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January 17, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-17

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tt. of,

--- first two will support the negative,
Professor Thompson on the Levites and te latter two the afirative of The Work Done by the Committee
and Hebrew Criminal in Prepairing Them During
Trial. the question, "Resolved, Thatl Mary, Vacation.
Queen of Scotts, was justly execut- it
Last evening Prof. Thompson ,,T. hose who have done no work in
ed.' This will be a hard-fought st
Crave another of his interesting lec- h the chemical department of the .
Ss . H contest between the best men of this f i. seldom have a fair idea of its
Utres in his Mosaic law series. Ie o .
soitand sOiuld draw at crowd.


_ _ _ j vc~~~~~sct~y i« u t i~ .cx~~

dealt chiefly upon the Levites and
of the trial of Hebrew criminals. The Law Senate Elects Officers,
The seites were the smallest-
tribe of the Hebrew race. t to The law senate met last evening
theis the practice of the learned and elected the following officers:
professions and the work of the civil resilent,W. S. Aggeler; secretary,
department was accorded. The W. M. Beggs; president pro-tei-
triginal law was given into theirpe P NM nal;' rci
keepaisJ.H. anassl.
keeping and was read to the peopie al-arts, J. I. Vanfassel.
at festivals. Levite scribes were to Messrs. King, Thaxton, and Phil-
be found in all cities. They kept lips were appointed to determine
the muster roll of the army, as well what committees the new Senate
' 1 Tlwill need. A comnmittee wvas also
as the family genealogies.n ie .
records were deposited in the tem- appointed to confer with the House
ples and were considered very im- of Representatives, which is cor-
portant. posed of junior laws. The senators
The Jews were the first race to present were assigned to the states
prohibit the practices of sorcery and that they will represent.
incantation for the cure of diseases. ArePaaVs
The physicians were chiefly Levites. A _ y s
The priests generally had a know] It is reported from Poughkeepsie,
edge of medicine. N. V., that the Vassar girls are go-
tut the most important dties of ing to throw conventionality to the
the Levites were judicial. Prof. winds and present a Greek play.
Tompson gave a detailed account The girls will take male parts and
of the methods of dealing justice at will dress in male attire. The play
a period about 500 B. C. He ex- selected is Sophocles' Antigone and
ilained the composition of the tri- it will be presented in April or May.
hunal of 23 men, 13 of whom could The manageresses intend to repro-
convict or 12 could acquit. Sen- duce, as far as possible, the cos-
tence was deferred three days, dur- tumes and general stage effects of
ig which time any one who had ancient time. Representatives of
voted for conviction could change each class will take part and re-
his vote, but a vote for acquittal hearsals are now being held.
had to stand. Many of the old W e '
Webster Program.
Hebrew punishments were severe, ,___
but they were far advanced for tIat The Webster Society meets to-
aigle. night instead of tomorrow and will
render the following program:
THE INTER-COLLEU'ATE DEBATE. Story, A. J. Faulknor; reading, I.
Alpiia Nu Preparing to Take an Act- B. Lipson; debate: "Resolved, That
ive Part in the Contest. the English Scheme of Recurrence
of Elections is better than the Amer-
Perhaps no undertaking is, or is can." Affirmative, J. W. ?Nlurkoch
likely to be, more beneficial to this and Wu. J. Laudman; negative '.
and other Universities, or should G. Jones and It. Linklater. Mr. R.
receive more commendation and en- 1Leismember of the University
couragement from all of our stu Minstrels, promises to furnish a fine
dents than the proposed debate be- musical program. Ladies are speci-
tween this and several of the more ally invited.
important universities of the north-
west. Alpha Nu has acted upon Senior laws are requested to give
the matter and chosen the following the subjects of their theses to U. F.
members as delegates to contest be- Bickley so that they can be published
tween themselves on Saturday, Jan. in a future number of the Law Jour-
28: J. B. Brooks, I. B. Lipson, W. nal.

vastness. A short account of the
work done under the supervision of
Prof. Johnson during the holidays
will be of some aid. On the first
day of vacation a force of about ten
men began putting sp what pare
known as "unknowns." This was
no trifling task, for sixty thousand
of those small boxes of chemicals
were to be distributed, labeled and
stowed away. The first step is to
arrange the open boxes in rows con-
taining one hundred to one hundred
and eighteen. Then they are num-
bered according to a system peculiar
to the professor. 'Ehen the boxes
are taken, row by row, filled and
distributed all over the chemical
laboratory so that a Chicago detec-
tive would be powerless to ferret out
the system and identify the con-
A person in setting out one hitn-
died goes about one-half of a mile,
so that three hundred miles were
traveled by the young men in laying
out the whole amount. Each box
holds about one cubic inch, or
altogether abour twenty bushels of
Then comes the closing of the
small boxes, numbering them from
one to ten on the lids, placing them
in a set of larger boxes, each hold-
ing ten, the larger boxes in this case
being numbered from one to six
thousand. No less than two hun-
dred days work was done before
those boxes were stowed away.
They contain everything, from
the airy hydrogen to the dense mer-
cury, sulphates, carbonates, and
The work described covers that
done in qualitative chemistry alone.
When we take into consideration
the work in general chemistry in
charge of Prof. Freer, quantitative
by Prof. Campbell, hygienic and
physiological by Profs. Vaughn and
Novy, and organic by the venerable
Dean, Prof. Prescott, each asimpor-
tant in its place as that which has
been described, it is no exaggera-
tion to say the facilities for the syste-
matic study of chemistry in the U.
of M. are not surpassed by any insti-
tution in this country.


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