O Aff L IV -11 L Von,. III.--N o. 115. VOL. 11-No. 15. NIVMERSITY OF NfICIIIGAIN, FlI DAY, MfARCH 10, 1893. INTasCN. YRICE, THIaw CENTS. WATERMAN GYMNASIUM~. tered frequently into0 deibate and de- fended the ipresence of United States Will Not Be Completed at Once u11-I less Something Happens-The nsmarshals at the elections ill the Way Things Stand. soultih.Iintile forty-seventh lie was 'lie 11111n 1111111illesthat have rsosbefrad1arnltlo~i Lately beenl made concerningtieiehlldsrbin the Ceiv av)Ioiaill ilylif secirliil; tile gylilsa- aswartd. Illtile followving conigresses Manx fori baseball preactice anii for his leadeersilip hecanle marked iiitii tla juitr ad snir h01s, haive the Oit1 it waS sermnenit lscued.- 0 ~onilited the Ius il"to a .t e nthe -5sst Conges ec C,18,) lie trui tteo ffis jswscosnsekr c h 'S cectary t 'dis ve y i- s iru 511l)eiioc. aticiin , lilGi("ar ii lii'lisle. ti s-os 1"can lie'uled1 for tilese i 1)10111 this sessionitt 1)11ses b'~i5tut the iliiicaities ill tile i . Re 01is 011d upnnting" the way appesl at pr esenit to he sinsur-rlpieseiie 01 menshers prlesenit whio leotinrtable Ill all p1robability an- refbased to vote, andthuias dec larnhg other miontih sililibe consunmedin a quoruisspresent.tHe also refused enclosing tile building. Wh/len this to entertain any nmotions thsat were slhall have been done, tlhe contract evidently dilatory. .In controlling thvitusDeering &1L00s will Ihave been e Aose lr. Reed displayed cx- fil~l~el hils entrat aount toecuItive ability of tse lhighest order.i ;7 ,000 Oftile 11 000 raised by is poweer has not been acquired subseription, onily $ 1 000 will be by tile delivery of set speeches- litft. abt thsree of wichl lastis"gtmore tihaia Tile iinterior of tile bilingl yet twenty nintutes are on reicord--hat ,-lilis to be filsishied. ThIe run11ies rallier in his brief, clear shlow- piing 11rackthe walls, the pintingin g 01 an argumlent 10ntdeb te, hoist- of he i-o f~are~vrket., il Iedofteii sithi sit anidisaralesm1. havle to lie complleted befoire the Siinie 1888 tiC has conatribuitedl ar- liavdclinisii iflorcan I e laid.iIt ticlsto Ie otshAsselriatee- vvi ot osiin ~~es edefordels ASi aziiie oudthan Will Cos coet~an1; ikee2, s0lto i" LEGISLATORS ARE HERE. - The Reception Last Evening-The [-arty Visits the Musecin, Lib- k' VoU rary, and Art Gallery. I " k gr Manyor iDoty aned the Cfmon ol 7 IfhPp RZfR S& -r Couiscii of AiluArbor met tile I eg is- 'IUEtRUFrMtcH. iiR . alive party at J aeksonyiesterday, anse escorteel I em toiAnn Abor. 'They arrived at 6 hp in.iiid at once I sveii t to the Cook house.i lie party conlsisteed ofGI oveelsol]deli, iIneat- Ilv idvf cdingsihost of tile Ilieli- b ees of thse toiise ansit:senate, andc severali citizeesofLnsngadlie- troit. A few of the gentlenmenl sere acconmlanied by ltheiriv11s1 and 51csvie o a siattic Iatest Merlritatilhves ofi$ ,dVioi,$iShessatl50eho $Ia pairless dlaughters.- Guy.ticii sas the t hani AnisArbiir iicssenailfoiestalgte c"1 Iin gulest of President Anseell, anti a fesw of tile sembersaswho are ole L"h. of UI1.F F C i l1. nsen, wvere taken to fraternity 101, 183-lan ownisiisAVE., houses. DETROtT, - - MtIttI1lAN- After ais elaboirate dinn~ler the visi- tors were takell lp to the main hlil, q.io hm1ond Straight Qttt. swhere a general receptionls te- 17 Noea iered in thse chapel by citieens n CIGARETTES. Isselilers ICigarettesmioter swhy mm rsof the facility. Therwa -c v are wiing to Yeayha lel a lihort progani. 'The Varsity Ge'moe tlthisle piuel Chit san"lilttle Vetlosv ansdlthe Gw .trd BAN iaes, ,iii l indi'l ]'Ie."IThey svere heartily aaded all therliisii. Sssgi 0115Ti- eichmondiiistrightii anti responeded to sri encore- Ihlieat, i 11101d oviely fiaiied-ndnl1111highest cost GoildLetfiironuin vIi lginia. This is thcecoii onie song tisat tiook swithithelw-I and sai isui Brandsiof S traighn tiiutCigarettes, nasilbroug~nlhlntlI slitsii llsycars13tt. matkers svas this: liewinei iiimitinsi'aid srlnsive thiailthi A weiuigv'l iiili''ii l~ ueilli'iliits :sh'N beowusa;ItiBrchy package. 11ho11visit Ann Arbor to hearIthbois her, o his Ameriican TliilissCo.i, Bthey t c toruisso lawisyers osies oftiters~, Manufiictlrers. lt icndiii, Virgiinia. They'll finit aml i in watil-te In'hse Linlslicgislituitors, those sevusils latoia ]'resideiat Aisgell msatle a short act. O dress, ansdt'Mr. Stone, sergeant-at- arms of the House of Representa- tives in answvering, presented Dr. Angell with a mlagnificent boneiquet,- thse cit of thse State Agriculitural - coliege.. - Under tihe guidlance of Profi.j D'Ooge and other msenshers of the facalty, tse visitors svere tiseis shown through the museuns, the library,' P- . KINNUCAN, and the art gallery. Thelc nuseuns i was lighted by electricity, generated in the mechanical laboratory, and lER H N presented quite a brilliant appear- ance.i At ten o'clock all cc -assn! TAILOR beinthe chapel, and shortlyafe dispersed. Awl) UNIPOl;