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February 14, 1893 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-14

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a . g same to the university for ratifica-
" of ",t}ou tiobefore Jan. I, 18394?"'
_____'this vote practically resciods that
Pnhsinx t~ii' saaco eixpte) aexf takein a mceek ago, wehen the rate
the tColeve yeariby
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION proposedl ly the captains of the Vale
teamxs to andlergraduates seas lost is
THE POUSPUBISHIG HOSE. a similar oxeeting.
11r sishx to exonerate oair lfest-
man editor fromi the charg e of TIhe I' of Al. Glee and ian jo
writinig 1p the account of the ixinsi- saswl etapaa ako
cale at Presidenxtisngell s, last Fci- alnd Icslie, Al:i., Ichb. C and 2)
ilay eening.'I'he mexiing ixti ofithxe rsicie

Bly Going to l'Vahr & Atiller's andI save fronsa 5c, doe andI-,5c on everc
parof Shxocs as se musst xreduccoar stock to
nmakc romn for String Goods.
Vine Footsvear IDealers,
7-z-,0C10 CC=jy-

namies of the xiu sicians seas entirely
inaexcussablc. Thle names of rofn.
Scismiaal aiiil:Al ills swere inlecclian-edxl

0 U

aiiil Aiss PIoxv y exeicitedl her solojg ~ ,IRYin Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
on tel1faninsiiteailof socall.xi.lei ~xIEMichiganRailiway.
ussfexel v li tys ui ii NI.xvsxn K u A I i" t ( xiix i x___ vi x
ixi -c tif i ng tio notexxx t e oii lid 1. I'lf I.\lvd 'x J id Ph1 . t j err ifis- x .5 Sii
. . ,.Vrs siis efiixstsuxis lx s s e I ix xx xi fi i'
isv mix cxii 5 ii Cix.he 'fai iiiis I"Iit iii tvix.i , ,i-c.,-.,if ilii'iiiii ''. vise xillie.
ts i.siI-- e xiixiviissxix itiiiloiifl 5 x canuo nno n o Boinss.Cii-ztiits sAl.'
sxoutnvii ixanc ix, Cas ii I n e'v cx ii ii te iofixci'.! xi// vi xxx x;xe-x
}'1il xxiii xv i-bt i iii nli}=xixxxxxxiiin-
pxstxxis a sti "l::ix ,xa il r-+il Ii ,nvly l .x'i .tx. sxids. vc xiCli -xlii ix ii 1x ' xs xvvxx, 2 tx C n ine xtea is; xar exxxtt:nx lx :;Ti 1:' 0ii xxx x
aivscf ii iiv slt ri l ssi xiis tiIi xiixrii ixiex :u,xri xixi,xtie ii s o Sdit; o b ila ci xxsi x 5 iiixxi ......# ::i . im.
lse havi~ el ixxcs aixsie. heA cstcrcl ! texl i ee ixllexlilt 1(.l si.ixiveilet buml r s . _____________Saturday _____eveningxx irecepitions.cxx
editoil cosim ipenx tethlte ngixgtirt(e te fiail csfn ittxxtl e x i iit graduatesxxi xexxinixgxiiexat
u11,1t Ct reixisee 'Sl xxccgy xxxl! e5I tilts il dmnd Fittist cli is xanll ecrVoiitxl xiinsx xiions GO NGvi i'v xi
lleg~ iasilaturVtoi axan, lcn ctonl eitisex<>tl I111s l)the ?fixix tioi-.xeis.es i2t " er~ly 55'.prra fni !1tltdI' tz>'" Ii:'t.rt,
sityRaregettingusPshap.for tlets.a- doleRI. ___ SIIEIJnNo&CO.tSiotAN &.CO SIIEEExXN y (
th op osTedfolxe UiCfroixx te tidiaa' Ainwee le t hifxind xxxi ixxxix tomxxx. - a dwd Pito
The ixixtcontaifordta eIxn'leingt t~ peie.I lll1llSad111°'0 ,®4® lias 'FO TH SCOD EMEttScTER
ixioae o h txxx (ii h r tes txxxired bxii and x dx 11nx1,t xx e ae d i rvls tli n i vixiigmci lstu t rtnc
eeditoi shomet 1of thxexil l, i ng hcoitxioi 555.Sieoi- soxxul-xiud xxxc slxl-xxxxi ex Books friixi fn .
flt#el evxtiie i iiili Z I S F J O S Z ax eixxx ihuxiisrxi xxnUthc le tdily thelsnCiv. u
thetleislatets io favrabxxl cixn.Ii'sxe 0 l E vs ery c suet ie cWayi.txocit
s -ekit - pngo tcxcinlie L. GRe untE,. QS1 H.Ef.EB-HEAT It.I-00 FENN ONY)
1. . xi 1,1LcxtcclxxnaIndiianthi xcani 8Ru-main Stretcal AnnsAror.yB o selr, - tt tre.
cit treixttcixngxtiershxpetiorstheysea-dncixx I.SHEEHAN &C.SIIEEISY &L C O. SH1EEAN &CO.
Th c otloox fiit aebaixit. U.ha
________________________ iiili FORieTHEs iSECONicDxxSEMESTERi 5

Anximipiortanxxiimas-meeting oxif
Yale ixen seas held Wednesday at - --- 23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE..
whlichi it swas unanimously voted to Not onsir in rinigsi. inixiixii oher E. S. SERVI T SS, - MANAGER,
Jewxeiryxas telil, ourx varietr is rich axiind __________________
hxold a secret ballot Friday and Sat- rarex. cIn te ieed Rings axnd Pexn- oE 'i ~nS
daswea xsoxa insuxipasseid xis- NOQTIjC
xrxay on the followviig clueitions: ixrtiesti adCtiesiontsndotitw o
r>. Shall the acts and agreements DIAMONDS Can. Oixixxwhxieniycxiinxiigextixixtxixgoxxd it SR.
of the athletic captains and man- OPALS , Jolxii y eC.'s. We do'tcreiixt' tye butieh
EM ERALDS 7y' give x it oye, axid that ixe-ial. iHot xanx
agers he ratifiedi and stand till Jan.. PEARLS ecili ixuneies xt aliihours ofthesday anxixdxgiht.
z, z 894? RUBIES IN SELF Olt R. E. JOLLY & CO., No- 26 South
C. aTURQUOISES C'iUSiTiON State Street-
Shalla coniniittee conmposed ETC., ETC. iLSi~S ________________
of the captalins and mxanagers of the - HOT LUNCHES
four athiletic orgaizations, ex-officio 5iAWiiESS xiiaysoihxixe oiremsxt nhssynisiao
antI four menhers of the g7raduate watchiulecare. itixxuixixtoxxiprocuex
boteythe moxst pcifectelxxpexes ihe --AT-
celartmnents, to be elected by thxe woxxxxx xsxuxex txInxiiadidiint llehe -Umx^^ ^L S
several xdepartmxents uponinonin- to our wn pial F~xi .. .&C'sti 41 ox Ii'xi T1TESTCIET.
stion by the chxairimaii of the hale mcxxidxxxixenct ecixtax-xxx
News, tivo from the lawv school and I SvOOdxW; Diiii .G ' STAEBLEP.,.
one each from the medical and theco- ANDt'S11ASq [ITH
logical schools, be eimpowverexd to j e;xtxxxSON' o a
draft constitutioins for the four ath- / 19&O ii .Wahn tn St
letic organizations antI propose the ____&__Co___1___Washington u

COxiNERx CiAIN A.NDUiRtNiiT1x i.
Tuesday, February 14th.
55 iliex ILxwenc'xxe adssI lxxx Is Fi e ld'xi
xxxxixex ied by a. xxxixnU cxmpaxxny
Ti'i- nix anxid .Intesing iixiexlixx xxilxsEffext.
ofethe iiay xoi Nxiples. Thi' Cxixxxusi ilx ixexx
Danx ce y vc'xixxs.
PRICES, - 30. 00 and 75c.
xixts xonsaiexat iWaxits'IxJewelr-yStore.
p 01X 0 GA PI'wIR

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