, r i d
St Pitadeiphi, Tu L~ I . T E E T:3
XI xSIIX Xl (XXS t.teiitto boitd LC lnacA C(((tI/i l ttt~~t/j, (alsht5 and AlpitteIJails. ThIe
GLKIINSONlitV4.00 Lattest lInc/s in Fedoacas.
34 So. State Street) . Y
3 t h tei trt. II'P TAbIttS.
ND O()1 T] it 1 tANDtl lI t itSt I I I 1.
C 2KeA Alet fou~nd Comnplete a nd or Prices as Low as mhe Lowest.
Call on Win. £ulde, t
-. l R ."EMBE THAT YOU CANBUY T atir. opporite tAt1!Lw 11ittiiti, on
00 f ifr 1 1 tfi -. W Nfl 1II l'1 Xili ttf.. firSitar iwst ot State-si.
I )laftfIi ISuitt o orier ait catti. Alt aeort itrt-ltss
Itoipitfin, - - - .90iiIF YOU XWANI' T)
:, " Squsith, (itt 1.10 t.Yt
LA13 TQ1Y U LIC 2 zPrimrose :. - .- - - hS 1huv at,5ietni.doet
CIt tAP ' A(IAintiall tther CannedtGoI at i rtiprtfiiiatte }riceeof 'W m=1)1 odll36 Main Street
,ROWT'S DRUiLG STORE. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. ,T
UNIVERSITY NOTES, Sensator IMr:\ilirnfiat itiareasated U1 a H 0 ±1Jjt.±
X~fii]You~hits gilt to Albti nllege to S2.,S0
W il o L okiatet r iti er Iauletie Itritsfor thebilingopof tatcttemical O T
Ioll ftter my tore ailSdotil laboratory..
Silnt inli o r yPagasus t artedt,
AL our Show XXttido. If t,1s, liiilllut an elitae liut. AV.If. Sears,"9t2 I. (;. faw, :a a
if'sownistork' about I t a lit .. rantifdata for the superfintentdency
- -of the t. S.fIndifaitSrfhoof at Iaw- Oite sprbng sfock Nwill 5(soon ha
TAR ~~Courses wtiff be Ovten at Die aw reore, Mass. hr.A ed it ihftcsr
ifssut)tr.Thte -1 ffersouinfand W fefbster so-
it)Albfon's recenstioiir Ifidfay tfetfes bare eiedlto hlod a serfesIoerlilly Swinteftigoods, we shttll
--CE.I s a great suctess. of tiebates. Of the three rontests
10 N f10' 1 0 Reva Chat. A. B~riggs, toinighit. sl hma ral eue rcs N IO I( OC last year, the Jeffersoianot wonitwto.baltttiugralrnlcdpics
5tot2111atinste.)r.Dorranre has organizedai Ph iiDelta Pliiwill give their an- SISEN i.
class in cleft palate trork. i3 ual banqutet at Dfetrtoit, friday 5SISIOL$0
£I .____________ hjuland Stanford, Jr., St;i. has nigltt. San y of the facolty and 0t --jlS
1 . I Steetartn Prticipsantt its ''l.iviog fWhist" iThesonny serviceat N ewvberry' l ftr ttpootot
CItaIl---s >:o ayEpes__s ,tr ill hop totiglit at Gran-er's half. bf MllfSuistay omorning, teas avall at-.
N. Y. Lim itttal-- _i9 5N. Limt( - 9f si .Noygvett96oedc 0tetsdedf, and eiquallyavell etjoyetl by-
Nirlie ltlsttihIllIt E' p u- ~examtinationin tsbacteriololcs Ion
a ICiaorT .Ill e.g, O allfpresenit. PTse prograntwst
?.N.Ipr (---- I. I Si iii, 545d5av.Slighstly taried from nt noutsced, SI° A. . -F '0 j3D,
(i it. Iprets__it 0 if o ic ' . )is n Site senioir lasts ill base their owing to the insabflity of Miss Xilli-
G. P. 4 I . AllI , Crtlaeli .?. A.o il n liItirdf secitin uiztin its eifnce tisspaugfs andrf 'r. Ilt to be fpresent. 42 Situ nt Sr ri; SrI.
areek.VTae plate of the forimer teas filledrI_____________________
FIRST NATIONAL BANK A tlteolog,fitit\ orth Wester n, is by -lits Afice Cranuer. Besidesathefr
(IF.ANN iniOut. at tihe ttsisrsity hospital for titreasmusical irogramstof slstn nlurtelI It~ r WIDsID
a i icaT, b) llepIInStatdPro1it:=, IIii. !litut. anticisortuses, euilogfes nit l irrl -1IUJ
<icehr-iii itot l Ciiiit ig.e;Tfte 'y6 Xl anitnftclub exlpacts t, I Mae- n 'hlp rok eeW LD1'W L
lrtrIr~l ttSi rutrd. ~I'.i 3. ,I ie ereadny for afirst appiearancea about i Iguin
S. N. c,: u~sov, asher. pri 1.Mr. and fIrs. SunduerfandS are jist IS SELLING IS INtiTER
ThIe faculty wvill maet Satuirdlay begintingit a sanias of convrattioinal
night to close upfIthte first semtester lectures, before thse Studntts' Bible STOCK AT REDUCED)
1J. TUO.1OF 1b1 aN rcords. Chats, of the tUitanian cihurcfh, ott RCE HCHWL
GRANGERS ACADEMY. President Aingell wefll deliver ait of the Iibla' -to continua thsrouch
Ptpismayenerni anyn t icti i .ter-ddiess at JohnissHopkins Coiver- the rest of the college year. These LBE A BARGAIN
andetsidencesCtyerfeb.ranc talks will dleal in a careftul aind ac- FOR YOU AS
d MIAYNARI) ST.,- Ass AttitOR. Thie Ann Arbor Rifles setlh iold a curate hut popular way avith the
'carnfvaf Wednesday, Feb. 22, to origin, authorshtip, dates, Ihistorical TrHE GOODS
th SIAOIiAitaenad1i5, $.,or at50 tr alm in-wvhich all students are invited, setting and significance of all the
ho hRtil BniibyhrxressofTheScoo ii Tcholgy Ala-books of buit the Old and Nae
thop i.Lin eltegait in Amritia. Gergia.oc nutg, a Testaments,epeill gvngin S T w
Pa u i bxes u< t Goriahas thsefulluwingculiege Ietmns seilygvn n titypr.Sial o , tb b1formatoeading thos uionsU
I.1CEI 515 tExpres cinren yell: Tech-itytZTechsf f-too-rex. rnto r r tn
p repa iSaefre to alt Chiicagof-too-rest'Tech-icy Teebsf IHuu-rex' of the higher criticisnm which have____
Titnce Addreess,--
c. i~'-c GUNTHlt,lconteeti0 it, Il1oo-rex'.IBoon-ah.soom- ra lbeau broncgst into such promnience
">I: atatxnietit Gaurgiaf by the recant Heresy Trials. No.2'E. Washington-St., Near Main.