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January 14, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-14

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il4r, tt* of


VO. 1II.-No. Eqs.


I'RIOE, lTinsEss: CENTS.

UNIVERSITY EXHIBIT. ; shown a number of specimens of MICHIGAN TO THE FRONT. 7
act Deartentto e Wll ep-natural history procured bV' Prof. Harper's Weekly Recognizes the
rah e tent toth e World'sRFai Steere 0oilIsis last expedition to the Importance of Western College Y
This Year. antipodes, and styv'rat casts coni- Athletics.WIf/"
taining a miscellaneous display. $thsasassenetsruetat"IfPRERS
It hat.1s. oolyysssoiscairdThetenaemeearthat a PiOuRTERs
Prof M. ,". ooly, wo ischai- "The entlmenin chargee the U. of AKs. lis been so persistently pIF JL S
msan cof the coiumittee swhiclh has wvorking vigorously as the time for dseaddb t tltcettm- DETROIT, MICH.
charg~e oftthUivsisty sllexhibist at getting thse display iii shape is shsort. deaddHarper'se W yeekly. he avo yathei dtrs of -
tie hosist 5fair, Isas mnariycoisn lTeexhibit xwiii cost $ oon, aiid oar base ball tcamo defcated Harvardit
psletcdi arrangcemcntsashischs sill stilltic croswdtedisa thse goon squart ons ter owen grounds inst last sear it
causelteshowcing miiadc by tIbis in- fccaIspace. I esides slit gentral 1defeatedl Yale, but ltarpcr s slid not
stitti~onto lie a comiplete c5c5ess. lisplthe 'niveritylilylxiim~ake ass cceiinsieistiossthefascts. It is, there-
T'lse cmmssittiee imade searnsts nciiexibsitl inithe M1cdiganIbuilding of fore, peculiarly gcatifs'isst ist
tlssvors tis onlain 1 000 ooso ii iccfeest whiat is said Ino elic fiicst collec- the folloswing extracts fsrom a recenti
for the cxliit, but seesoliged to Itiossof0niMisschiscnsagismisals ever niunmier of lIarsec s Wteeklywritess
lie conitentledxxithis non: sqiuarc feetI . atlicredtto- ether. by 'C sper ItI .% ,55 ic 55 issL~ieatiCi tss ~1'
Tfis spice 'sssis'ieslis oothe ,ic Wmnans"Ideaeur ISport uc c im %')orsycs csstle idsmeforist
Winant Idetaahn ierlof the U. of iM. 'Ansateur Sptios olisisi '(fAssArss iesemStsci
bestill hatpartof te lbera art avestern football teagues tthcrc is, in-
Isuilcsig Ithat is givens over to edu-s G(osvcrnsor in ans' msessage to the
ID deed, no end, and it sassioly be 4
lestlegssaureconasssHue csissxv

sspoitsau 5tyes
a arless lissrs

cationalexiis a alithsoughsmth
cimmittee wsil save to abandon the
titan cit lar'viglheadqusartera for ltst
ailumisosf thecUC nixversity on account
sf linmitesd rioom, the execislioss of
their reusaisiing islans sill insure to
tie (TCo . s"tonse ot the finstledu-
rational cxiblits iatltst expositiosi.
'Teplans of the c tisbit includes
large phusogsaphsssiofltst buildings,
rosuscms it ofessoirs to lie Ihung
oiii the xxali, shilcthc centire sf tlist

lug idcas about the University: "Our
Stale University is first in insport-
ance amour our institutlions. The
high standinag it has attainsedsamng
the great schools of the land, and
the superior advantages afforded by
its faculty and cosurses oif study,
result cacti ye.ar isanai increased
isumber of sbtcdensfrons allpharts of
the country. Thlistatendsance has
lucre.ased irons s5lo in Ill86 to

attenspted at this time to girt them 101, 183-185 s sisasisrisiLsvis.,
the mosat cursory glansce. It xvould DETROIT, - - MfCIItG N.
take this entire page toi do them
justice, and at souse time in the near q ihmond Straight Qtit.
future ste hope to Isauslie the sub-tsoIsi
ject niore thoroughily. Weie CIGARETTES.
glbyof oul rgercolleges''>litre ~mssr h
iii the c.at, lbiu tishat ofthe threchageds r t ssjthe osurise
state universities of Michsigansis- tril igar'ssettes, still fid
all'te lii ssiasl.Sri
conir) ad Mnnsot.siit thi tiessie sssiclsio sraightiels
goon00, ,T, nd asc lo i cO tdensse-c'sriinsst diliesstir islared isiS Iigisesttesist
. ,ts ,sGoldSsiiilat'o wnir i Vi rg5ssii. l'his is thesuOld

roomi awilsostili1arme charts -'vc 2,400 in isgo asidh isarly goon at (if Cornell swc squote: 'This yearI
in,- a lhsissorysif tlinstitutionisx ltepmrcscnttIisse. 'litquistion aohrsrrs wie hs h
grssthaisdmasters 5o1 i'cmeralmIdterI'rescents itself, shahllsteattencance sass'oreli aco tualyoutlay I tar-
e:st conscernisng it. k ca1st ill bc be isistecd to lteIpresent capacity of yard at Sprinsfieldh sovemiber ~,
irovicdedwhiich is sltconitaimscopi lsteUnivcrsity or shall accommocha- thsoughi beaten by ax2ntof"-s4,
su~~~~~~~~~~ soeo f all l t hssussikspublisshcchbyniscnis tions tie provided for sll awho maysuhte'spcuir lamsiis-
hers of thic various lfacattics sincc tltesre to comae? I beliect the latter diately jumsped to a phlact vemy close
litCssii!hsics rased coia s i htaieoe mdta to the University of 1Pennsylvania."
list cartons depsartmensts still nmake you cannot be too liberal in grant-
special exhibits. 'ihetlent.al de- ing the appropriationa askesh by the Unity Club Banquest.
sartssent still hare a ruse iii shsichs hoard of Regents. 'their msansage- last trelnisg thme Unity Climb gaye
sts'sytwil display the msethonds andI nent has been careful amid conserva- its anmnal banuet, covers being
avoric of their lbranchs. Twvo cus,ss tive iii the past and I arss confcdent
mussis1 sta vr dlryuua rn tl laid for omit huundreti and thirty
wil b giento hemedcs t' otha eer dola yo my gan wil uess.Th courses of the mnenu
stiltl tie reservedi to biotoi' it be xwisely' used tohproumocte use- ieeitrpre ctmmscb
stories and three for time dusts iy tulness of list-University. Ms aiMs olnMs
from ltechem~ical sicpartmnust. iMs avs isVohnMs
A New Congress. Clarken and Mr. Cleenct. After a
flue mechanical enginieersih epa ri- siort presidhent's address, Mr. hems-
moemt stiltlusake list greatest dspilay, A netwtlegislatlive bodhy is tos be dl atdIisJni dyt h
there being. hboust one-qiuartIer of formsesi and to be knowtnsls cn hi as that-eitrcsoSson-n
list entire sipac-esevotedh to thseir guess odieU f i.ls'setuart-sityatsatrgcesb Ms.Su-
wosrks. lHtre will ut foundi anove- inut. Drisnseatexviiie.cmiuse-
head srill, sets of drawiungs, patterns, of members of the senior taut class dracIls areDufriIls
a fosudry-, forgiing and and useciman- and time house of represenlatives of agdaMGoney,.mo.I.II elt
ical stork, all being time work of I junior lawsa. A number of senioranMrGoe
students and instructors. Time laws mset last evening and adoisted a Thbaqeispoundte
mechanical and civil engineers will constitution to govern thenewatnate nmoat enjoyable and successfulh of
lie given six large stands on awhichs and will meet next Monday eveningayi h itoyo h lb
to plhace their drawings. Dlrawings after Professor Thompson's lecture Prof. Eben Horsford, an eninent
of various kinds will he shown in in room 12 to elect officers. The instructor in chemistry at Harvard,
large portfolios. One of the most jonior laws will meet this evening died Jan. i.
important exhibits will be thsat de- and organize the new hoalse of rep- G. H. Snow of Detroit News be-
votemi to thet museum, awhere will he restntatives. fore Press Club to-night.

Iansi leas useso cuhtssssby 5 sisnstse tilt 181 -5.
Blewrseofs i t ion~is, andi rtserve tisas Slue
firmnameas blow s aneverye~ tIi- <s .
The ALLEN & ouGINtEliranchsl
515Ofltie AmericaniTs 'l' o~sti i.,
au fas uru u eres, - - lticnlmssssslVirginsia.
RO1EHi & SONi,
dollegeiFla-, P is n las Iitos
r'rN',TF 7 001E = T3,s
55 W '-FOmirI2S'T-,
Detroit, Xichigau.

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