ale . o
VOT'. III.--No. 103.
YRICE, Tf ltEE CRN'rs.
L. G. Long Won the '04 Lit Contest
a nd Mr. Chapman the '94 Law-
The Orations CeciL
K elly. Prof. Alcchemiii 1Reent . MoMILLAN INDOOR MEET. I
Whiiiisi sol . Kares etrl sGrest Interest in Athletic Work at ' S
iudgres of the fthou-lit of tlir era-f the Gymnasiuim-200 Athletes 4
I atst evcenliri" the ueloor tits helI Creed Choral Onion Concert. I \\lieii h i llans gloossiele was h rortrca oteti roi Il"fol nI rlr il itlh pne at er otee is m st 'J R 1 -dtv S
he Miscir rtlric I~lot l~test prro o eai. epe o i les verslontictiredISuclh 7 3/A~t~ILS
1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rnee ltl) s ietven ' iat t st~i rstiti t ~ stii 5il
grain Nsitil th' Shthenrice rendition ! s-reo t ry([ iucc s as thatiee i-e'1b lsr . ltntc n
sciicllII l-' il I ti o nhsers.j Alfii r ils issagi y
tic p ai Ii isc stloiiris scsiis(t sieatti
l cit aal. t rc Sc t he otrecsestptioini ofs ,c i li
-era iiirlic.iilci, w osssusitct;the-tss w rea e ryis o siti t, b ut iii ew ii
\Iiili letii rich ss t I yeriesar aisandre theiisS~
as ii' 1in; nt~ss. s situlr d asonit nint cccl 'bcl c asi nl " iese~*SasiiOe111 arls isi
S: el a ird I Erich scti o f P ir iloosif.sio a lt y
ti r t ic xL tn . Lolbcct bsi se n'les 'etr'e r- ' list I quinhave stluiincessar
lh istspacrcie l ito f ss to eVesiiel e Raii055;0'thepchcrn enorsch even afill anu si,
'sesetis thi presest ofltsi e presencSeenad e o fliare t es so tilurle iy i13iS itoirsssAl.
sTos htciisntil a owa a ll vailable spacetIli the.
osatisi 1) Sii ssalof I stli dtlc ieie rs h e r :nnoii
o Atrsl fu uittt i stcr-yI _ I arh Sp I aeifr-'l' tiss" 51 -sr k uusciI t -fnteltts ,ierlottx ti=
M Ic i ttlc lci Ililli s sl.i"iAnnecusesus' prisces,- -en forsataeue'Ssustco isl
--dctl e ubetbin," os > l -us atfreoaloioue . an i tors at ther'i -
gleigei(chetush lust..,cnk I ii~p
'-er sit isr itub9i SchoolSt'irieducite'flit'v"'k1e B'itenI itheredblowers nasium aiysdtifrom0fo r'tilliix in
Gut 0Nac t odsiht... ... voh ark nioIss til se on y ll nsllnieiie
Thiatsekroite eeig i os TePs). l lil li 5urii
I' W Ni nt thins pelist d i S t tiihn(ernd)....... .. h vnn;,w l idevr ic f 10113 85 omv.i) v
Dien rie(T he ill rout) c..iso.ireex...est t o t ')I. eIsuibl-it -ii ICI 5 I5i - ee
iiictiinioni"Siivilllcoreirsth."5appasatus in soeisi.
Dl .M xH i rc .t errte b ue 'o e t ohu d ed a tive i~lli'ii rssii 1 s iiIt
ilistl Slsili mulus ucri yi, 5155liiwalkistHa-
Itn ofutrabycu....iii..slit Z isl'yumemb s nyr fot slades. -71,-s-is' inion iiiSt-ighlla ecsinti q areteag inener Sr-l" onl....i.i..... 'Ii"zi '
lm i si if ilan Thisdi
Sils, W e t ede i in wsits atil- N O l les" 1slilos I. .......... sin 5il 51 I i tti tc 511 1111 ssiS slialt
itiiel Ni vlrrt() l uc Lons riseI ae' 'it I tess-ia te p ic
e Ai-u" tel iiheseusts si-ut surti he rmr~llS. Ni-'li lul - ;~gEt o teu~ittt
11vnCts at e thiI slit i eo tc rsuhe , o) O lhe E Si- arfr'i wiii-Iiad ruui_ jsops; staestiusg, highl[flie
che0r illilisilsevis sent forth illoi - SrI hitrt:iriiiii stud broait jinuiuspe; rcunniusg sit
workIsisressihss resuiles in igIt ibiild-i-Tht si kckstIserSacrt, fl-'
55 seus teRio -ise ........... --oroeot-is(rar, esclt., foss, surfty <-~ la~lyfao-~ nl lthttcoi
fuft1 sidgc irl istIut isuiet al!cii he Ii s sl y txsi'e1,t'.lisiuutlislt1.1-1" scon ous fist ba, Anlos" th
as'heu n101 i telis cites hrcisi ee(rs Tri tiay friesusure focuusrh, Martinii tEddtc-t-
!}t Si zeiillissiIuiflncle "1a n C
tusrurat I osutcst oh thin suusur I-il"i'iii 51 is lt' sues"eli:>lustter, Cearo-, VandioteAustil, 'lens
Profser'six Successora.bE tug, inaesuct 'Ihese
1 uiesan losubiints arc usd P ' rof. A. Ntsuss Sinutpli1, \ ": , ts. . , o r t s tilt be door. B,11,0
C. I. Its'iiusn Xi (1pt~olsf c oiitin as assie~stattrofeesuu r In- tae laeth afe art fMrhh. i I N C N
ande r. oh I roglres T e arinPM. Jsafassa, enfl lalinus esni sufil tisers arIokn o
Ca eft .4 Silmoit"'Iu I Dikrlsitf to fit;1 degr'e of..... 151s, puh l ace on fit t e f ltltisresehit M E
wtasist c ty cr if sue ankucl -fe15asour aut ofIein n- 'lren usts 'rmso5 ne t
task ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dr te tcd osiosfitIostrriy i is cenidere one df f roetamumssadin10flueIssueI
sloecn g. Afe cmpr .u li Dislosact lht ihi Seif chumloarnn f tolu.'
isaknsi esSlt~ie httein Aruhirc Dsri Arlult will ndarrire lmps;- runnin- - a -
10 Arbor nsccs~ ext suonnsay. Po- stadi g igh skicsugtrfvaltni tcon-
ioaud.icft wo.. undasrst nd 1 vis e of ivi..o.svas oper ate p sorsaePo.Pry '~T
fity eie ese. tlaastigexcell e ifon ls Tesa, b lr.M tn ofheihuh
tho glf a dytyl. o ethe 42 pound y( ov in t r , workudge Cheever. TAouon tdeliery5n-.~ ' ~ ' S
'Els jugso eirr ueelien xr~esic i nlycofar o EaeJug KneIn tSs
or u l ti u f n r f o f , a t r e t t o s t , a n r s X g l .D t o t i h g