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March 03, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-03

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~( e- ( class football and baseball. Let Iis F1~~ INDINGJ VMO.JNE.
of ' T a' tv. be a new stimulus to candidates for LK
honors at the coming Northwestern By Going to Wair miller's and save from 25c, 5c and 75c on evry
shiaet tDaiy (Snday s eepted daring lInter-colleigiate feld ca meet at pair of Shoes as we must reduce our stock to
the Conlee year. by daycgo.ake room forSpigGos
subscripti siprce t,51 per year, invariably The Athletic Board. FineFoowearheaers
In adronee Single aspie 3 reals. Sbsrip 8SUHMI TET
tions may be left at the sffice at the Date, The Athletic Board will bot its 4 O'"MI TIEr
at Stotliet's, swith any f the editrase regulacrumoithly ruffing, Saturday,
CsEbmsicatissthottid recht theatbeieby at 9 a. m. ill Room 9. All men- r8.-.~
dcarla.t.it they re tn appear the net bes, inclridieig the advisory board,TR SE S TO RD R i ICUN
ions to the Managing Fcirtitr. All tiseteta 5 .Scre,>rs
eat'sonieaiaae eholtd ibIe seal.isotesi-e'l-~ TIT AS
ntees Maager. -~~T I O
THE U. of M. DAILY.,
Ann Arbor. Xseh. ______________________________
EDIOR. RY Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
2 tWT I Michigan Railway
e-s A.-BI, lit a-,Man,ttttgI itr-- TIIJii
A. tltIStv.t1 tt, A iat M!Y/ILI
'L nltrte I it "tAssistant.?-
55 W f'etzt-tP.7. lit., Buiness Massgesr. tt Tht :esic .Iti 1 t xi .7,CEa'V( e las a I- P __., OL ,/FGlt, ''ime Card i eet Satdat Jitttoit ' lv
v. ct,tLenet- )Asis'it tta et jst] S s oif Dpatire Tiatisat A Arlttrt
tsrriit~s'rretir 0. U>sIAcid Phosphate
c 6Sari-I t', K littl0.1'colt,11. ftI / G ~IM +'"<'i rs
Ii nI iiG titti,nn iti. icer.it-1 'hI veis eis t ii oritt veral'yii rsi ot c11thU~i,
th F St.i. ttttt.14 ' .ii t N. sotts,'!13. Istie LEAINGd SCHOOL OF B NsEnos r. ;c . nt i f i Salantail tses'... n.
Norat P1 rts, 'a ltttt'll 'll Ditly'ill l l ttra tice. btitill t iTn Il ttr- efirart iiltig; ileteacsee; lrgt e itt tr,1 ta t-i-etet-ir rrrst1 ri
i.a ti ~t'ts tie-i. tart' isi. li Vidttrl fa's'e, andcni d e riti itund rall1ff Ilori l iria trie; srpeeiaevaorl well supyliereeitsg <5. :li n seg .. n
pllie E. 1. Se lrisi . S a r i .,. fietltt-tee t. f1 e 1 a t t te ats ¢tareie; atteelay eetnig reptiatanis, ti ttrl iati[i
tt'uttali et tlir Sfoil(of th le tlier -e rpesttrt etites year; cereiern edatat isgeet rNtcu'ti
toncs hatwe osss-; I''a le~nal x lnur hra thit a grl adatsatalt tse s opailtas;
ts'ctifl i tltt' rrrs tt hi-lug erartatS2. ta. pr weliis elats fo l. Na 1 sri l ss r . .. 1
hitittatin ftC eo i ivsre e ( . Pl'a e x lion's a a a s~SbL rta dstshs -. -Cttt''.
Stlettl ttislr-i l irte as- ba ~eoiinafr 'i-lltw rr,tdrease sNo.1. Nil a ttt E s . ...... T .m
L;'ll ~ldvigr t tlt-elllit Sy,-P. . CLAST. PrOS. Nri -6. 'Tolrd Acr eatttatirri ),. i
ra.a.P., on. tat.''.__________________ etalittta rrl'.'Ttme.
A11rmot Exeltlietn t tan all lei'toitlNeTF $200, $3.00, $4.00, $5 Annceit:Ititilti
'lf tdnsshould fil iii tr er- ad peie. Itntiirrisiesaruiin - H4 ettilt airltrilit-itsnwitti
i n s]fal texts Th rsdy eenig rate teitire r ai ndb, inn- :E r fItltl11 h'ritai, daily .I r tt l a,.
saien tire legisture is tor be iere, if 1par lts, r se tlwedenelgy adritatltriy, 11 trt 55. I it NiTtT, i. v. illI t rtl ,Il
arrangemtents are ttadte for tireiro- crtlisels thtt'futnction~s. E IDoty & Feiner. celt'. iat. Artet. lua-si Art
posed Ineetinig. 'lie al full of llsriptii' atitlfreteitn a pli'tionto I
I ~Rmford Chemical Works, Pray- SHINElIAN& CO. SIIEEIIAN e&V:('. SIIEJIA N & CO.
ernthisiastic.senitsli ughilrgttto istll deuce, R- I. ___wrxrr ~ r ,c 1!
i-irae entrsiasm for tire I irsersty BIlifstuabsrltittes tt atdlitiai. i l SECOND~jJIj',,
irto tire lansing legislatrei FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. O HESCNjSM SE
th >13Theivrd tyor j iEY H AUJG P, At tie Stti-ettsJBooktstote. lt'ent, slavhlf 5NtIllol<
roottifer tire retiaindier of thre sear I <'Irtel a tisttill it ia r tli t ~o:Id Slur. andl- brry of u-s. I'Ves're' al-iis 'eesti g t'rllrvgltl~erts i-rh 5.t-
and trrrs keelt in et loucrr ithetir ililir. t-irilaittI reteorrr hIrrldtantl sop-wostrn tr ('llege ext thrtoks frrtrtithe g
ai r e ~i.-Roomrs's rr riIretS',Ilri tr lni. t ii' '" Last h iri'iwSe sill oter at ltrrw prices. W e' I-titstire 'irenech
a niest don s na thltis'I- i iC ''tal i'illl'i' '''rrttetrrr t'lrer'rtli i
ItGri-en Drrrrrsir . rtclliluli-reer b1115icers ' u t. sr-c
O1 as'S 2,5 ior tire remrarnrer f threI T S FITyj S1INlt - tr'ba 111 ii'rji'i ie'lrrlil ie l
year. tearve srbcriptionrs at tirey WI; SHEEHAN & C O MIPANY,
I ire-'.of wreitt anryIn tire etditi-rs L. RU ER - Unversity Booksellers, - State Street.
S - . S Waia Street, - Anna Arbor
ni-f ir lases tin-ri Iratet il ri IlFII HA\N.LCo. SIIEI~i.\N &( C?. SIEhAiN c&,CO.
rir'eidyei-cted teir baseball marnrr.'er W Tire ""tilt f ri
ainr ci-ptincshoulirido so .at riric'rrrinrsrhtletnt f I'ri 'i i-e A NN A EBOIK FEN TSCH LER,
oirrert) geiasebi-tl llt-terswell i111[1Arontiis-a thecalbl be wjtuiged r T> T LLUNPL- Co 1,j °hoto gjrapher,
ratrtiieirre tire sprinrg praetice be- friotlefitse'fi
gins. Three of the iterary castes I1'lrt'lT tr~ile httlts-it 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE-. itroli-NIt ltAND5 ) lti-tA a'H.
alredy hve heirlis of layes Te .astul ti'r'/rr aIf E. S. SEKVISS,- - MAN '- T y7 CH -S
arrattged atidia ively interest starteed Iosaton tVot tSinta irttst-GIN FLt( iN TC .n-oSuD r
ititeir class tearrs. 'Ibis orght ftWa'teh ( c,,la1s a'ticle at art ihocs- otiatseitioai-tintoIwniroti ONE NIGHT ONLY.
be tire case in allthtie lasses 5tlsothat to-ntiy'sttldsI aTr'aso1able ceiy.htite tieia etat InotI - oi\ s l'dn'ctge fs tleti- DNSDYEV.,MR.8,9
no time siut be lost in arousingeil- t 'te . - pne es rgive trr.'r teiitatirane-halt Hotir EDEDAaV.,MR.89
_R iE t.JO L & nnTliirr t isiii'tttiri. llt
wit 'n praftikindleais itsnI ntetlSeret. M Keof talt andardt ndl v' ., JLYM ONo'6Sot ARCH[~I~
'tl>lt oo silver crp rfferedi y tClleji'eeo.It IStaeSSrue-h
the .athletre Ayssociation fo-r class beeti teceiedc' e'e'v- ca dll. J.'J '3 ' S 1As ssitle lr' i ~ialta lt-rilinntsof bl-
fielet day itonors sill dorubtess eo wvherte' w itte' hnhestk HOT UN HE Mr t0L L lF R .1 p retaesitta~,J ra
eithoosttuaeiteetar nat-lttors, tiE le at'illthese tUlttedti And tevery choicest andes ttt7iS . IseAlct' .5T1TI and',tirei
thetosi ult ntrs a d a1i A9--f ln ilstoicaltiert srriandtnt'r td ntcti erter Ma
vity in track athttetics. 'Te associa- Sttate's attore beitig se'onttti ntrte * ,J^TL 'S site lsnant-Ik.
tion is enableti to mtake this tplendid otthet.4' 51T. orIlSnATs Sot Ii,. PRICES, -__50, 75 and $.00
offer through the courtesy of the fs. IVt'Jr .hEi'seats ottne t wtilts' eeles sttie
L. A. There are several beautifrul EXC'J1'.tl 'I-11,Ti'X3. . ST E L v
cops now utnder consideration, and Woodwald F. G. C a' G B O N
a chtoice will probably be made Ave. anti SMITH, SONSC alT SOl
Saturday. This cup will be to track State Street. cCO. . W sigo tPHOTOGRAPIIER
athletics what thle banners are to DE R0 =23 1 W antnS ~ r -C_e_ NO. 12 W. HiURON ST.

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