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January 12, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-01-12

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c IJE t. of

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VOL..III.-No. (i16.



THE PHILOLOGICAL SOCIETY, who are interested in the literaryI THEIR JANUARY MEETING,.
its Organization. Field and Program sd fte ssoiaIsine a The Board of Regents Met Yester-
of Work-An Important Organi- profit hy the woric of this society, day and Held Three Long Ses-
zation. Students of languages wilindulmuchi sions.
.among the large snurnher of things thsat directly concerns their particslar ft was after Iris o'clock last niht
line of workc in the discussions cof
,)i which we feel the iseedtin our tr oit sxel inl oewhen the IBoardl of PRegents decided
t ' iisersity asdwi ch xxe hope foi htwl rueteritrs n to postpone further deliheratioirs till
it some fuiiture tiuie, not the last is thtwlla oeehi iibet n c. ri-5. The memorial to he tpre-
sonicmeas sof effectively sellinginraetirnfnaiornieaii sented to the legislature is riot yet in
foth thti results of origisal research stouthidy patieixct 5anuecefinite forni and the list of requireul
oni the ptir of hotih faculty and xlii Iiawxvxaried is the field covered hy airoaitoi ictlnio
tents l ic tome inistituiitxali h voio iiO aitioioiaiiaxnhe It iiicnderstood tiat asufficient
versity iPrexsssipilies thix neci, af - 11msiiirivibe ashen tio conipiete the
iording at the samue timic a stciiliis o ioelohveo ilpeetgymi. Also cinexv aduministration
to wxork of the lhrchexi: urne. erand recitation bruilrlin gxvilhe asked
at Mticin ii xarc forcedl to rely on ppr Xasetoei iepo for. t'larasxvereshbmittedl yester- or v,
fir th yeiiare ros rocia cay hy Arctiitect Arraoldi, of Dietroit,
=srcietics and clbinprsrt liii tire emirt I) (oge, A'riter, Ioife frt, utlrg;htfrhrta
iiiipulse to xiiihi xxiik, rndtliigely I iiSotoere Eikead th ias huileing istifrtheratdsao
Hech iitBlsr rkeadr ttie place frat ikiiig its resultsox ernelddirtiorn toa aiuier ofthshebidnisntevadso
otiresnintire Lnosngle<Yixiatoes.IHoxethI
kovu.instructors anil grailuate studlents. ' 111)
Irstire iiriiixlist rof or ganiza- thesuhjects rancefoatreato-otiherhbuildirags Presidlent Ange1l1)
liorisof tisrntre tire PilrolorealgefothinlOcbr
Soitssrnxiox rrotnet hip of tire Greeki tragedy, Riaesus, pronounced necessary iniis fcoe
to thce Gothic translation of St. Isi- err otr hadtaefr
tireshin it nn .rautireei eore, and from phaonaetics to literary tr ugti atkov u ti
airreciatedilerica asv muchiasist crticismi. generally supposed that the lisrxturnsI
shrouldribe.in xvrewcoftis firct it hg hsyai codnewt
Such a society should he scppaorted lii isyai codrrexrl
nne riot ire out o1fipiace to give a iytr reeaeoflreorrr ftire idea that tire tUraversity must
orehoritlirae of itxshixtorcyand oelxrk.csedeasa tsraeinsci hitrt aive money or lose its positina
ofV~rreseveraycrstbeeri ihursiday evenings irarnrni f iethe forenmost Unirversity ir Amuerirca. u
nrldwitisor hleisrdlaaiy 'tire ihomeoparticifirficity xvax O,,cii
fornihty netig o prsnsiner iinadefiritely itahled, althcoughistire crii
c~stMEND hrENTSica PROPOSED b-professors of that diprtmenit vere tutc
jets heing tire discuissiora iii papersx____ on hand to look after theirinterestx. iii

Arnir rices, scn rin cCiaorriire is
ioi. iso-run Wnnrnrrir irrn.,
['tO LT, - - Mii 1IIIAN .
thmond Straight Qcit.
y No.
i gartteSimokers whor
a reewilirng t caens iior
'iiri niiire tnte tiice
'trsdeigretes, ilcrfind
aiTheictond t raight
to.1'igrettescarceimraeelrote brigrn-
rrrrtrdelirctelyilaireds randihigietiCost
ILent rowincrrrVirginia.'This isthreOld
trgirinalrnr'f-StaighrtCut tCigre'ttes
wars brughtroutrbyvuin tnnr tic,Fi.
warre imrrcita i nobervec tratr tir
nait belowi'iiscrten eryickiage
eAL~tIEN & rot I.E tlrartch
Or Ore AtricnriaxrcrciCo.,
irseturers, ricrrrid, igna

Ad the Meeting of rice NorthwesternI
ournralxarid receicttruhlircationix Inter-Coiiegiate A. A.
Irheforna oi tireorgarnizationc wvs
fo rerly vcry loxose arcdl lie sesxions 'e commraittee reconamaended'iithat
curare szhirt informralrernundarer ihe the followsiugarmendelnrts he suh-
I cire f nly a conmmrittee of mitteed to the various universities for
arrngemenctxs I xvi years a'o.i itadtion to tire league constitution
cciiec defi nite orgriaton ws Ts. 'Tie annual eetirig of this
oificted nd shrt rontiturtion associatiora shalli he held during tire
adioprted. t uricr thax ise regime Charistmas vacation, at Chicagoe.
Prof.I irorics axiis mcli tin odince (d 2d. ny violation oflice eriles of
pesrit ciii iortirepresent tiii' this axssociatiorn strati render a unci-
inch IProfs. frletirnd l tern i lx ers'ity lribleIcrsuisicenisiniatrylie
seiivcciax xecr etarirex. executive commrirttee until tire next
Sonic Ipexrsonstlahor unrc tire mieetia"nitoftire associatini, asci to
iiprresexri that tire termiiiirphllogy expxulioinhy tire unaniiaouss vote of
appihexsnonly tin tire xtudely nf liguis-ftire universitiex reipresernted at sucs
tics buact tha t tisxoxiretymixssvrewsed mtn .
its field rather in lice bladlthsa tire el. Anay team failirag tin inect its
nrrowixenne of tire, terma is sihoxvn engagements slash, unless failure he
hay tire conditions of menahership caused hy unavoidable accidnrt in
which read suhstantially ax follows: traveling or hy postponement xith
'Eligible toi membership are all the consent in writing of the other
uersns engaged in teaching langua- team, forfeit that game ad member-
wes and literature in this University, shaip in the association.
graduate students in languages and 4th. No referee or umipire for
literature and such other persons as football, or umpire for baseball shall
the officers may recommend to the be a student or alumnus of either of
society for membership." the contesting universities.
It is thus seen that all persons Concluded onthird pigv..

'Fh ieamont ot yr no iwas appiropa
elated to hbuy illustrative tplates for
lice tprofessor of isatallurgy, anad
'a5o foe illustrative apparatus for
Latin clauses. 'tine nater of ilat-
lug thae canapuistry' electricity wcas
treof. Cooliey, iibhtalf of tine
coictnittee on Worldi's hair exhihit,
nande a relcort antreceivedt direc-
tionas fronatire Regents to use tire
,$-,ooo sqiuare feet allotteed, anmetwas 1) ic
guaranteed $5,ooo ho cover expenases. C
'lie secondelreceictions cittire
Htohart Gulet xiii he held on Sat-

urday evening, Jan. r4.
1irof. Adamos closes his xworktlis
wceek for thcis sensester at thre Univ.
He xill go to Bhaltimore to lecture at
Johns Htopkins University on the
"iScience of Finance." the swill
lecture on the same subject here
next semester. Course 5 in Pol.
Ec. will be conducted for the re-
mainder of the semester by Prof.
Taylor, who will lecture on,
"iPrinciples of Distribution," a
course omitted during the spring
semester of '92.

:PT- W 7AEO I S 1
Detroit Xiohigan.

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