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March 06, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-03-06

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1 /JC f t J " j ' New Class at Granger's. LIKE FINDING MONEY.
ofAclass in dancingfoLalean
Gentlemen will commence lessons at By Going to Walir & Miller's and save fronm a2,, oc andI 75c 0n ever
Published Daily (Sundays excep~ted) durng5 Granever's A'cademny, ((Maynard street, tpar of Shoes as we most reduce onr stock to
the College year, by next Saturtlay evening, 8 o'clock. All make room for Spring Goods.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION dances still be prneticed, ineludisg the
________ _____latest fad, the 'Tio Ste p." Positively , -
ito ltops gives. (iranger's Academy is T I - __
se( t a public htall. Pupils otnly admit- I-inc Footwear D~ealers,
telln visitots.(1lasses for gentlemen'
TEAQ USSHN Oa exclusively, Ilittssdtty eveinitgs and 48 SOUTH MAIN STREET.
------__-- -_ __ _-. -- Satttd ty inotrnitngs, ladies exclusively
1'r is nit longer the one-fifth mill Satttdatv aftetrnoos.
bill, bitt the one-sixth nill bill. 5tiSte Stuiorossu~ titttble for les-TR U E S O O D R aG IC UN
Ho h os ilaffect its size solet5tilt banjo v(tt anoin t ROcE.,T R E IG W O
forrett Gr(antger's Dantcitnghcad-IFOR 'THIRTY J]DANS.
rermains to be seen. etity No. Ii Muystrd street. 112
II.sss: I.2i at the D:\ils office T7 T2.Q-NTR &CO, - ' = O
or with one of the editors andi re-
ceive the paper for the rettaider of Kf I~ i" Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
the a, delireredl at your roonm. 17 V $J ES5 Michigan Railway.
'hue inster-uiversity idebate coot-
Ii ittee is reit testeil to smeet at the i:t. Fiantit at atlhiUtii iN ( ICitsrileL G1'ie I nr itnI,,,et Sssay is iarua ,
liii ci ot-iire this evnig at 7:00 N.j . txn 7 ~ ~ ~ - (5 i5'tiil ii tii
o'chk - Horsfords Acid Phosphate. Y iitvi
Ti:c ii esil 2ln~uie i aiou jliar, liedi t fr several veai:', ht 1, theLEADINGuCHOOL OF BUSINEiSS. MeN.1 nd5ei~
aaililitioitoto our " iha go talile c iliviilii.l (ri1r1 aoil ; tishlicpit iiiiilicngcitrItxchan c;tabe. ditiiiatl case andlcooildi diitllnDirt. alliiN iitiil andiI'l t'.nrci.II,
'he lFebru1ar'y isiiliebtr is a coiimu critiauicsrl tt(i tiii i' n- d asoth tngratsttialol a-i seuepsitions; CaIG tvi lt.
ttii's (tilt w511 li;se.". Fur imittlexl - l e xpenisyi tu .ii2.s5sess-kuin pivatsite it- -, sit P
(able lllilliruatilnofis t i tere toli col- lu sils i'o tit r ' -eariu-i i s. liii- Sea i rtsisiadi s tof tiliuidenstu a r o -- st 5'tsenitus O.... l -
loge stuireiits. alrciultlui Itl siiuoClii se ntle Sysa- 1.tR. EAY. Pes. tt't .Toleo 5Ace11osuusustuu ...i I lan
S$2 00, $3.00,$4.001$51 busDaily li Slitiutt
I' Ii: state tress still rotntinuies its A motst exc-ellelit tsi ag(ieeabli'toicle F 'I 7 Tains :)inti in ltiii itili it liii rAntil
f forts in behalf of the 1-nis-er'sly ail uppeticet-. IItttiiurisheiss tld iivige- H hsh siiXt tie( 'IToledouonly, ditiltaoi litilh,
bll 1o btivlefore the legislature.1Th e 'ortites the tired braiti tntdlbody, list- F 0 very Wtvay.titiu hui tsit -t
harts renetwied energy adtista llitytitnd I F WII.15 li D TiT, It. a. osti-usit ii.
Dietroit 'ritiune congyratolates the cilsesteftetss.S& F ie. iilts tv~uI ts ~rt

senate uplon its fgood sense ini (leI
The actioiiofti heliii ate setnate itn
paissinth(le \Iu I tightit i ll tii give the
Iuniversity t fixed ittcsie retlects
cretdit tiptontthat lbody titilis it iistintt
tulsatuce ittmethiods of tlii'slate's care
if its tmtost asuccessfl in titotioni. hI
uetidintt redite th le taix ratte friomti
onte-iftto ionie-Sixth of iaitill ittlitilis
toi haieiein mti itlis ttte ntiesvstly.
cait. useofii plaiarism whvich
(ins ]cltilibttieri hg the execiitive e
ioiiuittecof01 the locial Oraourcal
Assctiationt Ior the (iast -'iwek,-

Runmford Chemicsal Works. Provi-
denee RI.
stBewretotSubtitutes tutu lttnititiiis.
Techrndloist , G a dsit cit jo andt Ilan-
8. S. Main Street, - Ann Arbor-3

SIHEEhiAN & Co.SHEHIAN & ("0. SIIEEGIIN i&s ('o.
At (lie Stuiicsts' Buttlrslore. SItutsllls, ssvc hltf ouiitt I tlt-I
tanid hits-of its. We nt ' ie dalyIs' eiv(inlg tconisu i t-itttsa of
seiotnd-lndId ho p-titwotrti(sillgcuTexit utlok rs Vs thue
Falt which was-i'a-lllfer ttlItis pric-s. We lkee'p t(le 1-utiuli
havs te I e ta nd1111 t-Iriit 1 N itc' Booiks in tl ii teiil.
University Booksellers, - State Street.


is es itletly terribly iomtpl iIed:sito

®n s

niiioh so, Iliat it line reiiiiti te ile t. tit t 5 ii 111 ais-
edetiiofthe tomittee lto idicide VV sirtiteit of _Fm it'1Pt A NN AREBOR j R Et.N TSCI-iLER .
rone elseilcoitde the taso, civciaafter - l hhutfa'tsr(- i-arcs TET1tTJhh C. h oto ap er
a iot ol e (leio itsitee that (lie nc- f oiltl 10fitesl high 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. I i(; i\E',a t I t N (ll>it iii, . -
cuused was guiilty. Withal ueh cicre- IThes 1if1/u°I«. IfifE. S. 3888> - 1MAb b
slert for -'\h r. H owells, its his attemupt (tutu> l tillit ttficst-( O IE -'I)IGL _P LHOH .
to jsiys'slun 1 v hm W th Clt \. arI cl' i 111111 Lou-u o'.tutuin-tl outu of uttow al ONE NIGHT ONLY.
tie beisefit of ahlltdoubt,uwe udo aolt hl Th c tiulsirheniouriii titnt g, t :.uli
heieve lh u ighit tot he alhowe te o ligut Jol- ltiy - i.\ . w nti-i hai;ifrgsi t i iWEDNESDAY EE VEMA ,1 93
luito~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~l thofoi sasihlls osiuhts stnd r--E---. 1 l0,1 R. E. JOLLY & CO., Na. 26Sat
if reprcseiitiag thse 1usiversity hn (hue itSat tet
orthuerns IOratorcicael League. It lie fliiit't' II LaI__________________________
uS ininuoet uof intenttionial phagiac- -itiit H OT LUNCH -IES et, cciti tcltvtt'f«cct k)
silt, thie ovidheince is Stihh so shrotug K.) ___________l__t1____________ r t sli NO ii i ti/'"c L[f_\ r
is to conince the oruj iy uofthie jtiuitis, tlIe 'safle, (bat'se tiltoti Anrd thn very choicest C andies fi tlsa is i-nu ~t. mwuuuuu-t I i
is --- tiIii utit iotc i d l 0 iirteeiiiuii-. y- St
execuitisve (somiss ittee. boyr us nuan Stait's ilolite hilin-set-mintohiB111110 <-- n.i- l itic.( -
to appe~sar its thie fisal cntest withe ithier. 4 s , out 'ii i .ES'i'R5 1 C aPRICES, - 50, 75 antd $1.00
so orauions hordherimu 51 irso n o a I 1Ff il) it ia tI i Icis Ii
1iagiarisiuu, if it is suittine, is iuo %lt.XC' 11' t(1.hclt'AS. __X STAEELEP., Et o aet \zts ewlysoe
creihit (0o(lie Univ-ersity, tos say the Woodward F. G1. I a' "O
least. Wie do not nieed, isoc desice, Ave. arid. SMITI-, SO-N S Co al' lO O A lE
suichi rehresenitahion its thie League 'tate' Street. & CO. 11w Washington StPHO GR HE
contest. ETo0=2t MOCH. 1=021-T= ne.o. SNO. 12 W. HURON ST.


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