Publisehedi Daiy (Sundayst exceptedi) during
the Colem year, by
.No lover of good song singing
shsouldl miss the concert tonight.
Mlax Hleinrich has no superior in
this art, and memory of his former
appearance should1 be sufficient to
warrant him a big honse tonight.
' lDr. Nanrrede pierformed a very LIKE FINDING M\OINE'Y.
dificult Ilparotomny at the hospital,
yesterday. 13y Coing to Wahir & Miller's and save front 25c, hoe anid 7Sc on every
One of the candcidates for the box pair tof Shoes as swn must reduce our stock to
o0 the 'Varsity teamt is ints 1 itiltgt make rioni for Spring Goods.
at Hobart guild gyni. I- -
fiThe t~restitan Glee Club has .1ine Footwear IDealers,
chotsenti fr. Dl) ems, presitlenit, and 4 Or[MI rEr
Ster (',liuerecretarvandtt leaue
u.ser. Air. Thiompsoni, whio has
beeni cngageti as leatler, thinks the
psrosects goodut for a successful sea-
sont. Rehearsals are held tri-weeekly.
' 7".AGk lNEI d ca,7 - l7n- om
msttvnembser of the Press Clb I iv A_
ititerestedl in its further welfare andscl in. R.'Y' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
prospserity, shotittldtie liresenit at thy
M fIE Michigan Railway.
elertiont, Saturday af ternocon.Sir.(l (JI.IE,
Morian'stapser stilIlibe thyetiritit ogproa xeineadct ) _1u.G~ >G~l iCc~l~le ' i afk T
slot fail to tbe ofi-great interest t l l It ~atueo ,.-nst~i>aror
iisthters of the viii i. Lte Hr orsford ti Acid Phosphate. ~ ~ 4 '/ .~
inctiberlbe tpresetit. "I inst t iittiorsect-i-il sears, ittnFot 0N NG"].
it ti Let. :flail aod nustuesa..ti.e...t... 7t'._uitit.))t,
o11'li n}mtc ~u nl"lgwia) 5ti ts-tiitEttINGeSOOLOF;StINiiutEStitieg St
itttit ii utit tttsilerit titlr i et i d i ngnintt e teachers; largtietit endae;t, Pa- tit trsit} t ,
li i is t': a))t th e ft in }'cittit it tres ,tis raoo- in; ilwtt u re at udeve ingee pitis :; . ha ad1sc c ".....1 int
I tliestat we iv i s s .F r it itaete1_ed ma.u~ttnd liAithi reialltseupoitos
(,ira AlMorns, 1is 0 ls st ctis t itj' t -l' t titl nd i'1't lt- :lltets Gte lms keoitituufroiteutsttntoe,ut addretss tii i~ss . ii .i.
iinsitate beetisihailed 55 it lls ure.ttt c, i.. , etreal Sittnar ut-.
bsy sttidentto andti tizleins alike. A most e~ctllent t111ti rag-i o t o n Iiiit: 0 $2 0, $3,00, $4.001$5; t Itiibveiept SPitii a Ot o i
oraa S ri ii hyi rlte all ii tsthe ti Ibi n n(thbud itivig * First Cl v- an Wivrrititet 'nrii, te t i s d tl lists iii l
te crotined heads of Iittopse itid ie h mt s tt nlltsy Iii-],0,very Wtiy. (uu i~tiiii li uu
standcs forentost its the theatrica at etseleeg ialitW. i 11. ~iiiNNL55r, t. S. ( t l iKPNAV(i iii
elivese lt-funtionits. E ~Doty & Fite. en. lus. ptit i. teatAuet,
isrofessioni, seitng regardedl by ts e irtie iipierv-titibl tiiitn
itest actors andilatctresses as tlssir Rumford Chemical Works, Provi- I SHEEHAN & CO. SHEEHAN &,,(CO. SHEhAN &C(O.
avoseetipse-v SIliager Saweyer, 'd-ance,?TRX/ I.) _-e
iviteit iiiNen t orti, stiiyers leware o ustiuteilstand SECOjNDJ-HAs\NDJ TEXTJ HONKSJ
since, sawi ter, atid since that time1 FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. FOR THE SECOND SEMESTER
tins beentsytng tos.get a hlate for
Ann Arbior. Ilehiasottly stcecIti HENRKY H AUG, { TAtCiie Students' bootiore. sfitdtuts;, savie half stItitltvx g-le
1)y a Isromtise iofn-hat practically rtini. Stuo stittnittetu lt iC bs ef it \s tre d1s r tiig voigitct
.uuutuuuis litthe uttite c - ~ 5EYSMl ~scotcil-ianch midshoet~-wsotrnt(ollege'Text IBookss frOi-thi le-
thsmouse.o theaetir recigo f o FiSat S. atwshichi sev sililtffer iit hos ~(e i-S. ikvtttIucth
t~l fose. Thetre goas soutuw d Gut itilt )tuicti ltlis rt-ui-iuttivlith i)1\the ( lv IC t eu('s. 1'e
:tt ei irlieu s its ofit)thu treatestIlGfjj,(F R X20 ; ha~t jtsvtie best and c iheatpes tNteu I clsintthttitcitys
if nttthe g ietesht artiste at Si ti
- TheHnoser Put. S. S.- ain Street, -AmAro- University Booksellers, - SaeSre.-
- -____________ I SIlEEfAN* ('. sIIIAN k& CO. SILEEJIIAN y (to(
flue oh hoinv concter i g liin s ii"B icw ar e) teoi r{:.C
t1 lic~ l Kiey wo ppersFr-ti tjiiIN ARBOR KET SCH -LER.
iay, Slur--hi, as a specinal atmac-Q U er T mDT7 q hoto r he
(tiontin the S. L. A.toiuse, null 4 4 < gt7 I UII Ja"l-IJLSg p
idtubtuless heofitnitterest to all reathj - - _ - 1 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE .. tn t5 1 -1 i O i
ers: toit olyill rim ,tus i ntu l oiithert t- .S S sv .SM T .
jelyawlouvaity isricthtantS IE___S__S_______ ___I__S, _____________
Nit lit-ingtiet hits a -,trotugir hlditatre. Isnbtflu ieteiings tand Ylei--GL1D umA OU .
ittunt thlin heaurts tif his restlers tha~n etortw el sho itian tlisu ti ed a- ~Si b
Ittlies Whiitcnnmb Riley. Ills ptoutts DIAMONDS adCtit ns. onttseund tuui teitoftu o1
are njoed lik byold lll1 grin, OALSCanduy tulelt tutu al eOUti t's g5oodttat ,h. iiiMONDAY EVE, FEBRUARY 27.
fo tar e mi mirrord l e tl i t ha ttt EMEROAL S oty. ie tedti tuen utolettuII t it o tei esoTi t- eii t-t 1uu-.
furi ciet s itt tu st he lit luit EERLSgise t tltsoutha itt is onet--half. bot alit Cttedty itutita,
sue see arondut t-,i'.Nochili) is euttsid- cl PEARLSal orso tedy n ngt
nei tut 151 u (to lnoriuel tt e- RU B!ES IN SEhMi'Olt Intt t-, i t uu eRtt.tptuu us
TUQOSLttiiAii . JOLLY & CO., No-" 26 South! :e o oro oodfr I ob- TUQOSS 11NTO
vot~itne ideed tyis uts1.11Nut iani, ETC., ETC. tC5Lr:TER. State Street-
hotusever ititiuitonbit bt Rley udisctvers - --
ii him somtie happu~y hiatti ti i lto-soe -JHOT LUNCHES3 ii tZS, -_
tknowns blttttity itf tillareter that itan 5WATlCHES ttinti s tave r ostui
u-ut iiui re. ltisotrtiti totlprocelit And tie very choicest GandiesPrfecelynpresentedltibit -attcom pc"ofArtists
tie glorifiesd by hutispoetic ttuci. Ie only the post Itereect ttmepiees the accomplaniedyt h n ieir Superbt Bandtl andtiOr-
wnorttd tiodiues.lit iadditiont itoal liihe --A--eh -esraiandtitie origitalt ndtl y tt Ito-teed
hoes tiot rob hisherones if tny if their eI moits nakes w sesecit i a l a ttenuiti ' * i if(uatttete?0 PEOPLE:. Wateb foe the peradi-
to oow n ei alF .S4 5 C' x , 1 . .J 5f thtuFarmers aut adiknow as t h totelitrer
iuatstrahiessjbtimaIii tli lteuiin rltytie. 'eaatyN iitCitelartti
- Ittovetoent. Tie tote rfclybl-ebbins otre.Seeturetrtea trps itit
"Th~e fi etly SI itt oomsy, 'Tilie anutedt noverit extent.letuistt. 45sSuit illSTc-iE STE EiT. JewelrStorlie.
fiz-ton-il Hmonist,"-all tire simltpe. PRICES, -- 35, 50 and 75c.
litoral meltwouse iqtuaittrig inlity WOOFD ~ .S~E L~
is udeliecieis. Ittorongly etnjoty tie AND STATE
Hoousier Poet's verses one heeds co STREET. SMITH,Co l
bear thieni givela by imiself The DEThitT SONS IRUO , I S~
Hloosier dialect Gin lnt be folly iip k & Co.S
ciatesl until lietirdlgiveniilli Riheys itt- 5l . ahngo nuu i$ I rL
Pualesyh-ltiliichi eltlilZ--aO_ . oNO. f2 w. HURON ST.