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March 06, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-06

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AN IMPORTANT MEETING. I actr is anl open one; it is a secret! NOT UP TO THE STANDARD.-
__-only to those who have notersona] P
The Meeting o Athletic Assoia-I t
licn, Naturday, Transacted Ins- r]elation with God. The failure of The Entertainment Given Dis b Mar-
portant Business. life is failure to develop agoda'nn1ee
At the nichUng of the Athletic character. 1/11pORTER~
Aorslis ariatesnpe After closing his lecture with the A large isunmer of persons ini )nNUF VJ L
size caups for tirk athleticswer well worded admisonition, Getwiis- Marshall 11. Wilder's audicne Sat- DTRIT, MICH
consideed. cT 1hehoard hushaslyue on, and withal gt undrstansding,' ed-sr s evensue sal the entertain-
ideit upon the Sion cup o#' te lie said tiht this wsdomsss easred ient wa s nothing ut s proongedirgt7a<Aof eri. oGo.nybupsnlrltoshlkth im msc efrace Ai.
>r!Ie y ninrenoss decl ilt c od. ntsofrd dueres os Is f.ei7eicsite;in d his d isco,
IilseayisocidtcoshcsiudIent present s stCioslos w s in%. c c atI henMis
iroiioe~l iisessissscstusicatle ortl
uiaio.Nerl al o t eea ce et thisisallswitis the cisas itiosi that somesseusi took a tusinisat that ii-
serais it't s ics e wrshr enftycoea srnet twswreta vr
,eecteit r -smensdestlecause te- s orshe icsit1stn;i ssiiiiit tsa cn hse-r
isors r~isssi ec te esat~ wetl s felt isost siscerseli is the Hlrciosvo n Oithe xylophionsesas iieiv'' ei 1lecarsssess uissr'
hoard considered the present co well ~~~~~ ~ ~sre' s HShoSse -sekrsosvr okclalswt t ha n ro iii et isen o o$1 aa asitr less
stitatioss tooim isci nsstc ainlpad .essrsdto etadast h iis~s cst rss cars 't~sscs
issdefinite -alads,'sod tile proposal Senior Law Pagarisnm. hnrlni iir hnChls h su
amseinments wsvol uy tconpictst Thexcsiec nicofhe basnicuapp-nde hells ttetwloC
shixctvsomte f h oeapas.Seatepe o aH T E atters the smore. (5i 101. 183-I85 55~' siu Avi ee.,
Tie folloiwin as le chielOruborical Association held eeral paiy on the ano ht it sas a poor DETRtOIT, - - MtCItA.
aiielaut or hy-lass'aedopted: (a) ieetings last seek investgatin" tie iistrumnt asndAliss WXoolsey's sorks
Protets nmust tie sent to the syc ase of Mr. C. AIt Howels, 93Ia, consisted chiseflhsof sunssiering I gihmond Straight Qct.
nary within tinsos days 'ftet thle list ~legedt plagiarist. Thursday after- cordsseismic 'r. K-esndall arnestthe N'uI
receivedi.rTse secretary sall a~ tnoolsthesecommitteeoet nch tis -ir on tie piano. isCasltmta CIGARETTES.
onesneoitily' tiemembniers to tic t'ioticssed the Iquestionaof juirisiction, Gilmu'ani woss an encorelime twso f -Cu ar etc Susuticcaho
not ditliliieohr fes ahI50cecision bleing smae. ricay tessoos arc willing tc arealittle
vios suisutc li lsih loafternooenis'aussecosndl seeting wsan -Mtirshall 1'. Witcer's ualplear'incec + -- tramus igieretes, will fid
iso comitte. H shal5alo5fiisIRA Dtisperior to
mut t tie 'itssocs hstlcl tI iselcd, at iwhichs tinme a. Johnsston, I iwas the sosial for somse appas, \ -J aiticothsou tagu
cciien o tstescitinpr-andestrt eect in'iossiissspply of1CutNIciaccttes arc music rout es ricu-
seriste tifitue of tquaihcatiom 'rsce't ftm rulons,,Pr 0sd rst eauch listoccdanadilhighe~t cust
'stucs shahlhe siginei t heeeal-ssfdtuced teseproofs of the pagiarism'i ancdote simany o iwhich, as he a-God ea gwn n ir Cua.Thiste l
terssf tie facilty of thetUsivecrsts, Aresolutionss vuspassedt tithese c entsoss ectecetsere eecitelymy 5~, ldewtsttrousit ts sieaidtese at5
iriunishuei tint ti scmreess it th at thereswas a Iprisaanie cae of sonice having eesn takess odily fro ion Sie slwis a eve rpsckage.
thaut he re'-uitary 'ttendts lecturses Plagiarismis andhthaiu r d. IHoswellI tue NeweYork Iumnorousswieekiye iii ctuheAmcrca tRuhsctd C..
ands recittiuons amaountng 't least mhulich te alosweit to deendtihimsel public'titons. His isitatiosns o
tis lice hours a seek at suchl U souer- gant the carge at a meeting Sat Ch'iuncy A\. Dehes uand of 'T. le-
asH, auth has tlon'e so for at least 5 stday at one o'clock. At that hour Wit Tamage sweeseeli applaudced. -.._>
::'ire s monthss prior tti the annsua Saurdtay, tie cosmmuiteeset and Theususea'lits"' at msotier-in'-awe
gamiens. 1-held a fie ihour session tile.Hos- swere ma de, and at one expression 0 "
ells statedisliicae- Afte ring real usedty th. \ilder, tio youtng
Tthe Sunday Addres. eat of tdiscssion, a soetf tie ex- ladies arose in'diganty andi left tie
ecutive commssittee prontuntcedchte hat.
'thle audmitoriumi of Neswersyfhailtacised guilfty>, the alot senug5 to-
wass isel ilued yesterdtay muorintg li '~eeicisisihis rsthmp 5J udgig front the effect on'itie -
earts the secret of a stromn" ctmvmr I ausdience, Saturday- sigt's cnter-
tee lfros tr. II.V. s-ires. ont'e uestions of this ibeing cos-tais'sest sas y fusetheiweakest.-
Ater readin" a Scripurn eesi - I sucere thtie final discsusiin, the roill given thus far inth le S. IL. A. corse.
Dr. Ames efac iis remsarks dby riu to that it shsiouldtot. No lamsnhuldsihbe attached to
spakngofeaceh oehvn he smatter wile referredt to a ele officers of the . 1L. A.,as
copeutekifsshgfofltyuprobblyocangewati-as ftmuWiasrswa
ittealtmn'ihiood and womanhood antI ousiteoftlbacly poaP.-cagesa sal ftrJ.hte ea * KINNUCAN
'efinisng such asstrengthspIhysicaly cuitsg o tos tcugsi, secured, hy which Iis troop ws'i
msetaslly, asndt morally. He then r Sot, anullAMr. i.:. ivJonsoni. lTe added swithout the cunset of the S.
ertrtdsl h eiesssso iectesion of this conmnittee sll e 1. A. oard. M ERCHANT
suject. ''What,' le asked, sould Th -'ie next attraction is one of the
our reply he to the thueston po- hresident Harper, tf Chicago stars, H~on. T. Bl. Reed, osslhFrtay T IO
bounded hyyele Father to Elijsahs University, denies that president I evening, Mharch'io. TA-L I
whrten lie had fled to blhe ilderness: John tin. Coulter, of Indiana State - _- --
'that doet thou here'?''The lit- University hiss een offered tie chair As- oratorical contest swill beheIldI ANUDWOlMPHttRtoli
enry swork is nob our sole ama in of Botany at Chicago, as stated in at Chicao next slmmer, in whlich
the University. "We are to he cl- yesterdays DeteY. President Col- i is expected more than 5o colleges :'ITZNE -=00T TS,
tired and trained, and thus strengeth- er has, howeer, josh een elected with participate; one peculiarity of
eried and fitted for life nos, and president of Lake Forest University the contest will e that all 1111 ora- 55 W F'iOB'' SS',
after or college corses are fin- at a $,ooo a year salary and it is tions will have as their subhject the
shed. The secret oh a strone char- thouglht he swill accept. Prohiition questiosn. Dtroit, MiehiLau.

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