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March 09, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-09

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Voi- III.-No. -114,



A GREAT SUCCESS.icMssrs. t1'ittiamlsoo atd Jolt tdc- THE RINK SECURED.
servcentch credit for thei r work it htI-htEeyn ?orh fBsbl rctc oCraec
the McMillan Gymnasium arrangwinp this contest. f Saiturcday Afternoon at that .0
Meet"' Last Night. Place.
_ -Friday MorninE's Program in Uni- -_----IR _ -
Thelin idoor-i"meet' at 3l\l ii tt1itvarsity Hail. 1or tepat tw150o (ilititsIthreibae
ha~ltIsa i t~tmn l aagemitenlt has bett looking POI
warooro amsosorntiettngn scet- 011e att ii oclock,.tbout for t suittabtle oicfor irheI DETROIT, MICH. ,,
til event. It was thlefirst of the 1 tl1til oi tib i ii ctraipntoif the canidiates for the *
ra icetti taan;t li etspect ive pilcs,'is 'atounicedflly 'v\arsity team. It twas hopeddthat
inysterdays 'Iii iii ac, p 'riloci tird 1 Ithe- ailiwsotiil be saificciisti s-
11119113's wel orthte ' \irsity "meet" }
ri beuitaciot nilt ci ittal.PrestidtI enclsroed foi-thetueruposes if traits-
Its ns ot01issincisii ais aitbi ,cia il sti htt tlt r ug ieearly tlisssemiester; bitt sork ro
soad ilitiiroidice several of tse (sits- the builtintg has bseens too stoic.
ccci , bt icirtielss1111s 5 lii iioiisic~ "te Thereiill eistce tis istsate of affasirs becamte
tics weess'c edc.hre isr titiessrlaiiuest. ' cii srr
aiboutt a hsunsdredl presenit, asrtitIofei of college soles andiiseveral Iknostills ii rs.sCievelatnilatnd Crasw-
Whiotmscere ladies, whic i itniber Iselectioswtill berendessre d iiyte fordrrisise nisre atliicatiossfor We li n siettS la pitnsr
F reshmnlta h iitdsaeo h smain\M'andlinab.iT hIle tsvratbuilrintgs, istrisditig the aofi$.j1,4or$-5'Shoes sitile te $1 it ipair les
ices al thttel''el 15cs titan Ails riir price s, send trtile ~use t
pro itsitos isnriaccstssodste prograni still close at 12z t o and a risik. It ws rporterl it first that R
s t hi itchs antd kicktsitir ish Ise meetsng is aisrangedlsolely -or any price. Tlesiassagersteesked R H [UIL" U
Mattittets kc i thse bensefit olflt'e testsfasiciltises isr 10cs1 ia isy clatls ~ . 183-t85 WtitlisenAv..
Marinmae theunsal icko adrrsvea asada ataDETROIT - - MiIA.
ft., 'True sectondi tlls8 ft. To itsa. s sit!tissatisfartor y agreemientwsteffecterd, _______________________
,i uris applause wsatcreatedlwen itI The Trio to Wayne. stunerby stir ikstilllie used for
___q' phmond Sfraiqht Qct.
iir. 1--hlt aisnsousncerthststhe ciii I dI i sltpractc intiltlhse tesni tin J Ne.
lige recorit1ihast lietie-sbeteni hi- ; tre itSo itmciotsiti pi ss onsltecatpIG RTT S
itl chits iac011cotm liin itd byD In'tlerI-hr'iecnidates for ipositionis oGnR'r"Fs
tithes. 'Cigare ti Smokeris woits
ma1 aciDit tl iitlsc ie it ock santd Irealrialimo sriri de I r- htem iillreort rs pachice at Ireillinlgtsoinaycdiittln
Ii or pi sd upheytre- ct ictutit nthe price
bell one])outi t iihout a fll. 1 cyilu ptysrradesicit tiCdrnigatltrte ifet-te sitlied
'tir ihillsettoivisittm-st mt-oilohis liii I hrchiceI reuiirmesst tof candi- iii itts lthllsBADsauperioirts
71 t isii i t sv5 inm.T hlit's sere tl i ii et i'it, a i iyticthtiesitird Iv li'I'h ichmondilit it ntit
on t ft il.:Cha dlr a d ate i th t tey be em ers of ctAri a k. ttri'tt-itctise td rom theutbrights-
isceiakng sci A so iain. y pI int I lgodtest "cccrriniist it-ln~ia SPit is te ccitt
c1rir itatd rondtuted tilt'iteb ilh tilndloriginal Birandiloinstiraight CtCigretsc
ied's siu ini c il t il ts 111 swn ig VI j;' io ssoitb m d ihe o Ia - ae iv s ouhtottsbis c ite: pieage.;
ritraheherithe clast(Iifotysive! ( ii',' toi tt . HIndnssert ha h
:'>aCr pare use. isr ti ii ilol PcI lioner Clvelandhr Caan Craw ord, eflrt o sretieiilsisieseryc. st
'tewtastti th kik m i 111 eidi rided to s t sisone uuiitli ut i. i lt, f I 1 l'lW ii' s& INtri Brnanch
the hotdnghitic 1wst-sIwon r itt hinhoiilltfurtish the I ttisi'ieicanto lilt oil St er iocsoti.,Vr is
--eio ' i iite foi srieasst rofeii ~ th reeit buti si-s Settiert at Lest. I Virinia
iptcires ,seriaifor tlt f> in.s iabotvetilehosel i t irhirto ti out ttirr 1 1i
lsrsIpirfsstpes scuc auale lni l m-Istiise sfhitses1-i oc
I ttrl ast lich-iu'is at is ehiterieal f othi chirswhch healve ThesarticlesficIrlies tioowerl
biitii of titimbliti'' 'idith e irhstitwis tittual ainteretis u sbject for ds
also~~~ tiNfs t i ii itls esi~ early' the clinthirdyss enst tission.i.. letter stwat re-el front
is itihyi" sircass, siiiassmotrsossirot the lily ipastors sttigthir
bar. pieli it~Iols i 1h irofiitblte sitd enjoya-stletrhiltsctuldtt itemiwss ii s m esi pihiastssitf stte
lIn the brvutMatnadIf slotm iqiutlshm hi rls estionss at issue.listionoti
eacti ittila i'iftiiin; h ler, t> Ilast tin1ek rquirinig -a strongeer ! -
ft. 2 - ' tistl theiC.kof M phetasisofteo i1roftlt seihssms
d trill ini i-lihtetni sstnh ulil o t it tiiii t lt tirety sbasnstoiscdtby its supposnrters,-
itclsarteittirthsemsins theItprotfess- 'intltetwhsole fistrc oh this coss -
hetl Iexertcistsrcontdutitedstyhi hr. aie a ocnrtduo
iklhatios hosrt hic t tt i r s on for thec roy'l i anne'rstci iii imhitch ait ottnscessttf rsis the I
Wila so ' owdte ls w r:Iofficers. ITeresult rri u irissgp th
of the gymnsasitunm. i iresident, eneralsitce-psresidesits, I P-J.' I UC N
'Thsestandng ums p ss as twtstlt by Sensor LawCliass Meeting. secd ritreasutrerans Illletint et-
-' iiti, tor -to suibscribe to the isurpsose wst
fl.1 fii.sir lT sesior hats chess hiadta 5veryonly opiposetd on terhntral grocundsM R H N
ft i.jslotrsy' seeting yesterdays . Atoo-tts-ill conteeethat any tttterlsset
Risiiing juipisititisatntby' I iei I thost satssmadle requestipg Aliltonslion ltatone easthsosnestly Issut upons
run, t. i. Johnssonsto1 resien the posittions of lis it accepstable
Th oxn b lao sadWite- valecdictoriass. Mr. Falknsor omovedl WhileIl-its settlenment it not tquite T'A.ILO"'R
shtie lsqusestioni be not conesiderecd. I as liberal as that effected ist Decens- I
ied twes probably te sost exciting h'issmostion ws defeatetd. A nuns- her, yet no one cass doubt that t is it .~ E 1311',01lFEi oI-
eent, and it elicited rounds of alt- her of resolustions swere thsen read a great step in adsance of the old
pliause. Honsortstere about etunally' respecting Mr. Johsoon's consduct bathsaod still put the Associations I
dividedl. as presidesst of thse Oratorical Asso- in a position to greatly increase its IZN' iOOLi TS
'The last evesnt wsthle tug'-of-swar, ciation. 'These resolutions swere useftulness. Althoughis t has taken
in wich uchaan Gavesandnot adopsted. After a storomy debate, some those, yes, as it can now stane
inslil 'lslansCae si the class adjousrned to mseet next for thirty years, it seemss sufficiently'# 55 W._FOER'T ST.,
'Irue pulledl against Chandller, Alls- next Monday evening to further important to jusstify thse interest
tin, Gordon and tiovey'. , consider the question. tatkens. Detroit, Miehian.

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