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March 03, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-03

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C et*O I.ialj

VOL. 11I.-No. 10'J.



THE FIRSTCHAMBER CONCERT. vice-president, I,. C. Shields second( THE POET ACTOR OF AMERICA.-
TheOerot! vice-president, A. W. ILackton cor- The Principal Facts in the Roman-!
Score a Most Erilliant Success, responding secretary, .Ill. S. Cailcy tic Career or James Whitcomb D.
Last EveninE. recording secretary, H.-1. K.Ienle Riley.TieCabronrtg<vnbytesurndHE'Nelym-
TheCabrCncrliei raicr adH .Nrgrna- James Wlsitcoinb Riley was born IenPo0rTRS& -
the lDetroit Philharmonic Clu~b, ti shall. so long ago that lie persists us never PANUFJQWILIRS. U
Aon- n a ae n ul a-DETROIT, MICH.
dcr the ausapices of the University A oin a ild n aycr eferring bto the date. Tratlition,
Srhool of riils ied, thsat the president be emtpowered hsosvever, fixes the yea s So ai
Msclatevening, was
sainl welt attended. The great lilil- to appoinit all coimmittees nsecessary the place as Greeisfieldlcd. Hisb
tier of membiers of ltst facolty pre-! to make arrangements for the han- boyhootd was replete it li adientrme
sent was remiarkahle. 'Else pro- mtt egvntl efro' and vicissitude.
gram seas well selected, being ar- brha--'lsftiri-satsye msli
r-ansgedl in chronological order of -ragmet r being miadte to mlomenits of deep thought woulit cc
luiartette music. s ave ninny tdemocrats of national Bardc his svayivard son as the orst
fine of the swveetest mlelodies of lpronminence present at the bamnquet, case lie ever had.'' At school young
tepormPooAai at-adit promises t eantbeRie avoeo atun hnaW eil wa4r$5slheLatest lelte$1pelss n.
ainewsfudi h is number.treetatpatft. stuldent.Ata early age he left thaAss Arboe price,, seed Ioe Cataloguet
.I nmerthe ta prto te The Silver Cup. cehool anti adopted the ronmantic
larghetto where thle viol lead was - ( calling of a vagabonld cign palnter, R H T t& L
espcillycleerng whlet~l Ihin 'rack athletic at the C. of M. sometimes feignling blindness for 101.,18-185 ioisr CeO
ietto seas rendiered with suchm vivac- have long needed an awvakening. business policy. "lie could paint DETROIT, - - MtCittIGAN.
isyan bmhhanc a toasake cr-The $xoo given by thse S. I,.A- sigmn or a house or a tin roof-d
respuondilng semtiments among the board of 1891-2 for the tpurchiase. of omie of Rileys s tamschpalnted picket ?IzhmTofl 5traIghtat.
aumor sidtctlvmet~ ver cup oughst to brling dliii lie femces sithm truimmigs, sas a raptudreNoi
nmrliuia'fieyeeuebest nien in the University unitmoake to time most ex-stin"gy He tier CIGARETTES.
alirrs-muime wasdut fie adieice,-bthem mdo sonic recuordi-breaskim 1 inTedomnediin m theatrical trodupe forCieretsllm'msoy alsb
IId11 tmmllebrliat thletic boardt has amn option1 onsomeu.tuime switthpopmulamr sumess ens r ann'. 5 th1Ilce lii ce 5.
f ~ msaudrs o rebrllat phases nhaurgedfr lee 5 inm?-?)
mltem'iuhs-ssseicoe naseveral elegant cut-mifromliDeliroil becamutpm i eetie c' ~trae iettes sswill find
mitmmoaiuhrecmco andtihie east. limit cf then seiiiplays such improvismig song's il ohss.mciiumtis1
- p~rmobably be selected 'Sairdaclmono- Aboutl1m75tiebegani to conimiumle 'ot Ni 'iiaettsiare smaide fol e u imoli'-l'-
uvith rceiardh timwismciithicentire turo- _. best sliesdelleolely llmirum ia51lbiheemt s
er-mii hiul bemi rran'ed ug, 's O~lias lme escruumuc~veseenin isestern ialect to lou at ld esdn iesm ts u im
grinha be arage.andmi rginasl Bdo'straightlmutlci gaettles,
cume mpeteud it sithlhue phlmcdiocul iii - mpcsnittweasit nceoughtmhil theitem byiusim. s m iss' ellsar1I;5
lime aplumse swhicmmeeswich atrneeeugt ther. - - o ltiituls ad obiseelthai lie
biio " op la fnc . ir i t9smsue as iemuo- ci nevey packagle.
IMi'sdlls ithums ahmlearsam-met provec imii 1 il. ne Ilie exhuibitecd hums ! 1ThlesLLE mms GIllemlsranh
Tecuin ui 1cm'otothamt clmss,iuoitai fthemh-mr'rbac c.
'mu.afa..t tourm ill --r' upwesalo lirtllg a gnupL~e s sesms ls aol d -m ia
sOl~ af'somli.ii oiruuiicl<i time regular sprinI-gfiedd ami-s whloste isiortai ie le d "ers 'sm i ini mP . lcm-eiemmImism
uAc . .Ihe. sang1 aaRecitative asith mems vw imetheoshesvemts. I humsswilio Ipiece il' c 1smue
Anifrommlie 'Messiah' ' swihmmuch no doubt arusme ansomuchi litrticnliici m uansyliteramry critlie'sinno-
fuirce ainch expression ansd hun remi and chain stinit in track-iatletics as ceutly accepted a's matpoemii of I igar
uhtimiof'"sedaitMectis'' m i ms effected bytime banner's mum foot- A. Poe'sh ti-is goodl natumed bit of
-metely captured time audienc. balt antI baseball. inisrtosclliii-ttiscma o
Th-fcut o teScoI o u-leurative newvspapier position. I
TiefclyoIim colo u The Pitcher'a Booxtfnlyo.lmieireehm mm
sic has(lone mmchiitosvardis bininmsemg sr , ieNammml agm ponemmiaiiiothed e.gls ulauen-
gmmcmd classical music hbefore time m somli determinehwisffice m ml is tiesm
pmeoplie of Annm Arbmor, andm are to hue. bet ohelil ine epohsJunl i stsmrse
2speciaily couliiellditdiform lii' st.1miplay ing ruleswsimttsgovemrmmedlba-m alery initime mmamesenes tie.hiss puu-
bra.hattlhlst year. 'Thue comititee tinsspted numnerusd iiaiect andmsi 'oums.
t- ~---- submitted a report, time vii talomits poenms.
Dernocratic Clues Election. m of wshichs art recommendaion'snsov- An a ipublic emteitamnem r h.ilty I
li ngte pitchser back to time centemr
'limeUiversity of -H ieti0.n Denmo- 1of lthiamomid, such keepmingthei 5switimout a superior oni lie. rostrm.m
#cai lm me rmlm aelcue-distance betwveen bases thirtyadHle is at omice apoet 'a humorist ,-KI UC ,
room last nimoht. Muich entihusiass asimlnosw is. 'lhs pitcher's piositioni and aun actor. isirtencering of hums
it e a l u . h m e i t 'i'u rssip se th h iss b e e ll m t n dc i sc u s se dt an dt m e n q u a in t d ia le c t ipo e n m s is i im ni ta b le , p e a l d r s d n s e w l n t e g m r f d f e e tM R H
seeesiopdinTlistlgauioenare offdifferembtand a splendid treat is sn store forME C A T
1seieh lm tcim fofcr opinions as to the isdonm of any lime students ins Univerms ihi to-
was immediately tproceedeth to, chsange. When it seas first sug-
sylicti renulted an follos: Ijor gested that list box be put back five msorrowe night.
presden, '~r. ordauxand Mr. feet the scheme mset iwithm favor, butTA LRThgat
'd hef placing the pitcher in the center of Iis great international regat
ilegner ivere nominate,;th orumer the diamond means cmoying himI will occur at Lake Genes's, Wiscon- i AgNDa Iitd'lmrnmm mis
received 154 and the latter So. Mlr. back eight feet, and this is thsoughst sin, August 9 and so, under list
Btordeaux was declared elected and to be too far, as it ilil be difficult auspices of lteCnicago navy. En-
took the chair. The following ad- to control the ball at such a dist- gland will be represented by time :F'IT =00TOL1ENSs
-sitional officers swere then elected, ance and not let the hatter know crews of Cambridge and Oxford.
l~s balotbeig astby he ecr -just how it is conming. Ward thinks 'The cresws of leading American uch- - sr
tart', iftinstgpitchertis movedmlistpplate sersities will also participate.
- eryactne nde th unnimusshould be enlarged to give hsim a
-ole of the chub. iHarry Moore first wider target-Cooke in Free Press. T. Wihitcomnb Riley tonight. Detroit, Miohigan1.

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