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February 13, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-02-13

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.Jc 4 evening, It has been found neces-^
'Z . o1 3 ( arytolimit the attendance, s LIKE FINDING MONEY.
______ tickets of invitation iwill be isued( to lBy Going to Wahr & Miller's anti save from z7c, SOC and(I 5 oil every
Pubhlished i uily (Sandueas excepted) durnag the memibers of the associaios~each lair of Shoes as we most reduce our stock to
she Call eesear, by meniber to have tsso tickets, wrhich msake r001m for Spcing Goods.
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION may be obtaitned at Newberrv hall
. after 'Ilx . T 77 -.
THE ROU PUL~lNND OUS- Tlie chapel service Sundayvtoorn-
'osistocsmth h Ini g, Feb. 19, iill consist of short V8 ine Footwear D~ealers,
C N~tzR t csomth )AL Iadresses by .Prof. TI. A. Iabu, q SOU3Th- MAIN sTRPE Fr.
ivill lie issued thiroughsout cianlia- lit '7,S,1,0wrOs f Ypsilantbi;ls'os. C.
natioii seerk, niotiitistailig the Gr, cci,]it 'Sn, editor of the Sooth s~1c~ r .I' ~ ITU -c
0 1E PG--2 uuulaonofwrjutnwI Ave valanche, andl others. In .)U tJ iIi IG RSCUN
r tUiest pnv dtra or. the evening a iivriy hall, Mrs. DSON
thutuoAeedtra iad lice hFreeman Palmer swill deliver a"oltIMiRTi.' IS1AYS.
WF ae abe t appecite nw ie ansnual address. The music sillT
areabl toappcciti ios ibe from "St. Paul, 'A and will be T7L fT~~ C
iwitht foil force the feelin's of the furnished hb' the ('linal 'nion. _________________________________________________
psaiioist,svhen lie disconsolately pro
'' W i ' d o h e b e n i e ii r a e o i t h 'J E S S T o l e d o , A n n A r b o r a n d N o r t h
l)oiiltilto hiiisself the qsiont11, Mchga Rilay


t (ul I iit lie ai(;00(1 1c1(: to
iionatie ticemroeeds of t-tiverhiiy
debate itine Ahleic, 'oia i on
'hue iterary v ' ' t'iis stanil In no1
escia tl vi of Ifunds, whilitothe
athletic Association dfoes. 1))y the
uniited efforts oi tie associatioin and
tone societies a seat smo culd be
added to the atiiletic exchequer.
Toi Aimn arbor is fast becomnig
cuenf the his,t usiclcnes a

'Fine, Card isiexle(' i imsoli'eii,)iisnti ,
H' sfodf'0 ci 'i"i lne ii" isii11 s'' i , mir sin IAcciAror
~fin+_ly iiues.r'ai'in. eiiuei 1 ,s..I 6ii,'r.sc 'ie'
Ijli-iiv t7.)vm 111 id ec Iliiniist ....v. sr ;pus.b111
oiy ii r ra tc , u i it 051 - Is't..e5, lnilh;ines tea15 ch5pies;ilarge attend.anceii A ri r sic,'.. 1. +1 n
iisi'iiiile s Aid iin os ht iter ,all scil iit i sneliioror~wsk upie'n ad n iigi,'i, issn
Lirroomtaieailyur nt tiles; sSaturideyevening__receptions;___ N_ o.___ .I ail'i muci a ssi'O ,iii' .... 11
1 thlias d vlitgor sto etl eitiic 1- it (lmn sot l test Cl I W 1111Tslcdoesubidills;fesING1,1 1,.
,ss F r0 I Evet s ndLv ofaStudtntsw 5 isM izndaily ( it sTai.
A uut exttleelloe oifilth eltlef ne PtR.tiie ii'rea N. t. OENL'f'i', lrtdii. C.. 01ttiis .Oimi

no longer be doubted. Bteside the stid appetizer. tt nourishes ntd ivig EsIDoty & Feiner. 1 (ien. Puss. Agent . tocsi Agent,
regular courses of instruction iii both orates (lie tired brmain attd hoil,,ini- ____________________________________
the Univsersity andtihde School of parts rettesedc energy andvitmality, anid SHEEHA.N - CO. SHEEHIAN & C'0. SHEE HAN & (0.
:Music, there is, upon atn average, a enlivetns the futtetions. -.T '---- ,,( -- -.--_---_ -- cneto h bs re fmuia eeipiepiplt renavii'i1 o Sr1l.O D y1LA D T X O K
conertof hehes orerof usialRumford Chemical Work, rovi-
taleul, every leo days. The institu-t deuce, R. O H EO DSM SE
tion of chtanmber concerts by the tiefeure oub iistituites indiItatiosiiiiiit the Sftudetts' Bookstore'. Sftudentts, raivehlfi t ourInosuer
ScolofMsc vl b ale sFOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. L C und of us. \Ve are' dulls receivitig coiisigntiiciits of ,r
another aidvatice along musiscal lines._________________________ seciitid-Batid anii shop-iwirii College' TcettI iisks fromi thie~
'hue efforts of the university \tus, - Ea 'st which ire' sill offer t' tloiw price's. We'ke'ep the' Frienichli
cal society cantottbe too hiighly ap- GETP S 1O Ii anUh .d Getoiiisitionaries rt'c'coiiooeine'd livthin Facuiltys. Wec
preciateilt for it is throught itsceiortis aIiavi the' best sandl cicalirit 'ute Blookes its thin city.
headed th ~e untiring labois nlf L. GR UN ER,.SHEE ANit&COMPANitY,-
Prnfessor Stanley, that the Et siver- ! MaiueStreetookAuulArbor StateSte .
sity antI city j .Mi tet n ro.I aremacicordedh these Unvrst Boselrs tre
great smusical privileges.___________S.IEIbIAN &CO. S1EEIIAN &CO. SIIEEd1iAN &c co.
3-nF ([IIId? )n.c M asstheMe e to g 0 4 ae A N N A R B OCJR E N T S C H L E R ,
Indepen ent(?)sassrMeting(). -Th,.. ...o 1

At a meeting of thirty students,
Saturday miorning, in room A, the
followving resolutions iwere adopted:
WHERE~uAS, E. J. Ottuasuy,snanaging' editor
sit the .out N, ODAILY, has csndueted the edi
turiat departentuof this paper in, asdoguatie
and vindictive uanner, to she great detriuent
and incer ofcoegeespirit, and tu further-,
partisan and selsh iaterests, by permitting
scurrsuoucmutniciotns, satd tat thuss
rendered hitmsetf hutle io the interests and
purpot~ses fur hiri the ODAIYsssestahlilshed,
sthereore be it
ttt,esle,ha'th siembpsses etthe tudetiend-
cit associatioin ltiis,'tmeeiting (?i assetibied
dii hereby reiquest tlie sait E. J. Ottuaway tu
resignt from lstitALY, aud do hereby reqluest
she DAeeILuboatdtie editors in see thut ihe res-
psnalstithes effet utionce.
Anniversary Exercises.
'The arrangemients for the S. C.
A. celebration pronmises itserestitng
time. M.rs. Palmer iill be hsere on
Saturday and Sunday, Feb. iS and
t9th, andh a reception wilil be given
tier at Neiwberry Hall Saturday

2_________ 3 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. ti\Est .tAit AND tittio10-Nrev.
Not onlyiyn rings, hut inallutihiter ES. SERVI1SS, MANfAGER.
aeeisyas weli,nnrstariety is richsand ____________________
rarr. is fine ;jeweted ltinsnasd Pet.
dusts we cnnshu n ttunsurpassed us NO0TIC0E.-Tii SrUotrisGAT PR 11
nrsnent in
anti Citizesis. DuitaisiundututtoftowsnCur ANN ARBlORS. ONE NIGHT ONLY.
DIAMONDS Candy.usuiwhientyoui can get ltsttts gioodtat R.m
OPALS o Josly &.t Ca's. W~e don't eihsrge tursyle, hut i'UeSu ay, February 14th.
EM ERALDS '755t' gire it t ysii,and thttis iineihilf. HitS nd ast t er uiirsis 'ee undt fis. Prrintrcs Fieldi
PEARLS codeunichisees at all hours uc the day and nighi. suipportied by a slsuunu comupanty
RUBIES IN SELF O)t R. L. JOLLY 1' CO., No. 26 South us pitiserssiii
_- __Hc-1 T LUN CH1 ES S't"~;L~ ~~ f
iWATCHESSuasrays ihavesieouiutn tevychist CndesFABIO iR .OMAA1NI.
sacuslicure. Itisouurasisntoiippscure AnthveycoesCads
oinlyythe sst perfecttlimsepiecei the - Aq,-- Thrilingtan uni tiertisg tg uii isfieclt.
wourld proucses. In adiditlionstouaulithe T U, An riupiuusuu Nout ui' i t'su.Iliuinastmi
famotussnmhkeswe" usksseial atteniun ,* , i fthe5 Bay of Nuales..'i'b'lii amus rpntn
is outr sun speciul F. Gi. S., 5. & Co 'stiance iy deeriss,.
moiuvement i'n uost tertectly-bal- 481 SOUrIT .55 ii S'PREEi. PRICES, - 3,5 n 5
auced mosvteent extuni. ____35,____50___and___75c.__
Seuts ion siiat tr aits' aJewelyito sure.
S'rEI1 T. 1.I, oa !GIBS ON,
-0" 11 W. Wasn gts.on t° -- P0\-No. NO. i2 W. HURON ST.

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