected to
the loseer branch of the Maine leg-
islature. It 1870 lheseas sent to
tihe senate.
Ile seas elected to congress in
1876. In the 46th congress Ile en-

'The NMathematicat Society swill
meet at 7:45, Saturday evening, in
room so, Engineering building. E.
B. Escott will provide a paper on
"Solution of Problems," some prob-
lems will he solved, and officers of
the society will be elected.

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