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March 01, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-03-01

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c j e . of

3. *5

VOL. III.-No. 10; .



- + Li~terature, 3.93-34-
A Boston Fire tiDestroys the Cuts lamne's English Literature, I, e4--350 The Senior Laws Snow Unusual
and Ends the History of '93's Ulisci's Shakespeare's Dra mais.Art, Ability as Orators-The Contest
Castalian. 1,1 0-S.. a Success.
_____ eiss's if IHumori oid Shikes- __
The lbriglht antI prosperous ott- eedto04-1b11e. l ~The senior lane oratorical contes-
-took for the Castalian of ziS9 re- iThe " is \\\~ tants were greeted by a large audi-
reined an unexpected stt bark last (14 Ii-isibl 1 sir"L tor" Iene at the lawv lecture room last
reck. The ed~ito~rs had labored long i Shadkespeae Siety'I3s Pipers, IL' night. Milton Johnison, prtsidtent
oid earnestly, unit sbout lbsrci. Lloy is says on Shaikespeae, 1 94.of the tOratorical associatlion, pre-
weekssigo tsev collected -intlfoi- I lie's I--sys ciiiSbhakespeare, 34-06. sided as chatiriman.
swardedt to h o lston,5A\rt I'ubtisli ts 0 5 . Shakespeae's Charac~iitersi C.:l. Itoswell waissintrodunced. as
nk Corn ts-issy abost ;o oigisat I lieni- refes-enees for is Sbhskes- the first speakcer, his sublject bring,
-le lie Seminars, conrse 12, wiill con- < a
straw igs for full pagec cuts.1 lie time toliiappeiar lionstime to tissis Sorialisms at theBarcofsitustre..
Iraisgs wverecpronouniscedl by jlis -- l Teoration shiowtetd seat depth of
inst otliess fortusnate enough to see Webster Society. thought aslnv-ias sdelisered iii an
this, isssssais sns tii. int alssse Thle followin,progiramiiim till be e cie ine
l ast Monday evesnissethe lboardre- rscer{ ongt 'Arha iicl' sa hesb
I ArhmLnon a.te"evdatlga rmteBso edrdtngject of the second oration, delivered
Eurisscman tategatrosthee facoi Eulogies on the followeing: Lamar, b hmsJh.Tesekrpi
inpaytaigthtteefcoyI by U. S. Sykes; IButler, by It.tC. by Thoas riutJohn. iTheln.aerati
had buirnedl doses-iandr that all the Pe5 ra rbtet icl. Il
silt s-cc detroyd. ner; Hlayes, by L. C. Grundy;
cth erloeeestst atosyothed.os (1 A tle; lie yde~livery showed intron-e earnestness.''.A.DnlrBaieb
Thelowst stiateas o te Book, J. it. Nelson, the thirdl orator,
-aluei of the .cots could nsot be less I. H. Reed antI -it E. Btarnhart. spoke osn "The Relations of Edisca-
,tiasi 5200. 1ut this fact conveys the qluestion for debate still be: lion to Reform is- United Slates.''
but smll deaof te sgniicace ResolvedITh-it further restriction The value of the Anserican. public
of he osssusaind; or t semsshould hbeutlseed ons tshe elective school system seas ably set forth.
iiriissibli.a ths te 10 t upi franchise;"-affirmative, 1:. M. Simssan Mr. Nelson is a natural orator and
it.mphrey;Ii itIlsis IAii syfesthe intl J \ thorsnsuppseeosiegrsiJe, A.spoke in a very forceable mainer.
sil-hili tis ani J sensss.The fourth oratiosn, 'The Refocus
Tliii.ediitos iii. naturall vr The 0. A. C.Baseball Team. of the Electoral College,'' by J.
.nusi.ssiscosir-' es and In-ie about P ialmser, seas weell delis-erect. The
deidedtcl inostiipuiishtil teCast'sliani j TheusA.C. stm ilt be susb-defects of the Electoural College snas
thsya.It is suderstoodl that line stanlialts the sasui as it seas last cerypoissted out.
sistersitl athsere~d together bsy this ye-sr.Codd, it is sundlerstood, tins J B. Hoy seas isntroduscedl as the
yes rstoard of edlitor s was ssupeior expressed a decterminationi ntt to fifth spe.aker. Ie spocke on ''The
an quality anid sariey to any tshatspichlnasy sore, and lie wtill beconse Cousing Age of Anmerican Elo-
tins ever before been arranged by a one of the regular infeldlers. A nest ' quence.'' The oration shunwed munch
Castalian hoa rd, asnd they certaisnly pitcher swith have to be secured, also originality of thsoughst. Mr. iHoy
have tine symnpathy of line nwholea resident catcher. spoke clearly anid distinctly.
t'nicersily in their misfortune.- IThe I). A. C. leans wiiiliprobably It. C. Lilly spoke on "Thie Frog-
__- open the season at Aniss=Arbor on rest of Popular Sovereignly.'' Mr.
Shakespeare Course References. April 29s, tine ganme savisig been ar- Lilly mnade an eloquent plea in dle-
Comedies, ranged. Tine U. of lit, sill play a fense of popular government.
I. A1 Midsummer Night's Dressn. returin ganme on Miay 29, andtihie ''Let Majorities, not Miinorities,
liii Sousu resftheiPlos.f sr l n versity of Minnesota still be here Rule,'')seas tine subject of tine last
\kllt (oi May 9.-Free .Press. oration, delivered by 1I:.IB. Cower.
IMnt slogy to sMulsunusses Night'si A Medic Yell. Tine speaker maintained thint edo-
tiilo shlaeses lTh't Iis Ile students of the isesdical tie- rated mien should attend list primsa-
lion) re n drcIteed f oen
III liles -5si"iihssesi r parimnit intiendi getting up a depart-tisaidretinedso Oe-
-1.ment yell. The various medicalme.
(b r(itism.i lse aefr er a elh The j udges, Prof. Thomupson, Rev.
(blisiclasses hhveefoiyeasi hadiyellsd bdtSunderland and Prof. MeClenahan,
l)wis it) kespea1elIIiImeissnne n aiosstl aerddfis hnrstaCnitdto
667:l 6-6.temdc ae nvrossaeaaddfrthnr oC l )ake's Shiakespeare isidIsis Times, occasions felt line need of a comnmon eli, and second to J. 13. Nelson.
yell.5 Itutiln o the Le- .Committees hate been ap-
poild Sinakespeare, xxVI-XXVII pointed froni earls of line four classes From a hint dropped by 1ltillioss-
Iieiinfiuss Shakespame Cosmmentaries, to prepare such a yell. So hence- usier Rockefeller to one of his friends
.I, 59-82.forth the mnedics may be expec tedito Iillis believed thsat a chair of consti-
II lsi m i stsratuic of Europe, II, be hseard fronm. tutional law still be endowved in con-
l~azifthis ikeractereso--S-akespeare'snection xwitlbthe Chicago university,
lss124-131 A great stir seas caused over tine the salary to be $25,000 a year, and
Huson's Shakespeaie's Life, Art, aid'f announcement that Harvard seas to that President Harrison wiii be in-
Chasiacters, I, 2t)-275 receive between a$,ooo,ooo and $4,- vted to accept this position and
Ksnight's iPictormitl hakntespearme, Come- 00oofo eie mrhn.lcuea eattieawe ~ h
iesJsItioio81-884.nsmne Further developments are awaited students of the Chicago editcational
-Ni hit s Dreaim, 16--39.xwitlbio little interest. nsiitstion.-Nests Record

- -' POR7E.5 -
. tI
Wtien yo'nisnathe Latentt sroianS tyes
ofd $2. $;i,$4or,iShenat iii to Si a fair less
thsanAnn ArboimpriessendifosisCataloigue in
101. 183-185 tooiraiiii AVE.,
q iffhmond Straight Qctt.
Cigarette iSmohersi who
rtaieillsing tos nDat itile
mssr. thansfiterice
isargestfor the oeliiiee
it s w rre igs's esil fid
'I r d The.ichimndhStraisht
Cit Ito.tisgareiitsesi'renilefotih se bright-
eat, waif delleately ilasvsresd andlhighest toss
Gsod Leai growiniis r mgina. iis thse Old
and Oiiginsal Braini'ofitrasghtsCutiCigaretes,
anii was tbrought outibhrs n-itheiiyear 1875.
Biewarentf iritlatinsandut obseiie thai ise
5iimsname ahbelow-isnanseveryesackage.
The ALLEN .'. G1T1i Branch
ci t ho AnmeaniTobssccoiCa..
Manactrrs. --tichmonidsi.Virginuia.
AND iiiitliiinii ()I'-
55 W._D'ORI=r sT-,

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