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February 14, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-14

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THE WRONG IDEA. to educate at new section ot the corn AN INTERESTING LECTURE.
tty to the staindardi of 'pp eci alumo0
Thats What Ralph Stone Thinks of soner-olei-te ahetc(f tet aihProfessor Scott one'Art"Before /I&e Q. iteSMn~oaantUiyCu-enrod ic
Minnesota heest adwhchrsut and Michael Angelo Ak-.
~fl ~~ OS I o~i~s ii ~ ucthe ge'ltet Soorce hif rvetitre Il\5T-
ticsupuou earsoftel ccrows isat guies Minnaoiiisut Ti hlit iaiyif ttiestidets of the I/TOTRS t~~
it it laiit the sicvesttstfiIditot Unveistydaieintiestd i heicssb- V y
ofhith tonitrtktCIois t is et terf and 0 -TftROIT, MICH.
sota,pt inteA i l disilays 1).i i v, eingso leimen~ose stiltktiatiplit sc o irtws idemontrtedtulast ° °-
i riowc te otlowia5ng omiii - tiii 1nnArbh toiiis t fI beitnit by tic sarieatedanc at -
tO iomn 1a i iri te i it thse ,e-. 'ibteiis ii Vi i sii~siiiatitilet.ilf itt iso cbrihitoiire rat Pro
.,sidcute;P tl~ Inter-cne is tiest ie i tic i riipv:,cr 1 tt o ct'slcueo ht tb.c.I adteel L stl rprtrritirr ut l x
he lc5.it L lof inotu tsnutrre-
wes, ; o vaciiioetie sot i'i5tr ( i t w ldbie J;,i ~siuisi 1 in invisited siluiop h eTic mdei h> , yy
tiecatosi- hedfcre ntYies tostfin sitihslaost
resiJltris fttilc thait Minnesotmbeoh to r, IittA10 Arhitt hi sectiotitior sasisci
drpefoi tit ea nubestii citel th.Iate oiis iuthe.itrt ory i .o i t onois sap vied. riica fom-
remcarktls atuitialtitfoth it5 rspoiise Iliinis aiiil Mu iciga rr frsi nuatiniaof tbcenmodl of Loardo o t10, 13-15sfo orsnAimAE.,
fron lulMinniiet. iexpecteil a di usniioieof thes. \DETROIT,_____________ MIC______GAN.___
led protest uitan appeal to iieason. Itseemsto ru th i ift is setial etoesuatricat e ylarie DTOT tlt
Biu instad, ii e flit el, fithestiuetsito idop oie of fle presentifimeiiiers of leitre sas ilsrfd yabne I rn10o t Straight att.
tiublfcatuiuiiifiteUivesistfyof Milie-fle ssocitifoni Nothwsesein shoullnimabtr of stereopticoun views o thac
sofs, deiearesi itself of in oser-heafed gotflst uTtee are twso ofheuier-iltsoks of both artists. The fvrt G04 'A o n CIGARETTES.aaiit h iie nIlioswih mnfstds odl fLonrowreyugCIAE T S
iuiulmuirisonhh 1. e ins fluesutis ii Ilhnousaslut Iiin onest lca sotlls oLeoanloseeceyooo Cu irtt Sisitt.swho
tttni'ersufy of 'uti tii 'ii i lii hichio i filly"Iihs phuceiaeadtlof1Nortihws-mi iewu ovyaltl
eoc.iA1lre naumber of fleviwso r'- ste iilthnthepcii e ut
credift to tflu ituos unorill 11iftioftiuberi. These 'ire fheonesw (hicugo ii 5i tiuui e iii 5hei di iues
tanamicabe soutioft ftit es etsiy.dts hle cnsruyotthio onsistedl of te crcifixiota of the <. - a e. llnu:,treil he ts ilutai
tout Jt is-not nec-essary fit tutiliuutt-Nortrfistefrni s notit -typical Anei-Sasior anti the Last Sippher, tehich s -Tr usN upeiiiiour- to
iipii of n tswser fle grafius"Iinhgs call univ ersifty. Agrapoorin fprvd obe vr nersig ro.Ct . wers I it ltuohiuuunile h stetotnvriysiMciel adisisatndnei nteprprtr 3ulernee eerlvoi oo, ti10tella raoe rdrih
clii f -attmpt "iitie sastrnti- cthiioil if 1 s nstrit, andlitIs tproesso-I at flit openinsg audlclose of the 1c asiud Ougit irusiud io t ui utut list tiu,te,
reitftoayhtiibif oetl ]feih le a -gue iat schotls, llltw ti eiitiait lo- Bewiuit eirisiiu ht lt to ,iii tu tte sitra15th.
viasrsu tusil, Michiigauuuh-ut idecided (safedbi fl ity of i (Chiao.If has teeath son fle aause of the aril, naive astbulowtisian evtrupacktg e
(ffer if hash temonlsfratedlfhaitwifs ls eryflulu.n tutotendgintii stfle lois o theAseissanituces C.,
the petir ofi -eatefnrn uiiuieisify illi Idevtloitt oifiifluhe true uiveiiiity -iManfatrets lltRiiiuiund,.irgisi.
itsuselt) to duvtis tut sfenionsit hee- sulltif auld5'ill eventuality hut a dtag ThaeCasalian of '9.
suffer to fle ws-t o tic rtert h- upiloniflu assoitifon, intadfihof I lloffle drawings for fle asi nquestionably
west, ant afist uillfltheeeottoelfstreiuc-flienllu-if. hic-ago UivIlersty,
f ituft-coethe heifelsfheie hue jfiiispite of ftheiageiflenameasands u- aliso Iave been sent asy aidhthe urns ititti e uut ii tl
sameii iea. izsi: the cultfivaioniof - uullu~cedshability oitagtsr, lustsmaniy cts sie exectedl hare thuiv ekFRATERNITY JEWELRY
moire inimiuatehiitions befweeiu fle years oh sritglisnig tefotre if, before it -RTe contarct for pusbiction hiss
studenitbodies ioifitheeaiingtcolleges 'i s1lludue tesas 5115to the isveage been givena to fae Register Psbiisi- Atnd te iarget Asotetoift
auiv isersiies iiifluhe westerut-n1d(1fI Mchigan, XWisconsnundutilMue- fg Co.,satd thaebok swll .appler 0 E.Z=Z -1. S
northwsefrn states fotundhexpressionlirifai in aott six seekhs. Thae bookt.wsill
ill the orgaenusiztmon of fle AWestein ThetsStateUifveflsity itt llinois, if be xso inclies is sie, boonul in AE stiiiiiFti
liithegcess cA ssocianin theiiiflunii-iiChampsaign, aistging rapidly to lt i boards, iiths "The Castahan of 'qOE M&;"\T
tioti iofiliiwh ic teI'ittof51M.5D ivInv 1f iii infathefis IThes-have fle 5i5yelowv upon ia bloc backgrondtlH O
tothe initlia 5tise.t is5to lbe if i Ipropir rogirsifve siit ill flefaculy IThutillstratiosiwill be oore elsb- DTOT Beaucuita- .
feud thatuthe flitittlsdutterance1o15 hi'; -tihere, dt s lenii unenetu th ulieics rate and greater in nmbler thanlsill-lo ttN
stuidents if the I(uniersity ofl' Mi ieiin iverty ablr s shad.If his smadepreiousisCatalliia. Tinecuts utfI Ciutf.eso is, Pll"i,ad suittos
suta uif i itifure f ueii ftohi- suchti s-i arvieloushporeuing hthiu51e Ipastthe athletic tems, glee ad bnjo
couischedi i suthsvitictie huisgut-ugi' ftwiyearstoil ifs fufure ~iitly cluhbs and 1rofesors willthbe pshoto P J. KINJCAN,
It seemna to listhathe qulieliistion ld mretproisinguilthanlutsiafluforits- gravores Besides elghttf these,
hase beeli discussetd ii 5tioietempea-ufweftesris Ihenf ootuisi stateufeis-thaere swtt1 btnearly thirlty full-pagse
rtean ti It ,sotubh mnne.tItersty ,ilndifif iiee ,tdmittd, the ct of linedraswings, fle maoitynt 1E1RCH JANrf
fiinos ll~hy i. antihippostl tole blots i Itigse iiouldttcisiseruse lefour statt of sehici arnisosualy line.lngoth 'irtyfM netaI ons ivritad ficcMneoa.iIlniNi-
nmtsbfled15thatf1tifSnc ulv lea te liasil ' i.iittMla f f. he Itner-oiersitvytebate cola- 1TA LO
niot formsetdfos the 5151f11iatfhpreenflytruy or AttPilSix i: Ssifte swill meetTfhusrsay eveling at
onlyh. Its Ifondersfadi iewt55the Ginduttltliuiis, Mih., Feb. t. jthe Dvists-office at ryta, to nakhe AN oatirttrE'R it
future.liwhenttoh(flitesty ofItfi _ - arrangemncts forntte coig de-
fetty apprecia tedl lthatistaslce asouldl Rumnor has it that Ithe senior is ates.- FIDE " WOOS TS3
st first he a siutrt of inonv~Seniec have sornoiot to shave dutring laext Dr. Lomsbardt execisedt Iis a-
aub perhiaps finialelmsbit. sset semester. rise young aties say it thority againit evih doers, yesterday, .
iuitstehetingsilfisiestofM ltan i so, as far as they are concerned, by adising a certain sophi medic, 5 - O S Z_
paricularly fleIotstlis and it mutst bhile it is suggesetd the young gel- whlosas caght in the act of usting
te borei n msnudthat it ftakes yearIs ensn swill a11 go to ia barbers. a oliyto ev' the oons- Detroit, Michig~an.

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