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January 13, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-13

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VOL. I111. -No. t,7.


research, or as intelligent anid con' THERE WILL BE A DEBATE.
ris dI~uSi~S o crticl isnmar jTh(at is, if the Necessary. Arrange-1


Seeond Annual Offer of Premiums{
to Uraduates from Engineer-
ng Gourses,
lIl Ii' I i sein Neon s lil i
oiffeis the follosin' srii u us!
rltheblst radueting s'the-sesnofd
_l'v1 1(g5ie ')ourse05 of lly csit
1 eofte llis' ((iii 5' C (a
c~r tc bst olI stiIIn th ~
e'st pltl 5 <cnc ~e
T ill 50 lthirdl ril,7
Foi suetuittier theses as way seemO
to leservsc orsreconnition, I bns
uIlte 'Mentioun, iscomspanieud in eacli
cass. ly twieyears' pasoubsi ip-
sion to Isngineering Ness
T he contlitions of the ronipeti-
'ion wiltlhi. as follos:s
.Coieting tlhrses iiiist tic
-ent il by the college, authorities,
sist by the authors.ITicy most lie
senit i anonyiious~ly, mltias lto
iuthor int les1,ceindorseid osithe
ousie " For(It ngincering News
Ie.i (ouit tuosi olaelilddessedi
,Itare1or Frsnis C( olsingmxood,
is lustrvorte imerican Ssciety
{) Cvil ~ n~ircr~rs [ 2l -lst -it
stret, yew ork w~lo h s I iiills
vo nsiite it to remeive asuitopens the
p or oiss.s Tlihcy oiust lie acconi-
IPaslliedliy a s-sled envelope sidorsedi
oi heotsideswithitse tillse.mf thle
tIs, anud connisnsg wsthiin tlie
namtt,, nill esnd colicee(if thue
1 tlo- nd aertuifiae of someo oi
Of his profssoss, to lheefctha
soltce Ie Cu stoil so'l tuII no 'see i's',f
'5 c'hlt';o aslt'ilgbysuchaexperts iii
te sevalctimassefiso s, m ei
en they1) caalael te tor silssi
reaocslng a just decisioni.-


I 1is of rlder researches. Clensrness, mrents Can be Made with tine 4
conisensess and care in stisisisisz IOt-ie I I jji'1 [
IsIn coniclusions still li be cl a ls oiss ittias aposldbyls /II'f
mserits for us high awardit folurtliteirte societies t h 2 1 a-ei t o ~ nto t}niaes7iy DTR IT' EMIH1h rgti rsr d fw l
c iiin g ady oo fl l r e iu s c s l u n c rl E T O T , M I H
1 4l I iit 1 iililJ
sio lhnes nof sa'e iiti o m a :i ls t bslnboute inteit cV lb ,}lif i ii c bpeset til'le Y i"Xy
t o detrIt es-s uhf lls I d ~ I cuernod11t15 iii v Ofe i til i
n lsi 101111500 it Ibs l CI.ne Iths cey e cp ~ , i #e C
P00 ill ct dem d orhvofl in111 31issli f"I 'tuss
pI lat ot n iill in, 511(1icc (51themos stlI l"
I~~i lOntitinsofpt e sD nth . csnttec ssm
of allhesesastarded anpesssin tmnswlssm orriyo o 0 8-8 oscsl
Honorable Mention i escrded ,tO rlege on al jo nin ebtee stive was ~ ll - MC~iiN
l .isgineerieg)Newso nseiall tlses pciited of ichsigan the 'i.Aletsn
reteivint moet thrmi e ille s pbt e n c udtrsk stftefosI hl~ld Srth it
<}ished. sities toM slecto debaters s
7. No ll s teses stfsaenyIsisebcl- onsla sNt; cntestntb te rep's_'IGARELxplaw.lTES
y- + r.l ll .- c , d epiii 05u ni in *. - f)}Ese diil tips S lItti te Sen schi
leg ei tsh ac tll Incecente e bfol te l o t h asrd, Jli" l ii I anI (lislevy , a n rb p ( u e te prHM 0 0 A0k C AVice
c pettio .I of'the AMN-. T e com miteest
ft6. Thel igtese is t 1ublcatio iv 11full oerltol make1aIrs. nge- Ulms-iiilsisii suiss
thesl ee s a arased preiu s o ls le sii ieici'-r'sisiinisriecgs
I Mr. hiollissgstmentssunithisome universit or col- ot,,1835 15 i in'nii 'ths ( te. Ot
hooabtI et i eere o eefo oitd bt i1itte U i- sE IT , - rt (s~r- MansICeHIGA.s sc
En iern e s n l h ss vr i ofi hig . . Th05coeeeng iOi'si irsiiiinsoli5ii oaiis
rci ngisfomc ums illb s u - h ndecided t ascah ofth or asisl o and eisa' -ii 551.
fished. t siet ies -isl w et bate1rsntossii teri. }. nI~
ti .s Nos t h e5 ses hi ch hi s been. Cl tomesssilltls.c uees its of re'iV~ico ct i ilue i.h I GAR s.iie E TEc'scu Sc .
prio uslxyulpublisheodnrti sinil fulli sorsuin cigarette moi'ssii
~. Iliiussstunxx it e ossnoussid es f t ea t er sie tisi a
sosasnctil sbeou elor furtis r te i C-ins thUnin Cones1) rice5
codiI tll atieleanecoisne diecideder!
cuopeit(so nolnsui ertunIti s oer l~FR t RNITYC;-aetJswElRYin
8.y Axises toheses cnl psis 1us fseocrccrsfulir s ces .i - z-ulsisui
Afe tiamp('tt o he slcel isss ia u illIt sill beof te ns rait c ,( it
tiheepies rn"toIse inec e'lvNcirs ofy 5Cutm ci-sat)Iy<'l in 'Inreses t ~ 'e ww~ie oit S rrt
hutttemsubosdinsse 515 wits P - retus mush I tail nests ssou lxand cost
ther. it slins lull s a e halln0orilllesI ibeT'smsineil~onsiamTiiasixthe Ol
Istrmi -mm cc yiist usesaspo intdIh--tr out ferente, i !Cr slBado tag}tCtc c(ts
ieoe A g s ,I 'adshtisued i ost'sfuro ' inann't I ttlint bsyu--nti z h '5 °;_ 1'' i.i
) as s ~ - -1nd e clbvie ast etherinto thns ta 3.vir ,~;ae ini (D a t
S es ntinh-as91 95 te strlito mnueie l ni lr bi ~ecriakiz
mi xs'mnressuau ~m 't il m ' l inons It t herfC 1ssivlnisueof 'ussmis. n-r l jh x1>J~I r I-;I'i'jr }ianc
mar mm Ill ofelAsshitethnhss'sacoo Cs
ss tiestofotalks oatlierIpartouf ofaTAILO

;.The cb'asis of selection for pine- Christ''at the Chsurchs of Christ tnslructorsjenninas ansikickanod, v
sosums still be same as that uiseelin next Sunday evening, Janusary 14th, of thme literary departmsent, are tak-
selecting papers for publication in a1 7:30 p. m. ing a special course ins dissection. AND NIV~O sTEE us
engineering journals or society pro- Mrs. Angell still speak before the The nanme of Colonel Dean has
ceedings; that is to says theses will ' Woman's League on "Wiorks of been mentioned for regent, and if F'= 'T-T~ O F
b)e graded according to their appar- Women at the Columbian Exposi- he should receive and accept the ap-
ent permanent value for the ad- lion," Saturday, at 4 p. mo. A social pointmenst, the University xvould re- 55 VAT._E'OZI iWSTb,
vancement of engineering practice or time enlivened by college songs will ceive tlhe services of an earnest and
theory, either as records of original be indulged in after thse address. failthful worker. Detroit, Michigan.

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