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March 01, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-01

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.- rates tbe constantly growving musical LIKE_-FINDING_ -I4OiNE'Y'.
. of : i . T ctlifu. interest at the University. Thec new LK I D N - M N Y
series of concerts wil no doubt be By Going to Wahr & Miller's and save from 2-c, 5oc and Esc on ever}-
cbisihed Daily (Sundays ecpted)di ngtwlocdb ag uineo pair of Shoes as wve most reduce our stock to
the Coliege sear. br malke roonm for Spring Goods.
Subseriptiospjrice V1.50icper year, iavariaby Ohio has applied for 1 o,ooo feet Fine Footwear iDealers,
adveancee Singcirs3 ceata. Satiacip' cif space inc the Anthropological 48SOUHMI TET
at marytie iefttat the ofcet se the IDAMY, 4 TI ANSRTT
Stoleta, with atiy ofthteiesitos or B~uilding at the World's Fair, in ________________________________________
iths izeil ssiieitorfi. which to exhlibit hcer archaeological rurrr
Comnctossoliec h fieb y ( ock P. M. if they are tos appear the next collection1s. New York askis for I? !DSON
y. Address alt matter itnteaded foe pubhicsa-anIMsorwnt TO RD i BJ ~ T
otn to the Managing Editor. Albness ' om 'IHIRTI DAY S
minajatios shouldc5be seat to the Bii-150. feet.
ass Matnager. 7T-A O C N"F=;R CO(N5- 'T' A TT .CS

THE U. af M. DAILY., i'~ '-t~.-5~5.'
Ann Arbar. Mich.______________________________
EDITORS.- jjiiY Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northc
i EiITO'ci. !igicicttc M f W1 ~~J~E SMichigan Railway.
5C'.A. IcNISO, Lit. '93, Assistant. f J V U
J- D.hnivziiict ir. '93 ii tnti f
c. Wv. lCo'ccSS. (.it. it..,lBusicnesstMtnagier. T ciii111i ccia ' 0
t'as.vcccct-.ti.'-. tisci i I)ic ,ccc sci4 tt' cS c~cct iine Cccdt ic'effe ticSun-dca ciciJan iicr
5 t .1 i .ti Lco t. '94, Attstan.t. 1 t. a i ' _1 t 4z\N G ta'vle
C'. V cccccintovcc'cat , iIv. n t:3. Horsford's Acid Phosphate.
tilL. ciccooso93. O E.5tcci, '94
'c iisi. . h.Sitcccc, 'i1. c. N octeci, '<.i;. "I ccv'acV iii i hit i'seer'l yeccv-c, ccitt cs iheLEADING SCHOOL OF BSISiS . 1tag- iNc. 1. Nitt iStco-t' es".. .. cv20ca.I
ortatlFlo ers' 9.cJ city ciacci4. o o N c- citccti cciictcilig; cite teacets; iltcge attendance oe :si 3. ccciv chfiAnn ticr ce c i *Jc:.: ttilt"nomi
ciiic'llycc'. ci in17yPa tcb t11Il l goi ciplciccc'; iccicteor~ork; wlsuiptliedredn
i recnc11stcclcte's sits'of the best icerve i' e en itire y'ea; Comcialsttecucocsia great
ciciccocic; sorothccnd n n gattuatal ecure repostcitis
tcccis 1tinct Ave potssess. I-sir le xl ip%,,cic'- ~ g 'expensestcc. to$2.75e0,01. Nat fmi r i.. cci. cci t'cctseoc'c'.c- ....il i3:cca.cin
]Iccicsticic ccor orv crw r t, ii gives c-'cc'cc ccl Csorx ai ooitandLiet o atutsho Nc.4. 'cicit cdt xrs s*i ....... ... .cc. i.cin
"? sc'ittcciivgr tc''tis takeipuitieoifr om eticwc-k, actdressi
stet-h '1t igo oc h elile Sys- aP. R. CLEART, Prcs. Nit. c6. 'Tiedo Accoccmodcacticin ... t) citc. icc
A os ecelnt id uneabI onc $2.00, $3.00, 4 0 5 Oci ost'ct5occcc
A''iict,sicahas chosen lice nega- -ccs xeictcci ccebeiil Trcais icioci t iricctcccccAcccc citic ccci
tiye sbde of the qucestion to be tie- Othchieisr tiiirile iiiicvg cer otrai.dily xceccipti1cc Iic.
oraes'hetired hrccii ad iccity, lm-vecy Waiy.
bated Mrc '1.'his gives the parts reniwced eeyadcit~. t; rtfl s ndtrccitc'clinccc (S t.icor Tcr, aIt. . Nj' ccc c(r)
thre [. o Al deatrs he ffima-enlves te fln~iolSsI Doty & Feiner. Stoicn.ccitt. At"e itt LocoaliAoec1

tive, on wchichisitde tavo of lic e ncc ciricitivo icioctiet Ctee' cci ppiciotoci c
selected u-eve preparetd. .Rmford Chemical Works., Provi-
'Tilce Castaliacn tbcard of editors IBeware of Sobitctetus ocIiticticcns.
is indteecd cicfortunate. 'Jice arci- FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS.
lent whiich has deprived ticecic of HE RY HA G
their tcts 'csill ailmost iiecessariiy- H N Y KA
'tc'cvtc'sandctsoloist, itcitciotticcjoc aniciSticic-
precluse tice poissibiliity of gettic"oig ts. Sicit
cit te bitcbthis iyear. If fcurthcer 'cvcLsccS S(' K o OIS,
ltcccccc t4iS. t,tcSti.
cccliv weve tcaiei, thu iciationc
wouocdtibic'deterredccviini lits ]It the j EI S FIFE SI[29i
year, whi c icci-,t e il clii l c 1t-s I
Iii in< vesui tst. L. GRUN ER,-
the >~ ucc I~; S. S - - Street, -Attn Ac-hoe.
haeDm c t icbovetis cciftice 1,"cINc The 'fit lity i ooir cc-

SHcIEEHAN &CO. SHEEHAN & ('0. SIIEl 11 k's & (v().
At tlice Sfccdecis Ilocilestoic'. Sicdc'ciis, sitse Ihacitosuritcccti{
giid bucv ocf'ut. We'accidilyi ' reciccng coucc ignintcs of
sei'cind-hanandcciishhp'isrCcc(oclege 'Text Ilol s tronthtecti
Eaist -wvich wec'c-c ciiilcoffer cit isc1ric'es. Wi' Iieeca lie Frceuch
cacii GermcccacnI)ciiccc'c'.cD~ ccti its-mened it'e lc-it s. A
hatvst 1teibect achte pe'tt'T o~i't>iit lts cc inte vito .
University Booksellers, - State Street.
;II EIII N &oh11(. S51111A.11 N& () I Sf Pil AN6& C(0.

i ,,,_,
i y
l ='

Nci/ R Bi-0T--

C rN I rF C4LLR'

- - V )V - 1~C'cc f) !%f Cc 'cci 111ccc- ' '-M'k-.' -
rcccccccc ' but studeccis acid!l...ciiy. ' a libe jd e } n e
c ei stitlo ho uwesvier ibe oh,7 coniislceidetrableSEITIT - M> Icixii.ssiI Li;ccic .L
the utmcost satisfactionci ioc lice edit lice (Iti i i//c ii
ors, atidlwhich a-octi dresult in ocore I t1FjiiN vocic wcccct cc first- rEiC ' Ic: 'c i it+' Ii't.i.i'J 5 L iI .ilOL
compnldete gthericccofvtchicees. Walt-c c css ccciicICt' citill(] C tip -11s. Dnedoi' t ccii ci cciiiliiTHURSDAY EVE.,M/ARCH 2,'93
{SatrĀ«rc~ciic oyic allyt tectjttiatict ct i ttR. I,..j
Letth lieboxes be freely used-. to c icusltacndsi esonablv-c~ccu ce Jolci .'s c.. eat n' ii tc~rt ostiut le, iii ciiitv.sticc citc t--i
Ott the pinties e give itics0'o.,candithait is onccc--' otan
'Itlifirst if tic sveries Of Chtamtbersp od u c hsatiicc citiihtiscocuthedytni ngt
che of cali standi'. E an iRE.JOLLY &co., No. 26 Somth k.AIl V1
reces-ta akeslilac tcuccosroav vecs 1 . ~ acstate street-.l4
ing. Th 'ie Dets-oit htchhas-noniv time c es nd asits ..._t 0115 iiach-i ccict i i11cc ttt icc ccc -cccii c ic
Club wiii tics thec isosaci vcii eeirnNsi atyV"Ncci
wicll be based upions the putrely rcasil- 'vhts- 'rtenlc tghet OT LU C ES0 Moraytccis udi
cal idea in nuicr. 'Whiiie it is licinors, lice sale iccthese tniteil And the very chocest candies IJ JVO y
-ATc -151iss lMorriis as l.Reuce.
thoitless quiite unnceovssary to itsge Statecs chute beinig scoditt to cicice ' T""f1J__-- j..E'S
liberal patronage of this series; it is othcer. l 4AT 1icccSc sit STREET. PRICES, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50.
still well to bear in mind the enter-- lI.hlE
pirise of the University School of .E1 YU;I iIi.ll ''S. _- ,t cc, ic its uscii tseia tto
Music, in furnishinig these additioncal Woodwar'd F. G. GIBSOI,
musical facilities. 't'hcere is note an Ave. and SMITH-, SONS Q d
average if one standardh musical iState street. Co . n . ahigtn StP T d PIR
recital every ten cday's, whcichc indi- 11 W. om-Wash-n.toS. t O 2W ~O T

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