r vienedby tbe number training LIKE FINDING MONEY.
of /Z 'T 4 - eey day in tbe gymnasium. 'The
entries are already being made, and By Going to Wabr & Miller's and save from 25c, 50c ansi 75r on every
Published Dairy (Sundiars excepted) during allsinpottoamtitesig pair of Shoes as we moust reduce our stork to
the Cotlege yta. rg a 5tinerstngsake roonm for Spring Goosds.
Subcriptinemsisice st.5tt per year, invarabley Ii is Lucy salmson, who is to l ine Footsvear Dealers,
' advnnee Singlecois :3) censs. Subserip- ,peak in the Wonman's League 48 SOiUTHY MAIN S'TREIST.
tions mayb5e lcft at ihe ofice at the DILYi
as Stotnlets, wattnanythseditrs orcouritlse, gratduated fron thle U. of
ntaiedeitte.iti. Shte in note bead iprofessor 1-S C
7 oclok . n. i'heyaretoapparteat of hoitory it Vassar. She is heo giveIJnaL ICU T
-lny. Atddressialtnmattet inteettid ittittiti a course of lc-tureS itIn etroit stext
i ion te MBatinitic itotu. AlNit escs IIFOR '1lIQ)1t'iRTY DA S.
com it iitcaia to n tititl tecsits to te iii seak.
es ittance. --& --
TilE it. of 55. DAILY,
xAnArborMich. I_______________________
'iamtt,, earJESr
tt. ~ ~ S t hS Lit 35,hi i1i«n5[Hiltt'.
ii. itt' 1Ii1ttI i1 S i ii iitiit acN .n n.l
C \ liii iiiiI i ln iii , . z . 1 'I t i t i ti tirn iti 'tii iyrcii n ci cii i
it'tilItin.i'ii" ..ii. e i t ii c it i
huttitii}t itnnn tii iiit ii \ ta t i 2i iii i it nnCii
Vi i i ' t i . sutte n. tli :1;' A ust neeicti siu iti tibe lent te F.H r4lJJ, reUU, $4nOt .
ii i n i g ll i . i oiiu i iser ve ut ilm 1ic ic tibttil it it Il i- i uso.wi1ied t, p Wuty.
t.rti....e"I ret)tttsiti tl' ~ttl it
all 1 riht ul esas iieery itinl hi tii E eitiv Co ll) & FlgiztiIesin geat
tc ii iini i ii n ei tti Istlt's thntCite Iti()etttits lt e - l .jg< pns oF 5prwe n rvt a m
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North~
Michigan Railway.
a l atr . '1n?.it 2A n ut~
Non . 311 nI vrei ".........s4t)
ini 'oed ce~~i M i..C
i 'Daily tiutti Si iinttt ti
Othercetretns ilutu mat pi ;Cmind
Wn. IT. itNNETir, 1i. . GREtN iAs mt.
iten. Pain.iAgeti. stntocal iiin
lost, anditlel doutbtlesnsiin the future iiescripie piasmet ieee mttait~plicioto ii SHEEHIAN &CO. SIIIEEIAN & (i. ShEhAI N &CO.
Rumnford Chemical Works, Provi -__
I~s oiiofour bexlstsens, secause deuceR. I. ____ ND- AN TEXT o h o, alre ad tC'~d eaeo usiuesad4uttos ,
neeni, shoiultd teach osur legislature FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. -1ORTH SCNDSEESE
that if te present igh stnalrdlof >t Stdst' ittstie Sidshsnihilf l it tittin p
the pritdetof the state''in to be HEBYH UG, Q Isind bets1itoftis. \i nittu e mtg otiyiittt t
miaintaitned , it mst)not blie lt (l ur' t udtni iits iitt tuiittiotit;Qisecontd-handi tain itshop-wotrni College Tint hootks firollttlhte
witl ini a iarisimoiouts silt.s1%7cs i5 len ) tlttS S t. East vitic11nit'(ni ill otifhtI i is' rittes. Wei keethe (l i e nitst1
trist the Ns it iofthe heg'ishattire thisa ;r lenh Geirlu n iittilarit iii 5 ittitittihi 1Nithi e ii FIaic tlts. Au'
wneel hwill hiaue ti t h enire( i et it 11)1'1\'(' fO S its liie t tu hi n1i oat Nio i te(t lui In 1 Ci t 1he itt
i-- ---6' rte HE HAN & COMPAN ',
.tt n hinnttGii I i~.R U N E Be,'ier siy Booksellers, tt tet
u ta.iStue1in55 StrCet, - Ann A~ba,.
rtt zfo lute _______(1_____________ ,11. 1Y1 fAN u(CO. PhxlE Ill N CO(L. SIEL IAN U.t).
iia isellt in t nity' iltilla(< h e(int h' f u mNAE.nRE TC4Li~
ittul~ f 'i in set~f Saohotttth st lt
iimae,vnit hes oiaeaiit ittiet Mj~(tl h utla 3SUHFUT Ae tittS~Nn~5 ittNse
enattup as tisteuuuhel. Thie usteetiungt1ehufa 1tiPItwe SSIIIS IANv
t siverimpyrDalrnt tatth1:30to Iuttiii (thihi NCTI F iSitetsGAD GL! IQ
2:3 nul ie tn ttlstsasil lttt N.>iltld irette h uci,(1 2 O aTFURTHt At VEn mticutif ONE N1i\ %- LT ON .
deis s t hnaft the re martr i ne to-lnc ttia;T t tisnitbe Qiti u etft:aua tiui s'uu 1i
Svt tn5c doutt ciuttuce fciteute. a WEDNESDAY EVE, MAR. 8,93'
progrant. Recitations nillcosntinsue tt the phnsa- p rice inc Suse i Ne itctingesvaindatui tiri isetHt asn d ti
as utsual its the afternsoon. cle of' tllsatndird atutuginie cimt uuiiututnumcmitmeartdm shlmnSitiintiau
haSt strtnt1 student idhoud get is eye finielpieces and iil hts sius t ae. Street8cCO.,UNo. 1SoutAA ll yyT!JIUHilEK
onThurday arcchtj3, asid kebeensi ceie every-TTTN rcall.Q AssisiedbyhaIs ia~ opny0 113
cii HnoOmy,.ke ecie -T.. LUINCHES1ers, clndiuttti t avrt Ta~d i D
it thsere utntilIse fisnds himself inside tvrargedvti te luiTestRT) 55 NO tri Oi
tise opera house osm that date. ime Ituisor's. the stile ill these United And tine very choicest Candlenstoa)1S, revuseui.cstummmcmme n iii tmereemei
-AT- eerom histoicailstates anid mdirectioatnticAan
annoal indoor i'iarsity '"meet'' Staitestilosine insigonsd tstoine datmci atauutite.
outght to msake a big success, as sso other. T TL45 So,0tTna STAIN' STIRErT. PRICES, - 50, 75 and $1.00
doubt it will. The proceeds nyl1 go IVE A"1616Seatsonsae__t__atts'_ewelryStore.
to help the baseball team, and _EXGLL.5I1'' AL'NTS. - . T .E LE
especially towvard seniding thse track Woodward F. G. GJBSOIN
temto Chicago in Jutne. An uno- Ave. anti SMITH, SONSCo l,
usual interest hias been manifest State Street. & CO. ~ w ahntnS PHOTOGRAPHER
among the athsletes this winter, as is DETROITDM=C.. 1O. 12 W.sItngRon ST