THE U, OF M.DAiLY- , r i d FOR~ QjH{IJ5ZAA St Pitadeiphi, Tu L~ I . T E E T:3 XI xSIIX Xl (XXS t.teiitto boitd LC lnacA C(((tI/i l ttt~~t/j, (alsht5 and AlpitteIJails. ThIe GLKIINSONlitV4.00 Lattest lInc/s in Fedoacas. 34 So. State Street) . Y 3 t h tei trt. II'P TAbIttS. MOOE WEMOEBOOK STORES NO -t6 SOUTH MAIN STREET ND O()1 T] it 1 tANDtl lI t itSt I I I 1. C 2KeA Alet fou~nd Comnplete a nd or Prices as Low as mhe Lowest. Call on Win. £ulde, t -. l R ."EMBE THAT YOU CANBUY T atir. opporite tAt1!Lw 11ittiiti, on 00 f ifr 1 1 tfi -. W Nfl 1II l'1 Xili ttf.. firSitar iwst ot State-si. I )laftfIi ISuitt o orier ait catti. Alt aeort itrt-ltss Itoipitfin, - - - .90iiIF YOU XWANI' T) :, " Squsith, (itt 1.10 t.Yt LA13 TQ1Y U LIC 2 zPrimrose :. - .- - - hS 1huv at,5ietni.doet 1 w m CIt tAP ' A(IAintiall tther CannedtGoI at i rtiprtfiiiatte }riceeof 'W m=1)1 odll36 Main Street ,ROWT'S DRUiLG STORE. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. ,T I______wH\ETSA ~THIS IIIT UNIVERSITY NOTES, Sensator IMr:\ilirnfiat itiareasated U1 a H 0 ±1Jjt.± X~fii]You~hits gilt to Albti nllege to S2.,S0 W il o L okiatet r iti er Iauletie Itritsfor thebilingopof tatcttemical O T Ioll ftter my tore ailSdotil laboratory.. Silnt inli o r yPagasus t artedt, AL our Show XXttido. If t,1s, liiilllut an elitae liut. AV.If. Sears,"9t2 I. (;. faw, :a a if'sownistork' about I t a lit .. rantifdata for the superfintentdency - -of the t. S.fIndifaitSrfhoof at Iaw- Oite sprbng sfock Nwill 5(soon ha TAR ~~Courses wtiff be Ovten at Die aw reore, Mass. hr.A ed it ihftcsr ifssut)tr.Thte -1 ffersouinfand W fefbster so- it)Albfon's recenstioiir Ifidfay tfetfes bare eiedlto hlod a serfesIoerlilly Swinteftigoods, we shttll --CE.I s a great suctess. of tiebates. Of the three rontests 10 N f10' 1 0 Reva Chat. A. B~riggs, toinighit. sl hma ral eue rcs N IO I( OC last year, the Jeffersoianot wonitwto.baltttiugralrnlcdpics 5tot2111atinste.)r.Dorranre has organizedai Ph iiDelta Pliiwill give their an- SISEN i. class in cleft palate trork. i3 ual banqutet at Dfetrtoit, friday 5SISIOL$0 £I .____________ hjuland Stanford, Jr., St;i. has nigltt. San y of the facolty and 0t --jlS 1 . I Steetartn Prticipsantt its ''l.iviog fWhist" iThesonny serviceat N ewvberry' l ftr ttpootot CItaIl---s >:o ayEpes__s ,tr ill hop totiglit at Gran-er's half. bf MllfSuistay omorning, teas avall at-. N. Y. Lim itttal-- _i9 5N. Limt( - 9f si .Noygvett96oedc 0tetsdedf, and eiquallyavell etjoyetl by- Nirlie ltlsttihIllIt E' p u- ~examtinationin tsbacteriololcs Ion a ICiaorT .Ill e.g, O allfpresenit. PTse prograntwst ?.N.Ipr (---- I. I Si iii, 545d5av.Slighstly taried from nt noutsced, SI° A. . -F '0 j3D, (i it. Iprets__it 0 if o ic ' . )is n Site senioir lasts ill base their owing to the insabflity of Miss Xilli- G. P. 4 I . AllI , Crtlaeli .?. A.o il n liItirdf secitin uiztin its eifnce tisspaugfs andrf 'r. Ilt to be fpresent. 42 Situ nt Sr ri; SrI. areek.VTae plate of the forimer teas filledrI_____________________ FIRST NATIONAL BANK A tlteolog,fitit\ orth Wester n, is by -lits Afice Cranuer. Besidesathefr (IF.ANN iniOut. at tihe ttsisrsity hospital for titreasmusical irogramstof slstn nlurtelI It~ r WIDsID a i icaT, b) llepIInStatdPro1it:=, IIii. !litut. anticisortuses, euilogfes nit l irrl -1IUJ I: atatxnietit Gaurgiaf by the recant Heresy Trials. No.2'E. Washington-St., Near Main.