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March 08, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-08

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theahoe ode an wil 10( sttsTe Date Set for the Annual Indoor
A Complete Program of the TwoI
Day-WhreandWhe Eery 00the lower floor of Slit hall, as Meeting-Many Men Arenoy
thing Will Take Plae Adrcted hr Major Sonic nd Iis as- in Tainig -
- oeilrRch eit(ost stats. Tiursda eenin, March ois lmORE-
t_;liings, and he rieiohci s of bohdi TSlieetiuig in the hall wiill lose the tone determnled 111o0 for lt r ' Anp~le t.
mIost s of iii legislatirr, many of 1 ~Pii u ~ lssainnal inor alefi ismeting DTR.MIII
thm ccmanedbytei wve,1 ill mee lit ePresident',, Wt c, -le rmeet wiilb ed uul ini
S epetedropaniadisit t inindhe tken o teSli is t i fliOeraiSRous.'hecmitte
'1i1, adSe S.nseriy tllI i 1 0o lihe}- ill tae ti e ectric crs Shaising lten itr in Siaidi, iiiilto
o ai inviin nyithe .aorad I li tiilio iiesoi Se it. S ' slt-ofliitnSiilds anilBaird.
P:nv o Cli~ti .ouncii, d snit to 1eh e nih t te T e ai seetiu .s wili inheayi
The wil rrveatlil, i.ind citizen sth-t inasmunisl rirstt niddl , iht andii}hteiiy wigchlt ox-
iim tile siulintat themookhoue.haiwlirey iin h romi jon ngam te wriS n runningi' iiii
PSPp iitu ilP cc nl 1the sttudecits and utS ti itheyt re stanid ii in h ih i ; e un ad( hnI10tat111i-L8p in t ywiktbfeiciis iiiu byi01 i r2, iio nl5 ai aiii -~tis
hefautisnd yctens atthe tretantly constr ainetd tomas liihe tiih swisniiing;h y Rceedmliiiwon ata )a Sm 1111Al0101 ia iiitilisuse tIs
t1niivcisity chl. ut A'ftci a ittle citi/ceis of \nn \ihorid iiiii iblic stroi itf applause attSlircnct aii
issrhSltleCihSessimsgenrally to reriniifron i ill-riuin' ait i iittof lteP iiitrsilymiiiist Iis.
.ill proceedI to theM uPtseum ni du te imietting; ini Uniii sity 1111. I'le weeghS limiits ini thme 5vniris t10 83-185 w o15 in )is ,-.
licto teSiibrhry andithet.mart classs of boxes anid wsesliiigisill DlTRIT, - - Mk,1IA N.
I ei hey will hcSetaenhy ! aenior Law Class Metng. Sits foliiws (L5easy weit nosc
aiiapes to tieir lodings. -i-rn -oSaiSliTESleii im poauints iiiidll esecight-ioec t~hfYl0fld StIght (%i.
Friilymring 1the Sltusual calad mprat etigo Itn st-r poundi light WightliSoverci I S frtiiias as ldcscciy
ci i s in h iisitrls Sin li irl tns s iit-eiro ionil>;andI feahrw cgtblose i CIGARETTES.
gests my sssciiihecthemre eti teitweecin flisi unii (1(c 5liiiiaya tishe
that inasnmuchi as PrlitsrcrisGstillnilililt hintanothSi ai
> andisil o'0coi.TIn Iheisetheyhcy]'hseasihintiml amplentneatlor tirsii-eietl i PS ireterit Simm nc
will bli ddtumc o thc DentilClilee 1I- e (Sit ND inie rie io
lit~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~a a mssti ltClerri ~i saccssor to juadgcJ atksonStecnty miiicicong wotrkn wtihtin s ai ttjirrs rm-ihe iin lei
Pthetittiiit 5 it, thesCosimilalitnd - IA ~ are l'dIe c i ile ilighi-
tecciinicaitat niS.Sirciiorngtoiioldse tnSin o etering g5 sonic oiiie ti , mst i ilicl tyin i nd(111highest eelt
fiStinthat i cominitteicb n appoint-ttlt it, et't Gofilalsd I a Gown is vrgia.rls is the 1)1d
01o'Plokithey ilit 1eturinIitiolteeens rosiecs arI;o11fo (a3ndOigal i Brad of Sriughtlt cigarettes,
Srsdn' fic n rce oe o drift rsolutioins incdorsi inostsucicessfil mccl tils strillgt. ariii(fuia(iiyii ill illi- ce uire
P oGriffiniifoi iiichiappiontm nclt. inrmnam1e50 5 iii IFta ll vrysplelag
ie n(cisity IHall, ishlire Slic stnl nhelLLN &AthINERas'elleeC
(tThiileeS leiiCsuggestion 55a(5initorporaed A Call to Johns Hopkins teIeienoac~.
lato n motonisehediias eltlilsi Ma lcons Iilirs-.Ve-es
nie rraingementts for Slit sttir r bl roesro a
terts are as followss astically caried. h i i~sro
- 'T class their considered he at- . erra Metita mnd Therapeutics,
All class exercises sill clust at i i jsm ieaorcevdacl og
ocock. ; iaility of entering upon Ste shdysoetmagrcredaalSoo
ofrisdictioir Iunderltecirec- o Johns Hopkins nedcal school,
Thre students of each prlofessionln J whlichln srs next fall. This lron- 0
school sill nitet itheir osvnhbuiil- tin of iProf: Mecemn. Thoughltes oh n fSr eSshosi
ilig at i a.1in. aiid lit prea~rdl o (sworkn is not reqtuired,lt nimeihersthconradapsintee
maiirchr at i i : -z-of Slit class unlaninmously toted in Sr omtyanaIoiir hr
3 - avo oftakig i rp Liharin sill bt one o e coveted, not only
turursit iisl~siN I P nc's hook willhe u 1d. fronm a financieal standphoint, bltin r
flit sturdens of Shelitilernry IDii til1ntO mnany other respects. It is nosy
5artment swill nmeet by classes at i F rantzl Crauwforul sas then alled uirite proable that Prof. Alel sill
o'clock as foliowssifu order to prt- uon o nake air athletic statement, aetteSt offer, very nmuch to Slit
cettl to h~iviersity hall, udier the aewhichi lie ditd irs a mrost effective reret of Slit meidical school lire. '
directiorn of lMajor Sioult, chief mar- nanner. 'fTheclass IunanimouslyThis__ishisthirdyear__atthe_________E
sha. oncudd t tke n ctie artinsity, and it is safe fo say thata nore P. J. KINNUCAN,
(a)-.fT resident grnaduates sill Sh Ie ldtc-day ard haselball contests.- profiit and poultlar profesorI
assemnhle irs roirniG.jCII"'r1fi, 'Varsity footall mn- never lectured to a nedial class at
i. Thre seniors will netit n anter; swas elected aseall manager.Si oft. MERCHANT
room F antIlteardjaceit hall. I Ed. Spurny, Sie crack second ae-
Th.'iejnos tl n nnan on last year's 'Varsity nine, Democratic Cluba TAILOR
roorm St and thre adjacent hall. ias elected captain of Slit class
(m). Th'le stphlonorts swill nitet in basehall teamI and T. J.- Spangler, P res. Bordleauxa has anonicedl Iis irmlu I.I
wonsAath5ad h daetilo played center on Slut football committees as folloss: ADiior? ;i
romAll nean lasafalteas lecetacianger ExEcdTrtn- A. 5E. Meau,
hall tem lst all waseletedmangerchairman; U. F. Sickey, J. SH.Vair
(t). The fresliiiini sill flockn in of Se trackc athletit teanm. den lBerg, WV- S. Hewitt, Leonard FINE 7 OO00L I9,TS
Slit chapel. Great enthusiasnm characterized Fiske.
(f).Speial tudnts illmeetthemeetngespeialy whlehe NITTIOiN. -- Mi. E. iBarnhart S W
in.Seilsansstl iethnitigepcalsvilSltchairman, T. J. Riggs, D 1. Quinn _ FORT 'T T,
siths Sli classes with sehicirityjsujcct of athletics was being con- an, J. T. Jones, T. G. Cnmlphell,
aerniost of their work.- sid ered J E. Young anti MIr. ( oseck" Detroit, 3Thigau1.

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