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October 10, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-10-10

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Pubished Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the College yea, by
Sbeeiptiottspee $2.11 p eyea, ivaiably
in adance single copiso8 cent. Sbseip-
tions may be let at the otticeothIe DcIY,
at Sotlet's, withji any othte editotor
autboeized solcitos.
Commneiclation sold rec te cile by
7 to'oe.M. it they are to apper te net
'ay. Adesas all oatter intended o pblia-
tiotc to the Mccttaging Editor. All boeinret
commniatios shold be et to lie u-
neat Mlaaer.
Ann Arbor.lXieh.
F. E. JaccoceE, lii'91 Mnagnc~itr
EJ. cyTeeWAY It '91 5Asisant
fA. D N[,N Lt ),Asitn.
V. 95r~~ i. c '9c3'cBu ins ageĀ°
I%' . V. cccc-. I t cc i, A -lte t
J. 5.5RN IL .(I-c c-c -cc-
C. . cccc sLt.'1
115 .0II cc ', Lit.'3i;
II,'.BI'E, ccsscccccc-cc
'lie EcditocsIdoccnct hcclc thlecccclvcscreco
iblde fte copiciccns or satemcectofcrese-
pecncts, apiearingO in tlice Oacc.
Whatever ele Saturday's game
revealed aa to the strength of the
eleven, it developed one fact,'T'he
evil which, more than any other,
boo impeded the succeoo of Mici-
ga's athletics, Ican not yet been
eradicated. We mean invidual play-
ing to the detriment of team sork
as a swhole. The reluctance of certain
members of the team to drop on tie
1)011 and forego tie precarious satis-
faction of a brilliant indivicual play
is a case in point. There is no need
to printtnamaes. 'lhe nisdemncos
were sufficiently ovious.
Is the University of Michigan to
be represented at the World's Fair?
This is a question, that many Stu-
dents have asked. If we are to be
represented at this greatest of all
expositions, it is certainly time that
arrangemetnts be taking a definite
So far as we are able to learn no
definite arrangements have been
made. Many colleges throughout
the country have decided to send
exhibits to the World's Fair, and
tile U. of M., the greatest Univer-
sity in the land, should not be back-
ward in thin matter. There sever
will be a better occasion to set forth
the advantages of the U. of At., to
all the world, than during the Col-
ombian Exposition, soon to be
opened. The U. of M. enjoys an


international reputation, ouch as no
other Utiversity has, as proved by
the number of countries represetited
among the students, It would be
natural enough lthatlse foreign vis-
itors would scant to see some evi-
dences at least that soda an institu-
tion f learnincg exists.
It is to he hoped that those lcav-

z&~S Z R
New Firm, New Goods, and Low Prices.
There is notinitg like a SLIM FIGURE to puit it in mlotioni.
Wo have laid in a very Lat'ge Stock of Seasotnable Goode. We-
Bought Cheap. We Sell Cheap. Fitie Footwear, Boots and Shoes.

cccg thlis icatter in charg-eswill see 1toTleo'n Abran ot
it that arracngements be nmade im - TleoJAnAro adNot
mediately tosward giving the U. of Mcia ala
M. the representation she deserves. Tct_.,, tcepturce eve .TcadnsatAncArbor.cc
THE CHORAL UNION COURSE. a-W- - \ e soticcc~ctctc o xcc
Thce Choral Unin again offers a ,A'" No./5. Clare Mail Passngr ... 't1 m
most excellent couirse of concertas5cc.i101.'loledo acnd Ocvc..cc(Succayc
accd recitals for tice comccccgseasoni. I.sdcce LEADING SCHOOL 00'SINES015055 No.M)tt o 'c (clcvcccocnd Occosso t n
Those schco appeasr for tile Secoccd ecodcc cclcc.lccccsuecccclwork;cell'supplilced c cdicccGOINGccci cx.
timue ocn its list of eccgagemnrtcsvwill diad;soth r aduate0'os aleckigvcc positionscies, .cc TledccTricclbxpcess...cc i .ii
liinicgcccexeis$. to2 e5 erektcc incccprivactc;ccccc- 'ccci. Vcledclcc 5c-c-ccccccccclccccccc
bek postinsfro wekto eecddrss-icce i. la
ccclccctlccsicticI lce. cce10c c P-.ec Rvo Ccd L Y Prs cl +ccc o. 101c.dc' ccc.c Socand I ccle~o{tn!i
accciceccce, even wceve othcers icn dou~bt, I.aLAY r ~ II l ccccIIc cc
swhcilcesy cetinily are not. 11cc WeALuccoc Students to See CcentcaI Stacccc Tme
yecar icc cthe frst cocecrt 1bc tice FOB TI-l-_ F Other cc-ccsoc ciclccccectcSuccccc
-- -A. I f . .IIEiNNI'TT, Rl. 9.Gu tovcNcc c t..
lCoral U niocc, will iccsure for iicc a TENNIS - HOES -- IN - STOCK. I Geccnc. .agc-cct. 11cc-cl A'ivcr
wvarmu and hearty recepctioci. 'rie STUlDENTS, SA VE IIALF YOUR MONEY AND3 BUt-Y
Biostonc Symaphony Orecestra is con-
sidered as a regular attachcmenct of n_5~-.A
the series and well deserves to be. iI 1 31914 ' Te'Thoor hoa.Orhstai A H
too well and favorable known to
need any comment, while the tswo
Choral Union concerts are always STUDENTS' BOOKSTORE, STATE ST.
the most popular of the series.
The name of Franc Rummel will be Greek, Latin, French, Gertnatsatid all College Text-Books, Nesv
hailed by all piano enthusiasts, with
delight as one of the best nunibers and Second-Land.
Editiona today, 1,800. I ATW OEALrRCS
' UIESLCL. .=j= 2_.LJCV0 - o rent, a tice haltl0ant rooncs at 12
E. Wasliingtccn. Rooms suitcable for
society purposes. Formierly occupied
by thce N. S8. N. Medieal aociety. 3-6t ~.,---- -
GI flolAl.-Stctenltosswho sishi ts join-c
classes ill German conaversationlanad y \I
reading (scientific Germlan a speeialty) i 0
appy Rt E. GUTErts, Ph. D.,
e.s.s.-7 -3t 72 South State street. -
WANTED-A hustling youing man ts
take agency for a lot class steam laun-
dry. For particulars address 117 La
Peer street, Saginaw, Mich. I ; '
Type writing done at 48 E. Cathe- Fc
rnn street. 3-15 0 I 1
The Detrsit Evenitig News is tnow a ____cl10llc' If
penny paper, and will be delivered )- l
throughout the city at 6 cents a week;
daily and Sunday, l0cts a week. F. -- 8
Stofi-let. 7-7
DANCING.-Mrs. Atinie Word Fos- ___1
ter will be here the last of this monthI
to form classes in Danc ing aud Del-
sarte. Mrs. Foster comes well recoin- ',
menided. She hcas taught with success 1 - /- /
in different cities, and has given large (
CAand beautiful etntertainments. Notice/c
of date given later. ,
Look at the Mammoth line of Over-
coats, Gloves and Mittens, Underwear, ST. THOMAS' MUSIC HALL
Men's. Boys' and Children's Suits, at
The S. T. Jacobs & Co.'s, 27 and 29 Thie above 10 a cut of the tnesw St.11101masO Music Ball oia Elizabethl stoeet,
Main street. 8-14
neat the Cathlie Schsool. It is used at ptesent as a Cathlit chutrcsatsd owving
For Rent - Nicely furtnished room t t mes etn aaiyeeyCtoi ntect fAnAbr
with alcove. Furnace heat. Ocets- t t mes etn aaiyeeyCtoi otect tAi ro
pant called home by death. wvhethei tudent us not, cats be accommcodated.fTceie are twso isoining set-
-It 90 E. Washinsgton St. vices on Sundays, one at 8 a. m. the other at 10:10. Vespeirsuand Benediction
eev Sunday lat 7:30 p.iM


GVCty ljulj4 caJj - ..- Z..

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