AM tt* Vf . 1a°a VOL. I111. -No. t,7. _ UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FPIDAY, JANUARIY 1t,lS193. research, or as intelligent anid con' THERE WILL BE A DEBATE. ris dI~uSi~S o crticl isnmar jTh(at is, if the Necessary. Arrange-1 PRICE, THREE (DENTS. GRADUATING THESES Seeond Annual Offer of Premiums{ to Uraduates from Engineer- ng Gourses, lIl Ii' I i sein Neon s lil i oiffeis the follosin' srii u us! rltheblst radueting s'the-sesnofd _l'v1 1(g5ie ')ourse05 of lly csit 1 eofte llis' ((iii 5' C (a c~r tc bst olI stiIIn th ~ e'st pltl 5 J~I r I-;I'i'jr }ianc mar mm Ill ofelAsshitethnhss'sacoo Cs ss tiestofotalks oatlierIpartouf ofaTAILO ;.The cb'asis of selection for pine- Christ''at the Chsurchs of Christ tnslructorsjenninas ansikickanod, v sosums still be same as that uiseelin next Sunday evening, Janusary 14th, of thme literary departmsent, are tak- selecting papers for publication in a1 7:30 p. m. ing a special course ins dissection. AND NIV~O sTEE us engineering journals or society pro- Mrs. Angell still speak before the The nanme of Colonel Dean has ceedings; that is to says theses will ' Woman's League on "Wiorks of been mentioned for regent, and if F'= 'T-T~ O F b)e graded according to their appar- Women at the Columbian Exposi- he should receive and accept the ap- ent permanent value for the ad- lion," Saturday, at 4 p. mo. A social pointmenst, the University xvould re- 55 VAT._E'OZI iWSTb, vancement of engineering practice or time enlivened by college songs will ceive tlhe services of an earnest and theory, either as records of original be indulged in after thse address. failthful worker. Detroit, Michigan.