c. o . c ,Vctl; . ptton bore 525 names, "all writ- LIKE FINDING MONEY.
' e '~~ tenin the daintiest of fine Italian
hands.''"'The Free P'ress says: By Going to Wahr & Miller's anti save from 25c, 5oe anti;75c on esers-
Pablished Daily' (Sundays excepted) dsring 'li petition is nleatly written. but pair of Shoes as ste nmsst reduce our stock to
Ctcee vear, by thrisasorotafinheClltl make roos for Spring Goods.
theretis lso of otoaffyo121odhe and tal
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION i1z11t.oliters' allr )e Butitod l- and_
sbscriptionoprice $2.50 pee rear, invariably dlotIbachelors iin the Legislature- Fine Footwear l)ealers,
andianic. Sinigle conpieas 3"eease..Sabecrip- bachelors beecause they are (diffidett-1 48 SOUTH MAIN- STREET.
tios may ite left at the office o the DAItY, and a sprlint lit iof elignible swidowvers
at stoffletas, with any of thee ditoscocr______________________________________________
athoied oiitocs, and they arc ini a stte of intd. They TOCmmncainssoudrec teofieTyoil" il ongt nnAboThYs-oclc t.ifteyae oaper h nxTdyfigt'rnIitnddtosenIri) O E SO DE a, ISO N
icay. Addreess altlamatter intendedt for pubtlica- stay thare, bitt the prostpect of ineetitig
"etn to the Managing Editoc. All binness 'illSfascinatttig lobtbyists ihasttittiion rOll '1'IHli'RT DA S.
t'ttnnicatinenhotnld1IttseanitotheButsi- thiemi abtek.
neon Mfattager. --T AOiC'r R& 0_ T r,
THE U. af MX.fDAtLY, I-- E zCO_ A27R _
Ann Arbor, Rich.
y. .. cvii in, ~ ~" ~ jR. '-' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
F.:5'I . X tt't ie, i ')4D3, Astnt .it or
,1 n1. Sits An. tLtW. 93ist.a ntsI
s. I5i'. littJt 0. '. Git. n, Ittiee n ag ooenr.IIk
55. 5'. ttli.) ttin:vn. I .lIt. 4 sneteittntl Ii I..1Itit1i ( b i I N Iedt nilli 1eMV J T ineCardninefftt 111itit ,.ics W z_ liti t {
5.lttsit.'it istntt. N. J.,stes nif DlepartureoniTrini tiAnnitAttitrt,'t4. 1. Eii. i m'93. Hot'sford s Acid Phosiphate.
E. K. 'le' 'at (I. ISc'tts.'5/ 0ff I
Mtiss Nt. X. SteicN i . NSinies, 'lit. ''"1tave edii ittr severtat vears, ilt Is te LEADING CLO F U SN S.tana. tg'No. 1. SMtill tintiExpres*.... 0. II,
Nora tlotc Iltiet -ti. 1.ili. Muitill. 94 1tillyit ilm praice'.bttt in to ovili ill- tilfiveit iingietne teacest taretaitednce;No.3.Ps Se noAitiAteAcctiutt.12 0tilto
conn 'tt i i i.i tsrties. 'lieltl ansi etitisitlirgootd liei" n ii peiotteeef; weletsppllie eading No. 5, Staill'tieditasne*.... 4;5p.w
tittn'. Stortluua. .3 n.(C. , . n' dvlat etise, n cn ider titily1dratll eroom;idaily letlutis, Saturday eveningegeptiont .,lieiiti '1.i
4 i'iisttys op t t bs ot' en ti niii eotl yeac ercciat gradaitesin gteat G IsostcTI.
Circ mstncesoneof te bst nl tN e d emn shorthand grauiiat lltecue posins;
ttetit's that wti'oisess. For nieinti e- ix. xpe nse .tont.75ptewekin pite finfn No. . Mtillanod i'assngetr*'t.......12 i'i. in
.sys tiilt~t~tt i 'li 5 'nstil l~it ~lIts rtti'tt't itiioni from sweekitweek, atturess NiiO t~tti .
THE_____________________ etl tttc tcs ttirt iti'. .. t a
) y 3.00 $4VO, SicDily ieepit Stiittttt
Stlti clot mfor the 1)111,1'. It ssill Anmiit excel lentit d atgeeattle tilic(2,0F$300 4.0, ritnsnt un iiii iiiii,ciit Atbolitn
ltd'ippetizer. Ittioui'isltnatd iltsig- FHstClassanti WarrintediT 'oledily tit, dicit,i'seet nni
keep you swelllprotedi o)11all t'ttver- 'I o Firstansdalyc Ccplcay
siy vetsatti A oraites 1110 tiretd bittiti intl botdy~, Ins- N]I'sery Wa.ivOlc uu5tu lii tii
ciyeet ttelose trioe of . .5 tpirts risenwedettelgy anduvitulity,.n Notutr, xn. Bi NET. ii1. rr. i: . o t' acasEtit0.
fo Doy & F ie.the remailnder of the year. e ieste ucin.I Ge'n. s.Ageiti. LtcrdAgeneit.
So tits:confitsioit las ariseit as to
whlether recitations will be continued
Friday afternooll.President Angell
athtorizes(its to say tlht wotrk swill
go oitias lusual.
'its: baseb~all mainagemtenlt is to be
congratulateid til its siuccess ill secur-
itng the rnut fir Ipractice. After
Saturdlay thle lpractic'eseill1 be cin-
tiiuetddaily ill 11h1t ilacetutil tteE
wteatlier wvill perm~ii tof oiutdoor twtrk,
I'veryotne intendtinig to try fotr posil-
ions should repotrt, Saturday, antI
let itie Aenefi t iofthle tiing frttit
the start.
ti., Free tress cotinules its ex-
hortations to thleILegislaturcc to deal
liberally writh thte sisersity. It
irotuntces thle prtoposed vtisit a
g (ooti object lesson,'' an111glees
several good reassos ftor a liberal
treatmenit, cltisitig as foillotws-
If' thielegisltors dointilvisit Anit
Arbor stithti heir 'yes topenl, they wsill
be opetieris wileterie. iiidthte retire-
sen~tatives itf the lpeople itt lieligtit
teaiy be mi taco iriealizesshy thte iini-
seisity shldit be libteirilly deatlt wcith.
It; is a betucfte'toit itti iitt a biui'deii
anth its retasotutilel s Itits shiottldh It
meit as sooii as itey priesenlt thleii-
selves; tnt as tilt'resuthtof inseeimly
coiintory m idlin accti'oi'dtitte titli
te siig'gestionis itf a niggardly potlicy.
,rlm, oti-eds' petitioni to the Legis-
lature for the annlex weas ptreseteed
to that body on Tttesday by Repre-
sentative Minue, of 'll'aslttelae. 'Thie
litneripst itipampiletl fieeontlt pplietio to i
Rumford Chemical Works. Provi-
dence, R. I.,
Betnart of Sittinttes and Iitatioins.
'l'u'cel'racdslois, G(itarc, Banijo iand Mtan- ;Q
dltie. Stiudiooci
nRoots . Sal t ..
8. S. Main Strect, Ann Arbor. r
At teStnuotits' lool Ito re.Studoents.,ssveitpilf' unt ntit
atni bus' of 11s. W'(are l ilt' tu l rIeceiiig citiin ltts of'
seotndl-liitmid 1111shtup-st it 'ollego Toxt Books friolilthe
jEast whlichi S's will offer at litte prices. We ke'ep Itte ilrtnch
hatve' th110hest antldlhealesit Nte to ostit t h e t i0 ts'.
University Booksellers, - State Street.
W '~7"The l1Itllitt of (lilt'as-' ---
VY o)tillOelt of .1'w inlil- ANN ARBOR. H EN TSCHLER,
z<0 a jtidgoed - fl hoto rpamher
Afrnlbteatxre c'am's'SiALLA'TPLIT CO. g
oll""~vuR flflilest Ihigh 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. I1 uitER i 11 IsO NDlitliOX 1' .
Th'ei T ilass iit(ttk-'. Ii E. S. SERVISS, - MAN C.IIP. D -i
ls01tt1t1N / %,oil ratnt a first- i GRAITD OFFRiA7 -H
I.'NOTICE. 'I'llS'r'uoei s
Wattchi "..C . sC naSS tltic I t' i ndtilCitizies. lont snotut o f itoun rilti ONE NIGHT ONLY,
to-daty Standits ' a reasssontable , ca.tdt'ientot n toeItI.u ti irood it H. E.iIFRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 10.
sit the pthui- price be Stito giite ittsit.otiu ndthttis10onte-hirtti ndO Ctharlts 's ollteutt's RotntiStout, Companytt
hR. E. JOLLY & CO., No. 26 South1h
timepoiece2 tts alld tis 14 State Stect. 'Iee'Creceived ever' call.
lieti '0c'ivte t HOTi T LU N CHES A Domuttic tutite euy if tht er ar y ugutstus
whc' i th s tif ll ImilCSt 'teuit s, etuthosr tuf"Aluluetet .,
ho ot heil s. le i n tht leseu ntitted And tho very chtoit CaGndles "A wotsuii'oceeseor tot"Alethi ati"-Pit~i-
-A'- deltiea Rtetortd.
Stales alosne bel'g ,setotlol fit 1111110 *'heTTTL5tics*praise. it.n'luiie lit, it.
t ll.1 RE 4 At1i "o.ttr. 'ai L. , PRICES, - 50, 75 and $1.00
:1GI,? ! TL* :(,h1--1-.XvS'IAEBLER'- Sea t sol ae itt tts' Jewelry Store.
Ave. and SMITH, SONS Coal!GBSN
State Stt'eet. & Co. 11 W. Washington St PHOTOGRAPHEtR
17ETRCI'T MIC23. 7=O~v= r o NO. 12 W. HURON ST.