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February 13, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-13

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" , y'

Hon, Henry Watterson Delivers ar
Ideal Lectuire on the Above
ltnirartsi shllws rwdto t
,LS iiIlil<7ittraally Saitusrday isiglit,
with an audience agathered to teal-i
Si is)slr {e eda C''teon
C 'stil:" tis notit llsy pu p s il
iin asit Ioi-m' to slats' a fawiist
ssouching' thonseareait torra o lf
an ithtosught to dtweit very tongsiup-
onthlis eciionmitaspiect ofthettoils
sir the abstiasct relations of the
osthsr."' IM),yexperience has Adnt-
ostratedsto me tsa t there11. are two
sidtas to every quenstioinanid that tte

''"The world liarslaeen missl by4 PRESIDENT LOW'S ADDRESS.
sonme of tts matsnis Or by ttir in-
A Large Audience Listens to the \
laipiatattori. W are toitd ttiat Brooklyn Ex-Mayor's Ideas
I tsearra aois~ias ittttsivs of City Government.
anithttogicsi onqutiers al'sitntsgs, 'rofessor \Ttt aaigtstin, jpresidetas
1a etsersas'araeaae may be misdsirtedoit the l' isersoty 'iotiticat Scsiisnte
asnds tecomieavicsi iiosdt iii aoftan Associationinstirostdustet tossSettih
f jfals vatii't'i r o n icx-sls Ira 5 iisow y asssiet tsi obi aSi alis
Tii t N hih y o r tart atit s w e-aryrs or Itii' ly ,
at Satursir
havsisisis I fte faitto riits a ter asso t toan iaud ic aswict illed
to ssssth t i atNlti iss .it ." aa, i a ss is taith iantle itsrer sot, si
tti'itis tt a )easob at we tisas ta yoturtha titoftiiastsss's
h st fi rsitt tot i iatasits 'l'toiror ni ana -lt r iv rk itoi at
! \noe itai i- l ti.isisantoiiiit ii 555tititiiC ore ICsinadtes era rit(:lerat L w atoisy
wetS5ciiitld isifkitow t iiins of tei it b adans fe e t stronIi
iiass is tihaon ofectia uinthichIein the apauis of tieentfirsasti Am
tit ittalidtlotofttakswthhorai r. ofdirook.yn iisttemaksupntirtyi9

PsoosaE, Tomio, CENTSr.

1105 p ic- sils,,)tisiriiiiiii~l Sir
01. 183-185 StDiii i.Aii A
1101T, - - MICIGAAN.
hmond Straihsi t

more aptositive anit emphttiatia an ii O1111511 h is ttiicaus 01orlmanly
tia iior stas tiis totia ettig ans anrt anion' tiens istli ocrara.
:s isirelikl'olie toe wrngtia Theasiais a tyvpoarai ysodethti tat it
id the sipeaker, 'bttas I tiase ttihe 5i-istrisetsrtgtsti soZt
isur,1 Cal ; isils .iiin ic ase of mist aineitsatffosr virtuteiatdtierea
di s1aaniamnt voilimast- i 'loa'ain.stiatItsasli ii
si-at i- i' rsiascair adice Evryae tias its
rlccriano th exentandgradeu ;idiosyilaiss arery Icousntrya tas
ofte Aerrcan lt siet I iits crowxn o lt astt isttits srottnisof
Wtiterson madeIuse itte osluwig tiisriss Tii'etansi ofs ita isatisnaiei
strikisin'gai l-is '' I"Tii'ottlitsitftthis ini ittsins.I Tse ttangers -atteritng
continant fottiss tie north tiasriits satiosrdtisturbtaniats arising fioni
hlt'gtiefozenseas sw ieapiing b itiunicitpattroirtlts, ttsarate antt
th os froewri hnln~,tael1ibr aribt eistnot fatat to ttats
Iti rost f Nit s'onttant trratcouiitry. No potiticat tssue at tre'
ingd tthrouth te tooniy nortti andt !sent tiottes ruins to tthe counitry.
teeiming nouittiuiitithfiatty it reacties After terribstettriats inst batttes our1
tie dutf streamsaanti 'fades it tast csontry eiserg'ed tssrongler saisd more
islo a sision of taaratttseintdeirtateiinitei.
sisilteri tos, siitttth tttita tt Tie imoral tanager to ttiareptict
souher crss amd te ilece ndis in tre ratatiori of mneyr to the
soitlusteof eternsal surmer'." oraitvatiie of tilt teotate." 'Pt'i
'T'titsvott extiainse stitti alttsmoney in ttiy turse' is an tnjuniiton
islt aatdiisirtison is itestiniedss) so ttssrouigtly sobey'etduinthitstcountry
be ome dttinlu edtain te >=' tiatiitru al oait e ohetrabli radse isart s ts
grat sistertiooit ot stiles. "Ti - I amost a tost ait"
ii' morei a iirectty oli h is theti - Iai stironsof suit caouitrystall
speaker said ll''ours istierva-tt le'niles sosshitosstse ottherstsei
isatarsat f-at ofwh ichathets wortlt is s eiite of Newir I- ian'iiimoay tearna
c oissosed, list Iamincalinedt to fiozsi lte ldtstIiehtlatersItie
think ttiatitinie it tias beiin anpeople sit ttiaSosutshnaay study tthe
!I a t at arid ltairni towtto (-,etatongi"
I lsts sinatisindsntaiseisit bietteri"
"I ''fsh a goodthtiisg to tiaaeiplenty tn clsosing dlr. t1 atiersonss aidt
of mlonaey, lhonestty earneal ant i ona- ("iTshus I wvoutd briing the gootd that
rsty atalestaiti ateto ititsis iii one sections face to fare switti
tisa ita ps-esio ofit s abar thte good tthat is in anottier section,
tha th posesio ofit s abartoinstructing botth inthte truthi that ste
satratton.'' Neverthie less, it it un are thie most honiogenioiis peopte on
dtouibtedty true thait it stilt harden the face of the gtobe; our differences
ansd corrupt the oswner in ten cases are paurety local and external; and
whsten in one case it wil rotten and thus I swoutd rebuilid our national
fabric ons a firm fouindaationi of
imphrose. Is host fert cares liar it morality and muanhsood, ttie only
entarged tthe mind and amplitiedth te genuinie sources of ai peopte'r

Th-le earlier political history orflBrooka


lyn, the great fraudss and totruption CIGAKL I I .
lies atctiosas.11 i tsoe Smoters whos
conniectetl with hr iraon nds tr illinoay salittle
lasss cotanection stits thelt ltemtat ulitsrusthnh rstice-
eb 4a'istalitiforther d ina
hsurshaatsoss swrre tosd tisasir saphic rSe, s T Is' s A~asurislrto
al li othrs.
manner. 5 5S TiiiRichmondsStrait
CtO. ttaoetnes araeitaeIromsestrihi-
Irsisdenit Iowssfisrst exteiee ata ronst ilelicatiiiiiflavriuediland tisgserrs o
BoldtLest grosooso til rgnia. Thsis teald
with the isa l~itics of IBrooklyn, wasitansd Originili Branld oi Strisriss Iut5igarlettes,
int hea catspasityofisplector oh alec- lBewarieio'irtsiittiosiind oret atitrshOe
Itrnamastleloweiseanietry ackli'sge.
tiishail a tarissof sat-assyeasrs. 'Ste AtLEN &t GI 'iR iranch
Ofi the Amseriucan T'obac~o ICo..
Btrookltynssraceite er amsnonustchar'-sMniiufatureers, -'-' eltiond, ir 1. 'lrg
tar, andt after ats inteselys exciting F
canssasse wsarelected mr saas the u q e to a l
irepiublicamsaisd indepentdenst carntti- THEIGHEliT tGRAD OF]
date. 'ThIe charter wsrde'scribed as5 FRATERIITY JEWATVELRY,
the hart city charter its existernce,
thoiughscontsitleretl dangerous by Andstei rue rrt A sroieant o
sonic, tecase of the great tioswer=N V M T 1]E
whdiclh it tlaces in thse hatads of the LV
maayor. its the city of IBsooklyniA
only three general sofficersareata etu- O H OS
esd, siansely,may-or, complittrler, asiI I
autditor. It comseosewithinoltemay-
or's perogative, to apoimnt alt the (tistu, ag iss, Piran its s In~o
hseadls of thea departmnists.Isa thsis
connection ittrue rensarsed~ttsat an P. J.IiINNUCAN,
officer wsrfudgeil amoretby Isis ap1-'
laoitsaensth lats allthtte rast of liii E CH N
official arts.
After a brief refarence to variosr
fields its sthichlareformus sas orgeistly IT1AIJLORP.
dea'nded, the speake'a closaslhiris
sery aentertainsing- remartkstwithi thse I
b ANtiD I3i'Uiii'It is Or
encouaraging stateenit, that cor-
rupt ar ronme of our city govern-
irtentr wre, at present, still in tire _ -o N
typical cares of Nesswyork aned Brotok-
lyn there wsa adecidert imiprove- 55V7'-t5'OT'I'S'T.,
ment over thse conditiran of ten andA
thirty years ago. Detroit, 1iehigan.

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