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February 08, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-02-08

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'OF n
. 411,6-.

VOL. IZI.-No. Sl,-).


YRI(;E, Txtm,: GENTS.

Minnesota Feels Baca,'
deed--Thinks Michig
Mean for Anythir
'I'l luc ia] fii-J l

a 0
(1t 10il-1ail ''"-i

ROPOSAL I seeard anal in our oplinilon the, ! BRAVE BOYS ARE THE'Y.
Very Bad, In-cnlson udh mc sr Our Ojee and Banjo Clubs Capture
ten is Too log iti it read ais lollows. (Y010 the Goldwater Audienoe With
g.Now, I silc.iila these flirts, t~Iesiibstitutlion Their Singing mnd Playing
1uofsiimie other institution thans \Mich-
iap~' ii he "'o sioslo seam 'idvs'sho (piiaking11 of thie ciocert ithe I 'olil-
ii.. 11r he ign ould01 e15 advth blrout i icat, cos si'ousa
'atstwsaier iepllican says:i
I i U)11 ittheilnivoisot '111l cli ar j
i~tthe X or il- al([ eer 1)(,11 i(.Js'li l );l llt as o( 11 1 01 111 0-i110
' li't b t'ioor ll, I 1111 5ll °a2 1 1 0 CI11111 0101 ]( J
10] 111 101111 ; caliaS 1 C'1 abo11O1 tt17:ot liu:.o'{, 14 1 ,7y
I 1 I11111) 1 u Io l)c-i Y_ o} cio 11; £ is:. t oS: l_
r . i-v iliso-io a Iiv ait ani 01
to s' :a'sloj uc i l] uccooi 10 3ttciSth.u li) i .11
11] 1 ii 0 I iit ta i (l u e1l tric ttoo
,Cl 11o l +' L ]15 I 1111ii o y so lao
1101 )(11I}r1 ft 11151 . i~e~d l
a distnctiy ~ow 11..as lavstocityoolIll bhfre-!'
Llo 10 1 11 i Il Itsooiict?'so l oi[% a(' 0'
101 Ict cc iitho e oi o s an11 ileOil ] '11ssl
oth s lcu l 11111110'ogs tan c an s1 s ic Ioin alsis ois lttloa
-Mak t i1 l ?(' nfsois ofrsosin pleeurila ul 11101
y1_i c(0 t1. rf 1 'it ,ine s'' iis sout eiee'a 'so i lot he oy s oi i n as hianll cc t
ir o fosotb lI -tiva ii e u s l storus sts t
iIriolel O th~ ier rig',sis l t tlcart asad lolal
I' S 14; ii.atend. '!';t 1e11re il a;curM.
or s to ' ' aveperync e ralftsthifaction.t d
onS Olsle-Eth a .c M., ioo fn e at : ior p.as fo .H C \ a rrigcfs
'iN scuossiis lolliilie degre o A. i. aal 1 the reeitilW ith lie ,ghtiii rtie after
'si's r e Mltl' inAmeLaw -3i's olleges .the oncaz~rt andtith er thseyoung

0 ~ ~ ~ ~ oic rrstQt
1 1 I LiSe
11111111111 II GRDE01.11
Ani the L1r11 1 0 Assrti 1 1; o

a' lt ccoloc ailcri 0
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tilasloeathe101as-all lie
bour inostituiliois a'c 'o i
amlounouf isouney tile]
stuidenoshdies lhaeco,
thoc solort outhteicleau
1000s1:Miinsosta first
secuond, Northwsesteron
Mticlhigan fourthl or nuti
111011Cie diutance is ai
factor aclcurin'g to the
1Iii. 'eso it is
farther from iAnns'sArlos
apuolis thoainfronmMiir
An ro n h ado not apply to hoth.
to the same authority,a
time is a very importan
lion. So muds so inde,
time occupied in comic
lrevent thse leans goin
spending a week or tsvo
I n fact, the whole
thse article seems to us
that of the insane man
hii feet hecause they wa
from hiii head, except t
case, the head is the me

in lspoil 0i0
'U. of s
r to 0iiii's
ine'spolis to
e ojections
Iso, thse lost
t considera-
,ed, that the
I here will
ig east and
this spring.
argument of
shout like
who cot off
vere too far
hat in this
mher to he

So far is tine 10)10anii equip'-
111011 go ouor Aoierican11Uhivsersities
conmpare very favorahly with souse
lof the far-fanned Europlean ones.
F~or inistance Corniell alsd the iUni-
versity of :Halle had eachlahoult thle
sae numbiser of studentos last year.
tHalle, howvever, had ais income of
only $-1 6,ooo, of whsichi$170,ooo
wvere aderived frous the state and
$7 5,000 froni investmensts, whlile
Cornell,had an income of.$521,000,
$50,000 of which tenme from the
government and $350,000 frons in-
vested capital. The lihrary of
Halle cost $sa,ooo and ltsat at Cor-
nell $23,000. Harvard has an in-
come last year of $966,000, to $700,
ooo for Paris, $628,000 for Berlin
and $6ro,ooo for Columhia. The
showing is one for which Aniericans
may feel proud-Boston journal.

mlen repaired, wheire thley spen1t a ~l~i~ bU~
very agreeahle loureald1alhalf, IDss'iour, cl
closing uip before 1 2 o'clock. Thsere
sat dowvn to thle taihie splreadl 110thle LioIII511i111, i5
gymnasium rl 110persons. 1101. M. P.J.KINNUCAN,
1). Caiiphell actead as toastmlaster of
the evening aind respsonses. vere
made hy students end othoers.XXWe MEP.CHANT
trust the hoys wvent asvay as well

pleased sith Coldwvater as the people
have seemed to he oith theml. It ls
said a couple of the hoys were cap-
tivated hy Coldwater girls. They
all took the Sunday morninlg train
for Ann Arhor.
Prof. Scott will lecture on {'Art"'
at the Unity cluh, Monday evening.
There will he stereopticon views of
of ancient and modern works of
art, and E. N. Bilhie will sing.


TT Z-I% T^a


ANDsipoli' '11t01"
:'ThTE "TOO.,ELr'S,
mm W._ FO~RT S2'_,
Detroit, Michigan.

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