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February 08, 1893 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1893-02-08

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'~C of ~iJ('t4ji Living Whist" Notice, LIKE FINDING MONEY.
Orveliestra l rehearsal Weiliirsqly bYGoing to Wahi &-k Miller s andI saxvefrom 25c, 50c and 75rotinvevery
Psi shed Oviiy (Benders exceped) turin gugt. Onliy those esintieri vitie i air of Shoes as wxe miust ieducev our stork to
the collieee,iby eintertaiinmtent tire exlxevted to Uehres. make rooimxfor Spring Gooads.
Suheerxtiixtio;reeC2.501 eeper eiilr ithiby Debaters, Notice! ?VL JL~ J~
in adxiveri'Singie xxiex i i xn. Siiixevip- - Fine footwvear IDealers,
tions miiiy hie lnen the xiiicv tofhtisTh e I)e.cx I te iix., 4YOUHMAIN TSTREET.

at steiltet's, xwiiitierny iofthe editors o
aiiiiorized soliiiitiirs.
Coieneiicatioins siiiiildiveiihthotxicen hr
7 o'ciock t..im. if they aeeo apearxethensxt
Jay. Aiddress aii matter intenidedfortuebleican-
tionete the Managinig nailer. All business
commuminicatinonns heiiiitbtsn o ithe Blusi-

pvelieinarv debate xwill inert Theirs-
lay eivenitng, after lthe Jeffersottiate rPD-AUTQ
viliate, in orider to assigne sides for RO S RS T D E ] h eae e.21DS O N


CONxx xx vet..


Bess illoliller. +I" +0
Ann Arbor, Minh.
.EN tEL' S pays for a hatlh, hitt ToeoonnAbranrot
EDT.S ci s vi,~volt,at tt ePostoihe Barber Shopi. Tld,_nrbr adot
A.elere 1.xtiLiit'93yAssistant.Michigan Railway.
tx isili.hislult to xs ah. lixxxtljsli &-iCo., agetite, 1jr$ ,
WV. 1~I, llxi es, tLit '), Assistnt:,t
.1 I. I t. 5 'u E;, lair s ist, 0'io. State street. 54-;A k i
S. 55. Ic xxri si. I. it i., lnineh nx er. Fux rtiisiiig goni, Iisvlxi(0
r .' xxi. i1r, ,00.ixi xi tide C ..1 F., n.l ii. fl stri Ie tteti 5 iv v i'iiitii xrxdiRiiixiir2 i
ii'. Sixuix l i J L w.. II ii , i i it'. t. + Tix-.Cardilihi e, xxvex SulidbestJlustsryx2~riug,
fa~ifJ~ifY t w. (I 'ILM , juatst inorth of the list- -p/ ii re ofiixi rains tiv AnAI mr.Six
C xxtxxx so vxx'xx ,'33, . I I. t * s'xx,. ir i h thg e esi t hack. crhI. nxiii i tem c lnn-no.o oees.Sn- 'x xxxxix ere' ,2i
ELtKtitin i hosein( t he citie. i xiixrvirxi hiiixre.epiixt . .' iii'.'i'ici'itfp.i
Miss }t 1+__ Sh__ ____ 511._ t.___ o___________ xxxii. ieitixxixirixatxiJ.sit%.'x'iixx txt)isetxnitiii NtiRTH.
is the, 7I ADI ~ ~ xx SCHO dLtOF rBUSI NE S 4a - I , . I., tll xii l ix xxi ', ' s . .....+'i r I .
f:{S~'i[ ):''' iei ' AT[ITT IT7 I ixti e eii eee111l1; ll[ ec r;ltie . C L t.ena t No. Ne ix. 'ixi rx A m).'i'ixitxt exixni*..1, (lt) Hoot
debi tiglaue u l iieil I ITP.1ei.I '' ,tiilie. txx ee t. 131v Iiihiiilliesof $200, $300 $4 00 ?$5 'iteily (sit ellittplie reaingixtidixcy.
anI N rxgx el lpnllrey tx xxx lxxx tti d xR r H itiixti &ixttx>t.viitxixetII i :.S....xx 5 .Ii i . xi
romi lIyit trtCls; atI 'I vxi~ rpi'r ons; 'xeixtxi. ttititxx
^^'OOStheeentreetiasto seitltheewxch thyyear; commerialtte traduadattesi in Sgreatxe
Te o a~vll e ncitvw o do all (19]R ]\ sh . t $ Dognty al ee itnrs; ettxxAa
lxi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s ther osertotuaevpte ebteshe'h &C.s HEEHAoN & CO.eek iIprivaeAN &i
of~s therprogane. lileets xsill bei i.....FOR.TH SECONDSEMESTE
Placed in saleits a fse tha's authat FEBRU.A.RY 9-10 9 . t ~ A tie i sd TAretttans'BofxxStuet ..s txvlitwhox iil'xxxt it
th loejrc t xxevxti~ r i tixx ei hetx x5xeS. txi t ake poitio bs fom ietoxweek Vatdress tlxtil x M ...eeri-7 xxvil
n ixue shormxhilonrefuse xx erms anletF.R CERYFe. ,o g. oed~ coitigiititl. xf ' 7-' in
xxx INWitiie7T"x Iixt St e'xxttxxtl tx si I xxx (xi legsTetanal'iailca rx
ed iesi xviii te e ni5 be ih,8' Existx ,lx$l .0xx , xvii 0tithr $at iss' ri- e X ep t e t i le rit
aunh xxicii ret i llxxegunoil(Iargl ais idGnotn ol J an' ttu GxrandtxhI et xixri'5 t'x T i ns Indxlt'rlnb thee n A nn i lt rbor an-
tupote i t huiimxite th wit hteus I Dacs. Ee lxix'ti b r yxh 'xxxxWtay xe.bos t ~t i
cth estst rei ee Iitera. Iitiis t h xx.11 NNxx, t . iE N~'0)
onteidnltartrseng in c thi iteyprts .5.MVaStetJ-Ai br Y B o sles, - S ae Ste t ,
iitheew frieiatwohichthieytire pui' It th11 ueIAnts& bokC o re.S tueigiA n tsCO.s I'ehaf iir I& O.le

daxy that existedl last tear1 xlthti-1..lu h'lix t cxxx xx~ 7nr
the ixdea vas wxork~edl sut xvithxno-'1l .Yroe
little ethusiasmetbt last year's-
freshmnueandeu sophloniores. An in- I
lerest its atnletics, especially in track shrs a retdi h wocass-- - htohrie gtawy hv o yi rings, but in lote
continued dormant. 'Ness nen xsere Jewelratstwnit. our evariety in rich atnd
inducd toconu ootfor he fint rare. Itn eneeledRittgs and Pent.
indcedto oteou fo th fist dents wicaenttsheow tn u nnurpassed as-
time in class contests who weould not nurtaiett in
have entered in thce regular 'Varsity DIAMONDS
field-day. Class spirit htad an op- 0 OPALS
portunity to air itself, and tinder far PMEALS
more engagitng circumstances thane RUBIES IN Sn~EOil
in the old tinme rushes. In short, TUHQUOISES tt~ti1INA'lION
the field-day was a success is every ECEC
way. 'For theese reasons esiery effort -----____ ___
should be nmavde to get all athtletic WvATCHiES alwnays tave outr mosxt
nmen of the tweo classes concerned wtchfultncave. ttisxuvaim ottptrocare
thtis yainterested in the msatter. only then mosxt perfctntiepieces the
yearwrd produtees. In additiontttn xlii the
The 'Varsity field-day will havee attousmakhes we ashknspeiaattntton
1tor on ecixxxal _10It(3. . .ixo'x
added interest and attraction for the mtoviettet. Thy exost pevrfetlyi-hbal-
ness metn, and entries xill be the eantxxixettxet
lamger for the mntor event. E very WOODttWARD G
efort, too, should be made to get AVS 'G
our best track talent trainedl, he- NSTREET SMITH,
cause of the newxeveent to be placed DOE'lIxT. SONS
on our athletic calendar, namely, & C0.
the Chicago field-day, Jutne ;. ,-

SILAM LAPITPRY! photo grapher,
23 SOUTH FOURTH AVE.. tItt~s x thN.5 ltiiSxx
attd citizens. lieon't enid 'xoiutuo tu i orONE NIGT O N(LYc.
Cattu w l ole tit xi caniget jAunt xxx -.xx0(ltattR. E'.
Jnoll' -xCx's. sve detx'trixxx'gx' eeorstyte. hxxi ISATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11th.
gise ittiyoxnxxxiiitiat insone-haltt. Het amli
codxutxithtestiex uroft heixxx tid ay andttniht. 'hl' u lar Newx Y orkxx.Success,
R. E. JOLLY & CO.. No. 26 SouthSI E R C D
State Street-.I ETR C E
HOT LUNC ES lie wl'xttomediy t evrixxx eii.xxt li
11-t ntttltNew hotk (1st snuili tieinvoupxx~ix l
H.moLo~HL tcomedian Io 515t t EssAgLTltS s itsHoratio
E lx lxxxxttA ties Seampxtxttinstilv
And the very choicest Candie v Llstlrpiutsexi. e'xueehncl ltentxxres. laexx-
-AT- exale SPeciuet Sceniery. A Play wtitthnxxixxv an
* TUTTW',S, *Pathos.
4 S 'ot pitt STATsrtSrR T.tL PRICES, - 35, CO and 7Cc.
--11,STA EBLEP.,zz aso aettWtt'.evlySoe
11 W. Washington St PI OTOGRAPIIR
1=1o0Sxe- rc.m T_ NO. 12 W. HURON ST.



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