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October 10, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-10-10

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VoL. II.-No. s.



The U. of M. Team Defeats the
M, A, A's by a Score of 74
to 0,
Our Boys Win the First Game of
the Season.-Many Strong Pointsj
of Our Team Brought Out in
Saturday's -Game, -- Efficient
Coaching Having its Effect on the
Team's Work.
TI 'Varsity football team de-
feated the M. iA. A. team, Saturday,'
by a score of 74 to o in a 50 minute
game. It cannot be denied that the
M. A. A. team is weak, but Satur-
day's game demonstrated beyond a
doubt that our team will make a
very strong one. The interference
was strong and regular, that of Dy-
gert and Grosh being especially
skilfull. Jewett played his usual
brilliant running game, but did not
stay with his blockers as he should.
In the line Tupper did the best
work, and did much to strengthen a
somewhat weak center. A pleasing
feature of the game was the entire
absence of slugging, and disputing
the decisions of the referee and um-
pire, Messrs. Dyack and Pearson.
The M. A. A. opened the game
by the V with three yards gain.
After bucking the line to no pur-
pose they lost the ball on three
For Michigan Jewett lead off with
a fifteen yard run around the left
end. Good gains by Grosh, Griffin
and Dygert carried the ball down
near the M. A. A. goal and Jewett
carried the ball over, making the
first touch-down within five minutes.
Jewett kicked goal.
M. A A. took the ball to the
middle of the field, but after making
three yards on the V lost the ball.
For the U. of I., Thomas went be-
tween the tackle and guard for five
yards, as Grosh also around the end
for thirty moreGriffin broke through
the line for five yards and Dygert
made the touch-down. Jewett kicked

he was downed. The ball was then inade a touch.down. Jewett kicked
passed to Jewett, who aided by fine goal. . A. A. started the V and
interference, made a brilliant run of gained five yards. Tupper, Decke,
seventy-five yards and a toucih-down. and McAllister seemed to go through
Jewett kicked goal after 1. A. A. without any trouble' Grosh iade
lost the ball at the center of the fifteen yards. Thomas tried the
fiheld, Grosh made io yards around center but dropped the ball and
bush fell on it.
the right cud, GIriffin amdlTupper
each followed with five ards gain, ields fumbled and Jewett got the
ball, made a touch-down and finally
ewett went around the left for fie kicked a goal.
yards antd was stopped by a fine IDetroit made ten yards on V, but
tackle of Parker. Michigan soon carried the ball back
'Tupper, Griffin, and Grosh then and Jewett made another touch-
rushed the ball over for another down, but failed goal. Score, 74
touch-down. Jewett failed the goal. to o.
.T'he teams lined up as follows:
,. A. A. again opened with the ,Ati. t.mA.eA. wsflos
VRlSITr.1.tA.A. Wken
V but lost the ball on a fumble. Woodruf l......eft end-.-.......-.orman of $.
Runs by Dygert, Tupper, Grosh, e Intl tsc A"nA
'Thomas, and Jewett gave U. of M. Harding----t---centerdrush.....-...-..--Ellis
another touch-down. Jewett failed Tomas .... -ght guard-.. Patterson

a difficult kick.
M. A. A. could not keep the ball
long, and brilliant runs by Dygert,
Jewett, Grosh, and Griffin gave the
'Varsity another touch-down. No
M. A. A. took the ball to the
middle of the field and tried a kick.
Jewett caught the ball and aided by
fine blocking carried it down the
field for a touch-down.
Jewell kicked goal as the twenty-
five minute half was up. Score, 30
to 0.
In the second half M. A. A. took
the wind and U. of M. the ball.
After making to yards on ,the V
the 'Varsity made a touch-down by
runs of Dygert, Jewett, and Tupper.
Jewett kicked goal.
M. A. A. again failed on the V,
and runs by Grosh for 5 yards,
Griffin 5, Dygert 3, Decke 3, capped
by Jewett' touch-down raised the
score to 46.
Detroit made 3 yards on the V
and were given five more on oft side

Hayes.--..-....---right end ........---.-Parker
Saderson, quarter back .............Field
Jewett ...ait backs Gutard
Grossek I------needle ICapt.)
Dygert (Capt.).... full back.............Luteld
Referee-Dyack. Umpire-Pearson.
Something New in a Medical Curri-
The demonstration courses of the
medical department, which are the
pride of its curriculum, and an in-
novation in the work of the depart-
ment, begin on Monday and Tues-
day o next week. These courses
consist of practical and laboratory
work in surgery, ophthalmology,
nervous diseases, theory and prac-
tice, pathology, and obstetrics.
These courses are required only of
the members of the junior class, and
are expected to furnish them advan-
tages, sucn as can be secured in no
other college it tie country.

FINE =001 ENS,
55 W ~FORT ST.,
Detroit, Mihigan*
9iihmond Straight Qct.
No. 1

ptay. Athletic and Financial Matters Dis-
Hayes and Thomas broke through cussed-Election of Officers
the line and carried Duffield and the Postponed.

ball back five yards. Duffield kicked
to Grosh, who was given five yards
for interference.
Jewett then carried the ball for a

a goal. touch-down. Jewett kicked goal.
On the next attempt at the V the M. A. A. lost the ball at the cen-
4M. A. A's opened up on the left ter on three downs. Runs by
side and let Guthard through for ten Grosh, Tupper, Dygert, Thomas,
yards before he was downed. and Jewett gave the 'Varsity another
After Duffield lost seven, Brodie touch-down. Jewett kicked goal.
gained eight yards by a rush through After 41. A. A. got two yards on a
the center. Duffield kicked to Dy- rush and five for off side play. Dy-
gert, who made fifteen yards before gert got the ball on a fumble and

Saturday morning it was decided
to have a soph cane. Resignation
of Mr. Kuh as foot-ball manager,
was read and accepted. C. M. Holt
was elected foot-ball captain, and
Frank Briscoe manager. The elec-
tion of sophomore officers was post-
poned to some future meeting, be-
cause it had not been announced to
take place on Saturday. The ath-
letic committee made a satisfactory
report with a balance in the treas-

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R. E. JOLLY & CO.,
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