retr h neroAsstn e-
The Bill Providing for a One-fifth reay Spaulding, of the treasury --
Mill Tax for the U. or M. Laid departument, H-awaian Commisis- Fl fGo etrsi rs n
onteTbe Verse-Will be Out in a Few
ssoier Carter, and many others. Days.
Sen'iator Mcaughlin's bill for a - __ _ --- iOTip~ERSS&
o-fifth is ui tax for the support of Dr. J. . Wood's Talk. 'rie proof sheets of the February /nAldFJUyLS a
on-it 1nme fteIlne nuea R0IMIC.te Uiniversity cause up in Itse sen- Dr. 'Wood's address, last eveninsg, interesting issue. 'he'lseng articles
ate, yesterday forenooss. Seiators before the Tfalenannao socity, ave nade the past iumbers soue-
Clark, Sabin, Tisrnusll, Dorai, was briisfsut of interest.Ifie sketchecd wa nltals,]uinisnn
\tcaguiMfly si o-thse history of the society and corn- er this feature is elinin-ated, nd
kiss spoke isn favor of tthe blill andh nscntcrl upon its purposes and spihere h rils.r ssr pcas
Senators Iturt, hox, (Garvelinsk, and inhtuerticpertusen.sItstrrsnirynsant
Jewretlspolse againsst it. taletheiplacse of thewrite tssS -r etase
An anmendsoesnt to ssubstitute a usintise sdepartmentslf.tS. A. Jones leads off withis I os
ose-tentth mill tax sas lost. Principally, howeverte. sociesty as's lIleritance.'' Tse reader
The bittl sas so amsendedt as to ausa u oil cvssssctonsly needs to read the first tsra-whes'ous aiifhe LaesMetrossplinSyeaisttiercladnemtofr s rtnShsateto$ahirssethan,.
providhe that the board of Regents the stuslents. Sef-possssionssin graphs, to beconsethooughly itrs Ass Abo picss, sed ins- tuis5gus. toi~u
shsoulds build news buildings arid be acqiuired osnly by practice. Mussh ested in the article, whsc sll sse'-.R C
msake extensive repairs only from uoeclueauhrds iss r .panatioss of T1horeau's devotion tos
moeclueadrfnmn r e .Rsins sif else ansnual ansousnt raisedtsur ftensstr ftss hnnature, accounted by Lowell asd 101. 183-185 WOODWsuARDnAF_.
bs tax. Hsstecs iesyy'r su s olmes as a "hermit whose whoe DETROIT, - - MICHItGAN.
'Fle iltsas tens lassed by a. eiuruscsssr ucsssi"uusenvironent proclaims hin a pre-
sote of u19ts o. It ,souldi be aI srsIeasIs e -tence.'' "A Voyage to Spains andI l~T oG Israihtf1IQct.
pleassur s 's~sue to consocluld ee thushe ussw-osruldjcts .Bsrauil,"s a chatr in the lift of
sue lists 1persst. 1 O 5'5,dii 'htveubeeism'nyuobjct it ons loswss vauscsusstenbyCIG'AR ETTES.
Du ing tse insoii recess, Selli rad lshly thise .us'uIse n c i ss ase bhi-ius tia nt leman himssel, iii Iis nulst a isuest~'ie;,ina s subs
slius F sx cosusiledi the _'tlosuscy (ssissn 1 teresting sle. ItH. ' '1V . h b viiusgii sss-it-sirisus-
Geea sto sonic of liii.pois- saw '9a, his aniaccunust of a itriip - c~isisuprioiriiio
ioins s o.tue bill tpasseuld i s tem n iovser lthe Cuis-shut s i- whidhs s's IssIs I oiiisr s'ui 't
ig Inteafternoonishe annosucedtcalssit ~en f the Cumits-sil t , Msoisu it ius-tr tssrs-ri i ri i on"i ss
') thue 'enate thast s a resuslt of h ±Is] ans."i S t'uart1Ts o OIcrldsus as usiOss'ss"ii-s s- -s iiigs--i
A tiditit at the Ninstrl-Rehseasrni5 sd wrse usisrssseuiiiy isstoususi'u-y,"
consiertilonu te thsought the utote____inuterestisub ihjetfr a'sketch in, ss-ss sisss is i sowai iris' ~r u us .,e
sss fitsthe'r reassons. Senator _lie 'I.M instres, "Thur sd iht st. "fl t h lb " isby j ufuissi isis utis. I tehicisiss igintsiass.
I aitsiiu thseusniosectto reconsler pecu'.liar accsient happen.ii s thei' ILarry-Ca're'on Ifsostr iii lis hst.
the sole. 'iii.imoion isassedl by'a'tinch-hose, il1 i'spesnuisslu as stsstyli. "A ruststedi Isasid(uGrlah
otof. to p. 1 Te iltisas thsensbeing lediniiilis'.becasuie sudsdcenly ICas'." s acater ot itchigans Iis--
li iupon sthetable. frihtened.usat somse hanis ic uare-osyuswrttenss by C."5M.1Burons'g,.
- f"+ - le~~~~i'ssy eft uonsthissstag.s rc-sits-An un signsecdlartle enstited -AtMayDtigihden awyrote omheaed-Wdwofpantto erSoni"
lssocushious of the U. of Alt its's igt lhsse uose nsuchu diamuae a is onI sof ts'.booksreis usby IPrilf. .
anusal bas-quet.t i ssillausd's Tssss:'. '.1not b en fsteusprIs' m'putu in - C. iRof'.
day i ht null as uosiris terventionsosoritnsess-of heif'.msemb'.s si Tleivese i. s rids dsa ie
ucss T ', 1here asre ausmcusbtir ss ningnar he uiet sas 1od.osih 'iusng- lie'best iro'.ductss
t'. associations's nus sh uligonss - s'.storedi lthe r'ee ssal usv r'a ss tses lne as., is lcisssuatissus " by' '51aule
eludinsomsuts.'dtstinushied ulbullic :in whischs Nil l)'stses srit hiss h is lis'.Caldlul. i ' I ieIForest
situ of sehomussthise '.e - ' snators li-st 1withu shisslsh'corus lstng" y Chares E. D'.ursk.
andu fit'.n eps~re.ssittists iii doss '--5. - Asionnetcfionsthis'. o''~stf'.sse . P JiiN ~ I
gss. hue 5'.'s-'tiors e rce ITe Cl'rai Union w ilS1"t-rIhorsuss" and htlr'.vecu's sy 1Il'
Ael'l fieshi' . Teirpro-aeris' s ss 5o teS.' . ,1shtoIsis i hs'. ur cusOtherbustribtor usn
Stutitlg ca icadIchal'.I t us iiC 5t'.rs,'niat thirce Boughltoniselo fills Itwoiorut hisscc;"1AI LOJ' ..
1u Oraofut a a v s' -, of so'.lss' :a, s p . s oldb usgPaes swilhi U f-11.Ly rucss-1.1
'uwa; Owensaii'. re d f Ohiso; thi coiers ouut. Paussl usilthtm, aleighi "elsons ils "Thue Isse.'' is isi 'u.s s 5 'us
Ilusisuss Of IP'suitylvie ii'i Iicy, 'Ics'hoseAn rhrsulests- wisl)T10 -,by lDQ. " leIDytg
us'.isui;i c'. 5 ,of S5'. scsiooed'four raissof oyst'.s, s- ea byAtIshocrIH. Holmeis, ''' '"72t.'IE7 C
Kota;Hun"ci, of '~scco'"'. uyale fedb' payng''s Evs-'usat tsatI shichs usliterary ccicsecsuo
out Illinotsis;ivler, Of nissianaandsi psicete l''.uxury of helie'.plisicwas be unpeached hut helhiim npresses
g sip~tlAV'W._BFORT STW,
lBarrs us o'n "sue suts la Xsi-"stitr sworths its cot. hueretl valie of out as besig ssoily out of sasons
u's'ussussesnt alssusn ae Issi'stsanttliss orici s goo'.s depenuds wesolly ILoussA. Strauss has a "hus-'nsen- .
'uccretary Chander, of lth'. dliasrtI sn cicssslancc's.-drissPss. title'.h"Twsiligt." Detroit, Ii chiigan..